這是針對上一 po 的 announce: "chitex (Windows 與 Unix) - 新版"
Before install chitex:
You need to install some packges.
*(Install tetex or texlive.
New package of linux contains texlive as default.)
(0) For Fedora:
Fedora 9 and Fedora 10 include package texlive.
If you are in Fedora 9-10, you should first install:
軟體開發 (安裝 Fedora 時 安裝)
(或安裝 Fedora 後安裝 gcc 及 dvipdfmx) 及
texlive-2007-30.fc9(i386) (or texlive-2007-35.fc10(i386))
(安裝 Fedora 時 或 之後 安裝
安裝 Fedora 時: 應用程式中選 "編寫與出版"
gcc, xdvi, dvipdfmx (安裝 Fedora 之後安裝)
(1) Debian:
Debian 4.0 include package texlive-full
If you are in Debian 4.0, you should install:
gcc, gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev) (一定要?w裝)
dvipdfmx, xdvi and freetype1-tools
(2) Ubuntu:
Ubuntu 8.04 include package texlive-full
If you are in Ubuntu 8.04, you should install:
gcc, gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev) (一定要?w裝)
dvipdfmx, xdvi and freetype1-tools
(3) FreeBSD:
If you ar in FreeBSD 7.1 you should install:
Developer (安裝系統時選取, 或之後補選取安裝)
Hung-Yih Chen
email: [email protected]