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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
edited: 2
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
edited: 2
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
另外,在blackberry 上有带功能鍵,現在默認為开启虛擬鍵,但在使用功能鍵切換应用後,虛擬鍵盤還是會弹出. | |||||||||
shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
什么時候可以對硬鍵盤進行优化? 不能流暢使用gcin好煩 。。。 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
這個問題已經修正 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
我在 Android 8.1 emulator 測試實體鍵盤沒看到問題。不清楚 key 2 的情形是什麼。 或許更新到最新版,把螢幕鍵盤關閉後,看會不會改善? edited: 2
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
現在已经是最新版本了,还有更新的? 我一直都沒有開启触控鍵盤, 刚才有重罝输入法,大概過了30分钟,用硬鍵盤打字就会慢下來。用cedime沒有任何这样的情况, 而使用屏幕鍵盤也仍然沒有問题。 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
昨天晚上出的。如果無法解決,試試清除資料、重新安裝看看。 edited: 1
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
刚更新過了,也重新安装過,刚开始会很快,一段時間后就会慢下来。触屏鍵盤仍然不受影响。 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
有在 Android 7.1 + Logitech k480 測試過,沒有你說的問題。不清楚為何 key 2 有這種情形。如果 gcin 的注音鍵盤 選擇 拼音 來輸入,是否有同樣的問題? | |||||||||
shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
注音的速度非常快,仓颉使用实体鍵盘的時候还是比较慢。 请问这个输入法有无日志可以查看?
在每一次重置之后,输入法的响应速度非常快; 在用過一段時間后,输入法的响应速度就会慢下来。 仅指实体鍵盘
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
另外,在使用fooview这个軟件時,选字框无法显示出来,应该是被遮檔住了。 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
有些手機為了省電,有管控 background process,原本猜測是否 background process 被封鎖的關係。 不過如果拼音可以,不像是這個問題。螢幕鍵盤/實體鍵盤 都是用同樣的 engine,只是輸入的介面不同。 你先試試看解除背景的 process 封鎖看看。 edited: 1
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
我很早就有将gcin列入例外了,現在应该不是那个问题 | |||||||||
shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
ok, 現在这个问题似乎并沒有那么严重了,我自己也不能理解这个问题到底是怎样造成的。 不过这些都能阻擋我对这款输入法的喜愛,因此我現在已經用上了捐贈版。 希望在之后能看到更优秀的gcin, 功能一定不要很多,一定要快:同時也希望能看到一些对实体鍵盤的針對性优化。
感谢耐心回复。 | |||||||||
shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
我已經找到了问题所在, 在设定中,"由.gtab指定" 改为"全部开启"(仓颉里为前三项) ,然后再在输入法中重新加载输入法。 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
今天用了一天 ,還是会卡,不知道该要怎麼辦才好。我用sumsang note 8测试了螢幕鍵盤 ,在响应速度上是沒有任何問題的,但一在blackberry 上使用實體鍵盤就會出現這種問題;让我不得不停止使用gcin。。希望你能尽快解決這個問題吧。。 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
不知道有沒有 install clean master, **守護 一類清記憶體的軟體?如果有,先移除看看。 還有,先不要用 gcin 自備字型,因為會增加記憶體的使用。 找一台其他的 Android 手機,用 otg + usb keyboard or Bluetooth keyboard 測試 gcin 輸入法,看有沒有問題。我自己試過五四三倉頡是沒問題,你是第一個反應此問題的人。 edited: 5
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shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
我刚才分别在 samsung note 8 以及blackberry key 2上測試了蓝牙鍵盤 note 8 上响应速度非常快 ,blackberry key 2上依然有些慢 在这里我截取了blackbeery key2上使用gcin输入時的一些log ,希望能有所帮助。
10-02 15:17:38.030 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.047 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.047 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.159 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.163 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.163 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.201 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.215 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.215 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.217 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 15:17:38.217 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 15:17:38.242 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 15:17:38.263 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 15:17:38.329 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.349 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.349 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 0 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]screen on : need image , to IMAGE mode 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:38.416 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:38.421 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x03, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:38.421 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]-------CARMERA-HOME KEY DOWN-------- 10-02 15:17:38.421 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:38.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:38.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:38.447 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.447 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:38.602 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.602 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.618 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.618 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:38.633 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.633 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 1 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:38.671 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:38.675 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:38.676 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x02, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:38.676 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]------CARMERA--HOME KEY UP---------- 10-02 15:17:38.676 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:38.676 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:38.677 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:38.677 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:38.678 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:38.678 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:38.678 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:38.680 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:38.680 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:38.681 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:38.681 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:38.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:38.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:38.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:38.682 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:38.683 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:38.683 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:38.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:38.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:38.684 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:38.685 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### image_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:38.689 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### nav_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:38.689 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:38.689 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:38.690 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.699 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.699 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.820 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:38.833 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:38.833 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.042 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:39.050 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.050 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.127 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:39.133 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.133 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 0 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]screen on : need image , to IMAGE mode 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:39.219 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:39.224 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x03, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:39.224 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]-------CARMERA-HOME KEY DOWN-------- 10-02 15:17:39.224 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:39.230 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:39.230 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:39.374 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:39.374 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:39.529 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.529 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.588 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:39.588 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:39.602 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.602 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 1 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:39.673 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:39.677 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:39.678 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x02, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:39.678 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]------CARMERA--HOME KEY UP---------- 10-02 15:17:39.678 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:39.678 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:39.679 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:39.679 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:39.679 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:39.679 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:39.680 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:39.681 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:39.681 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:39.681 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:39.681 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:39.