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google chrome 真是雞婆

joined: 2008-01-21
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1subject: google chrome 真是雞婆Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-10-21quote  

Linux Technical FAQ

Q. Why do the Google Chrome packages automatically add the Google Chrome repository and repository key to my distribution's package manager?
A. We wanted installing the packages and getting updates to require a single click: download the package, click OK, and it's installed.  Requiring users to add an extra sources line, update the package list, then find the package in the updated list is too much effort.  If you don't want this behavior, Create an empty /etc/default/google-chrome before installing. You can also add the line: repo_add_once=false to /etc/default/google-chrome to achieve the same effect.

Q. Why does the Google Chrome package install a cron job on RPM systems? (i.e. Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva)

A. On some RPM-based distros, the RPM / repo database is locked while the installer is running.  As a result, we cannot add the repository and/or the repository key during the install.  Instead, a cron job does this at a later time.  See previous entry for instructions on how to disable this cron job.

Q. Why does the Google Chrome package install a cron job on Debian systems? (i.e. Debian, Ubuntu)
A. We found some Debian-based distros will remove the Google Chrome source when doing an upgrade, meaning users will silently stop getting updates. All the cron job does is verify the above sources line still exists; it doesn't do any updating itself.  Again, /etc/default/google-chrome controls this behavior. You can either create an empty /etc/default/google-chrome or explicitly add the line: repo_reenable_on_distupgrade=false.


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新竹, 台灣
2subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-10-21quote  

我的 mandriva 真的有被加入 repository & cron job,那時真的有點驚訝。

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3subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-10-21quote  

debian 的 cron.daily job 裡頭如果 repo_add_once = true 會自動加入 google 的 pubkey


原來 tetralet 前輩早就發現了
我真是後知後覺 Embarassed

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4subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-10-21quote  

chrome 好像會把一些 cache 丟到 /dev/shm,用 ls -la 可以看到許多 的東西,有必要用隱藏檔那麼神祕?

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