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1subject: 明天會更好Promote 1 Bookmark 02009-07-05quote  

We are the world 比起來,格局就小多了,只是為反盜版。但歌曲本質還是好的。



民國七十四年,「明天會更好」發起人李壽全由張艾嘉和創作人羅大佑等人發起的反盜版運動,結合了當時海內外六十餘位知名歌手,寫下了唱片界的空前紀錄,更在社會造成極大的迴響 .此時再看到這首MV除了懷念舊時兒時的好時光,更令人感慨現世的混亂,我們的明天真的有更好了嗎? (此MV畫面截自TVB)

詞:羅大佑 / 張大春 / 許乃勝 / 李壽全 /
邱復生 / 張艾嘉 / 詹宏志

(蔡 琴)輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
(余 天)看那忙碌的世界是否依然 孤獨地轉個不停
(蘇 芮)春風不解風情 吹動少年的心
(潘越雲)讓昨日臉上的淚痕 隨記憶風乾了

(甄 妮)抬頭尋找天空的翅膀 候鳥出現牠的影跡
(李建復)帶來遠處的飢荒無情的戰火 依然存在的消息
(林慧萍)玉山白雪飄零 燃燒少年的心
(王芷蕾)使真情溶化成音符 傾訴遙遠的祝福

(黃鶯鶯)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手 讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
(洪榮宏)讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲 為明天獻出虔誠的祈禱

(陳淑樺)誰能不顧自己的家園 拋開記憶中的童年
(金智娟)誰能忍心看那昨日的憂愁 帶走我們的笑容
(王夢麟)青春不解紅塵 胭脂沾染了灰
(李佩菁)讓久違不見的淚水 滋潤了你的面容
(費玉清)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手 讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔 讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲 為明天獻出虔誠的祈禱

(齊 豫)輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
(鄭 怡)看那忙碌的世界是否依然 孤獨地轉個不停
(江 蕙)日出喚醒清晨 大地光彩重生
(楊 林)讓和風拂出的音響 譜成生命的樂章

(合 唱)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手 讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔 讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲 讓我們期待明天會更好

(蘇 芮)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手 讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔 讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲 讓我們期待 明天會更好(齊秦和聲)

(余 天)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手 讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔 讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲 讓我們期待 明天會更好(蘇芮和聲)

(合 唱)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手 讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔 讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲 讓我們期待 明天會更好

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joined: 2007-08-09
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新竹, 台灣
2subject: Michael Jackson 也有類似的歌Promote 1 Bookmark 02009-07-05quote  

Heal the World - Make it a better Place -For you and for me!



Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better
world for our children and our children's children. So that they know
it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

Refrain (2x)

There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.

You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children

edited: 2

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