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:39.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:39.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:39.684 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:39.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:39.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:39.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:39.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:39.685 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:39.687 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### image_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:39.691 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### nav_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:39.691 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:39.691 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:40.050 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:40.053 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.053 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.177 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:40.181 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.181 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 0 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]screen on : need image , to IMAGE mode 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:40.268 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:40.271 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x03, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:40.271 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]-------CARMERA-HOME KEY DOWN-------- 10-02 15:17:40.271 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:40.275 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:40.275 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:40.467 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:40.469 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.469 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.504 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 15:17:40.504 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 15:17:40.551 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:40.553 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.553 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 1 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:40.650 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:40.655 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x02, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:40.655 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]------CARMERA--HOME KEY UP---------- 10-02 15:17:40.655 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:40.665 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### image_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:40.668 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### nav_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:40.668 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:40.668 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:41.029 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.039 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.039 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.054 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 24 -93 -8 180 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 15:17:41.158 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.176 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.176 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.198 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 15:17:41.198 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 15:17:41.218 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 15:17:41.231 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 15:17:41.332 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.339 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.339 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 0 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]screen on : need image , to IMAGE mode 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:41.425 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:41.430 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x03, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:41.430 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]-------CARMERA-HOME KEY DOWN-------- 10-02 15:17:41.430 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:41.435 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:41.435 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:41.460 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.475 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.475 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.505 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.505 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:41.661 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.661 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.680 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:41.681 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:41.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:41.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:41.683 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:41.683 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:41.683 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:41.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:41.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:41.684 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:41.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:41.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:41.686 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:41.686 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:41.686 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:41.686 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:41.687 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:41.688 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:41.688 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:41.689 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:41.720 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.720 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:41.742 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.742 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.745 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 1 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:41.746 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:41.751 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x02, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:41.751 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]------CARMERA--HOME KEY UP---------- 10-02 15:17:41.751 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:41.759 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### image_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:41.765 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### nav_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:41.765 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:41.765 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:41.801 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.822 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.822 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.866 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=surface_comfort_controller state=Run cvir=39.5414 cspt=0 cval=39.5414 cerr=39.5414 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 27504 9843 4601 230 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.120002 0.0429458 0.0200745 0.00100351 0 0 0 > 10-02 15:17:41.930 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:41.941 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:41.941 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.119 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:42.124 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.124 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.247 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 0 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]screen on : need image , to IMAGE mode 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:42.252 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:42.257 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x03, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:42.258 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]-------CARMERA-HOME KEY DOWN-------- 10-02 15:17:42.258 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:42.258 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.258 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.262 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:42.262 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:42.322 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:42.322 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:42.477 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.477 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.492 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:42.492 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:42.509 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.509 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.682 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:42.683 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:42.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:42.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:42.684 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:42.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:42.685 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:42.686 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:42.686 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:42.686 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:42.686 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:42.687 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:42.687 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:42.687 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:42.687 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:42.687 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:42.688 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:42.688 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:42.688 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:42.688 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:42.756 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:42.756 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38344) after 10000ms 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2$1.a(SourceFile:102) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.a(SourceFile:3032) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.call(SourceFile:93) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 15:17:42.875 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 15:17:42.898 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 15:17:42.898 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 15:17:42.899 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 15:17:42.911 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.911 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.927 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 15:17:42.927 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 15:17:42.938 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.938 3556 3556 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 15:17:42.944 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 15:17:42.944 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 1 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]sig_in_key 10-02 15:17:43.001 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]status = 0xb0(GF_INT_KEY),key=0x02, Temperature=0x0a 10-02 15:17:43.001 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]------CARMERA--HOME KEY UP---------- 10-02 15:17:43.001 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_in_key ]@@@@@@@ done gf_send_key(KEY_F1, 1) 10-02 15:17:43.008 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### image_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:43.012 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [detectBaseUpdateFingerUp]### nav_base, ret = 0 10-02 15:17:43.012 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_unlock ]mutex_get_unlock 10-02 15:17:43.012 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ATN Project 20180529 version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-02 15:17:43.684 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:43.687 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:43.689 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:43.689 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:43.689 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:43.689 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:43.690 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:43.690 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:43.690 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:43.690 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:43.691 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:43.691 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:43.691 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:43.692 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:43.692 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:43.692 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 15:17:43.693 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 15:17:43.693 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 15:17:43.693 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 15:17:43.693 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 15:17:44.133 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 27 -92 -8 208 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 | |||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
你的 log 裏面的 message 會不會太密集,cpu load 可能有點重,不過不是 gcin 的,gcin 的會有 'E gcin:' ,message 類型是 error. 如果說這樣會影響 performance,我覺得是有可能。 --------------- 10-02 15:17:42.944 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]SIGIO: sem_value == 0 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1021 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler ]g_mode = 0x1(GF_KEY_MODE); g_state = 0x0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]value == 0 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]g_sensor_status = 1 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]sig_handler_loop::screenStatus=0(on:0, off:1), g_mode=1(GF_KEY_MODE),g_state=0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [sig_handler_loop ]#####################handler called.7 g_mode = 1(GF_KEY_MODE) g_state = 0(GF_HAL_IDLE) 10-02 15:17:42.996 1021 1452 D FingerGoodix: [mutex_get_lock ]mutex_get_lock
edited: 2
| |||||||||
shingli joined: 2018-09-27 posted: 19 promoted: bookmarked: |
Last login: Tue Oct 2 15:28:38 on ttys000 Cherngs-Mac-Pro:~ Cherng$ adb logcat --------- beginning of crash 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.tct.support.security, PID: 3368 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider com.tct.support.security.NumberMarkerProvider: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SharedPreferences in credential encrypted storage are not available until after user is unlocked 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:6306) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.installContentProviders(ActivityThread.java:5869) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5777) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1692) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6558) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:826) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SharedPreferences in credential encrypted storage are not available until after user is unlocked 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:387) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:372) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSharedPreferences(ContextWrapper.java:176) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.gl.<init>(Unknown Source:6) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.gm.b(Unknown Source:3) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.fj.b(Unknown Source:2) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.fk.getPreferenceService(Unknown Source:4) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.em.R(Unknown Source:4) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.em.ag(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.do.<init>(Unknown Source:45) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.do.e(Unknown Source:13) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.dp.a(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.iw.<init>(Unknown Source:22) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.iw.du(Unknown Source:13) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.if.init(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdk.common.TMSDKContext.init(Unknown Source:203) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at com.tct.support.security.SecurityApplication.initTMS(SecurityApplication.java:20) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at com.tct.support.security.NumberMarkerProvider.onCreate(NumberMarkerProvider.java:44) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(ContentProvider.java:1917) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(ContentProvider.java:1892) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:6303) 09-29 23:38:13.959 3368 3368 E AndroidRuntime: ... 10 more 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.tct.support.security, PID: 3395 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider com.tct.support.security.NumberMarkerProvider: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SharedPreferences in credential encrypted storage are not available until after user is unlocked 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:6306) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.installContentProviders(ActivityThread.java:5869) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5777) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1692) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6558) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:826) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SharedPreferences in credential encrypted storage are not available until after user is unlocked 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:387) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:372) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSharedPreferences(ContextWrapper.java:176) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.gl.<init>(Unknown Source:6) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.gm.b(Unknown Source:3) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.fj.b(Unknown Source:2) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.fk.getPreferenceService(Unknown Source:4) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.em.R(Unknown Source:4) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.em.ag(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.do.<init>(Unknown Source:45) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.do.e(Unknown Source:13) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.dp.a(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.iw.<init>(Unknown Source:22) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.iw.du(Unknown Source:13) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdkobf.if.init(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at tmsdk.common.TMSDKContext.init(Unknown Source:203) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.tct.support.security.SecurityApplication.initTMS(SecurityApplication.java:20) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at com.tct.support.security.NumberMarkerProvider.onCreate(NumberMarkerProvider.java:44) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(ContentProvider.java:1917) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(ContentProvider.java:1892) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:6303) 09-29 23:38:15.116 3395 3395 E AndroidRuntime: ... 10 more --------- beginning of main 09-29 23:56:59.434 20381 20381 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onPageUnselected - enter 09-29 23:56:59.446 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 09-29 23:56:59.449 20381 20381 I Dialer : CallLogAdapter.onSaveInstanceState - saved: 0, selectedItemsSize:0 09-29 23:57:00.003 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:57:00.026 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService BroadcastReceiver.intent action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 09-29 23:57:00.026 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver end 09-29 23:57:00.028 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 5 lines 09-29 23:57:00.029 4367 4448 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver TIME_TICK finish 09-29 23:57:00.030 4367 4367 I Weather : onReceive. intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 09-29 23:57:00.031 4367 4367 I Weather : WeatherTctWidget onReceive(). intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 09-29 23:57:00.035 4367 21050 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 09-29 23:57:00.039 4367 21050 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 09-29 23:57:00.045 4367 21051 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 09-29 23:57:00.049 4367 21051 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 09-29 23:57:00.076 840 1357 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xd9850000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback) 09-29 23:57:00.135 1105 1163 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:00.166 840 1357 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 09-29 23:57:00.169 840 1357 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0 09-29 23:57:00.169 840 1357 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset 09-29 23:57:00.169 840 1357 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(1: handset) 09-29 23:57:00.169 840 1357 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(1) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 09-29 23:57:00.172 840 1357 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x1 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0 09-29 23:57:00.172 840 1357 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device Check SAR feature value = 3 09-29 23:57:00.172 840 1357 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device Set SAR feature set_rf_power 1 09-29 23:57:00.172 840 1357 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit 09-29 23:57:00.261 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_protection state=Run cvir=36 cspt=0 cval=36 cerr=36 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.262 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=43 cspt=95 cval=-55.8762 cerr=-52 cint=-3.87625 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.263 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_little_controller state=Run cvir=45 cspt=95 cval=-53.4112 cerr=-50 cint=-3.41125 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.271 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=surface_comfort_controller state=Run cvir=36.7462 cspt=0 cval=36.7462 cerr=36.7462 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 309 510 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.267532 0.441558 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.274 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:virt,34.0394,33.5294,36.7462,37,36,43,45,43,45,42,39.607,3972.4,73,8228.33 09-29 23:57:00.274 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:temp,43,45,44,43,42,43,43,43,43,43,42,43,43,42,39.607,36,37,42,37,37,35 09-29 23:57:00.275 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:batt,3972.4,-603.027,4038.58,73,126.22 09-29 23:57:00.278 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:misc,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,266,0.2,0,4,16.4706,NaN,0,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 09-29 23:57:00.280 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:pow,0,3000,3187.9,588.874,2395.47,0,0,NaN 09-29 23:57:00.280 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:com,2496.95,32.349,258.604,0,400,0 09-29 23:57:00.280 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:uc,0 09-29 23:57:00.280 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=sensor_logger_ctrl state=Run cvir=2 cspt=0 cval=2 cerr=2 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 581 562 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.50303 0.48658 > 09-29 23:57:00.281 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=45 cspt=0 cval=45 cerr=45 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.282 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=gpu_controller state=Run cvir=43 cspt=90 cval=-49.8811 cerr=-47 cint=-2.88106 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.000833333 kd=0 kb=0.000833333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.282 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_vbat state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.282 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=screen_based_controller state=Ready cvir=35.2965 cspt=0 cval=35.2965 cerr=35.2965 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 237 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0.205195 > 09-29 23:57:00.283 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_imax state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.283 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=soc_thermal_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.283 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=app_based_controller state=Run cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 1143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.98961 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.283 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=pmic_controller state=Run cvir=39.607 cspt=73.6667 cval=-37.6362 cerr=-34.0597 cint=-3.57653 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00208333 kd=0 kb=0.00208333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.284 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=ul_safety_controller state=Run cvir=53.5294 cspt=0 cval=53.5294 cerr=53.5294 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.284 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_saver_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:57:00.855 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:00.883 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:00.896 2482 3429 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@e827b01 09-29 23:57:00.909 4354 5156 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) Signal Catcher expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:00.929 3567 3567 I Wear_Controller: Wear requires a companion app to be installed. 09-29 23:57:00.929 3567 3567 I WearableService: onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device. 09-29 23:57:00.984 3567 6375 W WearableService: onGetService: Wear is not available on this device. 09-29 23:57:01.074 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:01.337 2529 6910 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) android.bg expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:02.398 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.bbm/com.bbm.ui.activities.ConversationActivity} lookup 4ms, sleep 157021ms 09-29 23:57:02.533 1021 1453 I chatty : uid=1000(system) POSIX timer 0 expire 6 lines 09-29 23:57:03.477 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:03.477 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:03.769 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.bbm/com.bbm.ui.activities.ConversationActivity} lookup 5ms, sleep 157021ms 09-29 23:57:05.306 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:05.406 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=4354, client_tid=4354, inupt handle=0, duration=80 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:05.407 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:05.407 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1500 09-29 23:57:05.407 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:05.490 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1500 09-29 23:57:06.073 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=4354, client_tid=4354, inupt handle=0, duration=1264 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:06.074 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:06.074 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1501 09-29 23:57:06.074 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:06.077 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1501 09-29 23:57:06.527 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 224 lines 09-29 23:57:06.964 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=4354, client_tid=4354, inupt handle=0, duration=80 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:06.965 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:06.965 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1502 09-29 23:57:06.965 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:07.049 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1502 09-29 23:57:07.327 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=4354, client_tid=4354, inupt handle=0, duration=834 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:07.328 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:07.328 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1503 09-29 23:57:07.329 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:07.330 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1503 09-29 23:57:07.954 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 55 lines 09-29 23:57:07.955 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:07.955 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:08.468 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 41 lines 09-29 23:57:08.640 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:08.640 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:08.646 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:10.461 876 876 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing to #8 09-29 23:57:10.558 4045 4146 E EEE : can handle back -- mainuiShown:false candidateDialogShown:false textSelectPanelShown:false otherFooWndShown:false 09-29 23:57:10.564 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 3 lines 09-29 23:57:10.584 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:10.588 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:10.631 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:57:10.727 3567 3606 E NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 09-29 23:57:10.828 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:11.014 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:57:12.574 3793 4020 I zygote : Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 4435(263KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(104KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 1895KB/3MB, paused 300us total 44.263ms 09-29 23:57:13.604 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher/com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher.MainActivity} lookup 6ms, sleep 157020ms 09-29 23:57:14.729 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:14.729 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:16.441 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=3821, client_tid=3821, inupt handle=0, duration=80 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:16.441 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:16.441 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1504 09-29 23:57:16.442 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:16.445 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:16.445 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:16.495 3839 8977 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:57:16.501 3839 21080 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-one enterprise:false data:content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:16.501 3839 21080 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing single record: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:16.508 3839 21080 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:57:16.509 3839 19332 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:57:16.510 3839 21080 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 1 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:57:16.511 3839 21080 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimUpdate uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity?contentType=newContentSplatIntentRequired], mimeType[null], state[128], duid[-1302910471], scount[1] 09-29 23:57:16.513 3839 21080 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) handle3rdPartyMessageReceived: URI=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw, accountId=1537700109895 09-29 23:57:16.515 3904 3904 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ProtectedNotificationStartup received startup event action com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED 09-29 23:57:16.518 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED 09-29 23:57:16.519 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) adding handling for 3rd party message to queue with messageUri = bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:16.519 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:57:16.521 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) postNotification 09-29 23:57:16.524 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1504 09-29 23:57:16.542 3839 21080 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-all enterprise:false data:null 09-29 23:57:16.542 3839 21080 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing all records... 09-29 23:57:16.552 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) postNotificationDetailsToSystem with notificationId=938 09-29 23:57:16.561 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:57:16.571 7947 8010 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537700109895 on profile 0 to value:show_splat | 1 09-29 23:57:16.572 3839 21080 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:57:16.575 3904 21082 I PermissionUtils: (profile 0) Requesting runtime permissions for service/broadcast receivers. 09-29 23:57:16.577 3839 21080 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 0 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:57:16.580 3904 21082 I HubIntentService: (profile 0) Permission Granted! 09-29 23:57:16.614 7947 8010 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537700109895 09-29 23:57:16.614 7947 8010 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Hub home screen icon showing splat on profile 0 09-29 23:57:16.654 3839 21086 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION]::update 09-29 23:57:16.654 3839 21086 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) Account changed was not handled with success 09-29 23:57:16.658 3821 3821 D PositionalGridView$a: [onChanged] SourceFile:600 Adapter data changed, request layout 09-29 23:57:16.660 3839 21087 W AccCIH : (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] 09-29 23:57:16.660 3839 21087 W AccCIH : (profile 0) onHandleIntent::Account change was not handled with success. 09-29 23:57:17.965 3821 21018 D b : Bundle[{action=ckb_scrolled, source=Desktop, type=action_performed}] 09-29 23:57:17.967 3821 21018 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:57:18.058 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=3821, client_tid=3821, inupt handle=0, duration=600 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:18.058 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:18.058 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1505 09-29 23:57:18.058 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:18.657 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 42 lines 09-29 23:57:18.661 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1505 09-29 23:57:18.799 4354 4391 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:18.814 4354 4388 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) queued-work-loo expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:18.833 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:18.833 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:18.838 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:19.543 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 57 lines 09-29 23:57:19.543 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:19.543 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:19.581 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 289 lines 09-29 23:57:24.923 1105 1324 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:25.686 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:25.686 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:25.991 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=1324, inupt handle=0, duration=1072 ms, num_args=14, list=0x41800000 0x31 0x40800000 0x44C 0x40800100 0x44C 0x40C00000 0x2 0x41400000 0x1 0x41418000 0x1 0x40C5C000 0x28 09-29 23:57:25.992 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:25.992 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1506 09-29 23:57:25.992 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:25.995 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1506 09-29 23:57:26.657 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:26.664 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 4 lines 09-29 23:57:26.756 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:57:26.757 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [l] SourceFile:1242 09-29 23:57:26.757 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onNewIntent] SourceFile:1199 09-29 23:57:26.767 1105 1325 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 09-29 23:57:26.777 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:57:26.846 2505 2505 I Zygote : SIGCHLD: pid=18833, signal number=17, code=2 09-29 23:57:27.753 3821 21072 D b : Bundle[{action=launch_keyboard_settings, source=Desktop, type=action_performed}] 09-29 23:57:27.755 3821 21072 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:57:27.769 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=2569, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:57:27.769 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:27.769 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1507 09-29 23:57:27.769 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:57:27.771 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=2569, inupt handle=0, duration=1500 ms, num_args=4, list=0x40400000 0x1 0x42C10000 0x1 09-29 23:57:27.771 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:27.771 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1508 09-29 23:57:27.772 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:57:27.772 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 15 lines 09-29 23:57:27.773 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=2569, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:57:27.773 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:27.773 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1509 09-29 23:57:27.781 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:57:27.786 3821 21015 D b : Bundle[{quick_action=false, source=Dock, type=launched_activity, serial_number=0, component_name=com.blackberry.hub/com.blackberry.hub.ui.IntroActivity}] 09-29 23:57:27.787 3821 21015 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:57:27.796 3839 3853 D ConciergeService: call: method=getModuleList,arg=null,extras=null 09-29 23:57:27.806 3904 3904 I HubPreLaunchActivity: (profile 0) Starting HubActivity 09-29 23:57:27.820 3904 3904 I ItemListUIDelegate: (profile 0) onLoadFinished: swapping new Item cursor: 100 09-29 23:57:27.820 3904 3904 I HubActivity: (profile 0) BBCI essential permissions are granted. Continue HubActivity 09-29 23:57:27.821 3839 3839 V ContentObserverService: Starting observers 09-29 23:57:27.821 3839 3853 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity_w_sep?limit=100&queryMode=2] calling pid[3904] 09-29 23:57:27.822 3904 3904 I HubActivity: (profile 0) Hub essential permissions are granted. Continue HubActivity 09-29 23:57:27.822 3904 3904 D ProfileManager: register profile communication observer: HubActivity 09-29 23:57:27.823 3839 3839 I ContentObserverService: (profile 0) Total SIM slot 2 09-29 23:57:27.823 3904 3904 I Concierge: Last known code: 2 09-29 23:57:27.824 3904 3904 I SentryManager: (profile 0) Removing a sentry for id 100 (checkSentry) 09-29 23:57:27.824 3904 3904 I FolderCache: (profile 0) start watching Folder for accounts 09-29 23:57:27.827 3839 19332 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/linked_entity?queryMode=3] calling pid[3904] 09-29 23:57:27.828 3839 19332 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) Folder args = 1537702281179, vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.bb.email-folder 09-29 23:57:27.830 3904 3904 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) START_SERVICE Intent { act=com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_NOTIFICATION_SUSPEND cmp=com.blackberry.hub/.notifications.NotificationService (has extras) }; result: true 09-29 23:57:27.831 3904 3904 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 09-29 23:57:27.831 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_SUSPEND_NOTIFICATIONS 09-29 23:57:27.831 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildSuspendNotificationsTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:57:27.831 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:57:27.831 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 2 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 3 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 4 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 5 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 6 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 7 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 8 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 9 09-29 23:57:27.832 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 10 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 11 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 12 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 13 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 14 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 15 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 16 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 17 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 18 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 19 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 20 09-29 23:57:27.833 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537700109895 09-29 23:57:27.836 3839 3839 I ContentObserverService: (profile 0) subscriptionIds total=1 09-29 23:57:27.840 3839 4233 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/linked_entity?queryMode=3] calling pid[3904] 09-29 23:57:27.841 3839 4233 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) Folder args = 1538018587340, vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.bb.email-folder 09-29 23:57:27.844 3839 6529 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity?queryMode=1] calling pid[3904] 09-29 23:57:27.847 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537700109895 09-29 23:57:27.848 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537700109895 09-29 23:57:27.856 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537700109895 09-29 23:57:27.856 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Removing 1 notification(s) 09-29 23:57:27.857 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.857 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537700109895, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.857 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.858 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537703275285 09-29 23:57:27.865 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537703275285 09-29 23:57:27.865 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537703275285 09-29 23:57:27.866 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537703275285 09-29 23:57:27.866 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.866 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537703275285, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.866 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.868 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537697309347 09-29 23:57:27.874 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537697309347 09-29 23:57:27.874 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537697309347 09-29 23:57:27.874 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537697309347 09-29 23:57:27.874 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.874 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537697309347, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.875 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.876 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537688325823 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 3904 I AccountCache: (profile 0) onLoadFinished executed 09-29 23:57:27.882 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537688325823 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537688325603 09-29 23:57:27.882 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537688325823 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537688325823 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537697309347 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537700109895 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537702281179 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537703275285 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537703555864 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1537708984867 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1538018587340 09-29 23:57:27.882 3904 21103 I AccountCache: (profile 0) UpdateItem received for account: account 1538151792147 09-29 23:57:27.883 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537688325823 09-29 23:57:27.883 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.883 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537688325823, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.883 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.884 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1538018587340 09-29 23:57:27.891 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1538018587340 09-29 23:57:27.891 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1538018587340 09-29 23:57:27.891 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1538018587340 09-29 23:57:27.891 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.891 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1538018587340, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.892 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.893 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537688325603 09-29 23:57:27.900 3904 3904 I HubActivity: (profile 0) Change Type: EVENTS_CHANGED 09-29 23:57:27.900 3904 3904 I ItemListUIDelegate: (profile 0) onLoadFinished: swapping new Item cursor: 100 09-29 23:57:27.901 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537688325603 09-29 23:57:27.901 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537688325603 09-29 23:57:27.902 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537688325603 09-29 23:57:27.902 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.902 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537688325603, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.902 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.904 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537703555864 09-29 23:57:27.905 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537703275285 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.907 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537703275285 09-29 23:57:27.907 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537688325823 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.909 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537688325823 09-29 23:57:27.909 3904 3904 I AConfig : (profile 0) IAFE false 09-29 23:57:27.909 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1538018587340 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.912 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1538018587340 09-29 23:57:27.912 3904 3904 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 09-29 23:57:27.912 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537688325603 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.912 3904 3904 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 09-29 23:57:27.913 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537703555864 09-29 23:57:27.913 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537703555864 09-29 23:57:27.914 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537703555864 09-29 23:57:27.914 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.914 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537703555864, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.915 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.915 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537688325603 09-29 23:57:27.915 3821 4696 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x457215f800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x4570d12b40 09-29 23:57:27.915 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537703555864 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.916 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1538151792147 09-29 23:57:27.917 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537703555864 09-29 23:57:27.917 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537708984867 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.920 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.921 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.921 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537708984867 09-29 23:57:27.921 3904 21104 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537702281179 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:27.922 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1538151792147 09-29 23:57:27.923 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1538151792147 09-29 23:57:27.923 3904 21104 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537702281179 09-29 23:57:27.924 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1538151792147 09-29 23:57:27.924 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.924 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1538151792147, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.925 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.926 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537708984867 09-29 23:57:27.927 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.928 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.932 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537708984867 09-29 23:57:27.932 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537708984867 09-29 23:57:27.933 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537708984867 09-29 23:57:27.933 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.933 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537708984867, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.934 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.935 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) suspendNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537702281179 09-29 23:57:27.937 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.938 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.941 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = true for account = 1537702281179 09-29 23:57:27.941 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) cleanupNotificationsForAccount with accountId=1537702281179 09-29 23:57:27.941 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.941 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Deleted all notifications from account 1537702281179 09-29 23:57:27.942 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:27.942 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537702281179, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:27.942 3904 3904 I SimSubscriptionManagerUtils: (profile 0) Max number of active subscription(s) = 2 09-29 23:57:27.942 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:27.949 3904 21006 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void android.database.CursorJoiner.populateValues(java.lang.String[], android.database.Cursor, int[], int) due to JIT inline cache 09-29 23:57:27.949 3904 21006 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void android.database.CursorJoiner.incrementCursors() due to JIT inline cache 09-29 23:57:27.951 3904 21006 I zygote64: Deoptimizing boolean android.database.CursorJoiner.hasNext() due to JIT inline cache 09-29 23:57:28.048 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:28.136 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:28.137 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onStop] SourceFile:895 09-29 23:57:28.284 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 09-29 23:57:28.750 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:28.750 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:28.848 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 42 lines 09-29 23:57:28.911 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:28.911 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:28.913 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:28.963 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 10 lines 09-29 23:57:29.015 3904 3904 I ItemListUIDelegate: (profile 0) Item clicked: bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw, profile: 0 09-29 23:57:29.015 3904 3904 I TelemetryUtils: (profile 0) Failed to send telemetry data: item clicked vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.bb.bbm-item perspective 09-29 23:57:29.016 3839 3853 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Get bbm menu item, type:8 param:com.blackberry.menu.a.a@c668bff 09-29 23:57:29.034 3839 3853 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) CALL content://com.blackberry.hub.menu.provider; method getMenuItems 09-29 23:57:29.034 3904 21103 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) CALL content://com.blackberry.bbm.menu.provider; method getMenuItems 09-29 23:57:29.035 3904 21103 I ItemListUIDelegate: (profile 0) Fire viewItemIntent for profile:0 09-29 23:57:29.035 3904 21103 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) START_ACTIVITY Intent { act=bbm.com.intent.action.ACTION_OPEN_CONVERSATION dat=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw flg=0x20000000 cmp=com.bbm/.ui.activities.OpenInBbmActivity (has extras) } 09-29 23:57:29.077 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=14009, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:57:29.077 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:29.077 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1510 09-29 23:57:29.077 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=14009, inupt handle=0, duration=1500 ms, num_args=4, list=0x40400000 0x1 0x42C10000 0x1 09-29 23:57:29.077 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:29.077 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1511 09-29 23:57:29.078 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:57:29.078 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=14009, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:57:29.078 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:29.078 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1512 09-29 23:57:29.082 3904 3904 I HubActivity: (profile 0) Unregistering observers for pause 09-29 23:57:29.082 3904 3904 I SentryManager: (profile 0) Posting a sentry for id 100 09-29 23:57:29.086 3839 6529 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Get bbm menu item, type:8 param:com.blackberry.menu.a.a@2a1e91b 09-29 23:57:29.092 3904 3904 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537700109895 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:29.099 3904 21103 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) CALL content://com.blackberry.bbm.menu.provider; method getMenuItems 09-29 23:57:29.100 3904 21103 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537700109895 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:29.105 3904 21103 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537700109895 09-29 23:57:29.106 3904 21103 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Hub home screen icon clearing splat on profile 0 09-29 23:57:29.108 3904 3904 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537700109895 09-29 23:57:29.108 3904 21103 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) START_SERVICE Intent { act=com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR_ALL cmp=com.blackberry.hub/.notifications.NotificationService (has extras) }; result: true 09-29 23:57:29.108 3904 3904 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Hub home screen icon clearing splat on profile 0 09-29 23:57:29.109 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_CLEAR_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS 09-29 23:57:29.109 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildClearAllNotificationsTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:57:29.109 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:57:29.109 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 2 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 3 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 4 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 5 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 6 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 7 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 8 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 9 09-29 23:57:29.110 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 10 09-29 23:57:29.110 3904 21103 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) START_SERVICE Intent { act=com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_NOTIFICATION_RESUME cmp=com.blackberry.hub/.notifications.NotificationService (has extras) }; result: true 09-29 23:57:29.110 3904 21103 I HubNotification: (profile 0) Hub home screen icon clearing splat on profile 0 09-29 23:57:29.110 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:29.111 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_RESUME_NOTIFICATIONS 09-29 23:57:29.111 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildResumeNotificationsTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:57:29.111 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 11 09-29 23:57:29.111 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 12 09-29 23:57:29.111 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 13 09-29 23:57:29.111 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 14 09-29 23:57:29.112 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 15 09-29 23:57:29.112 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 16 09-29 23:57:29.112 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 17 09-29 23:57:29.112 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 18 09-29 23:57:29.112 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 19 09-29 23:57:29.112 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 20 09-29 23:57:29.122 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.122 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537700109895, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.123 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.125 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.125 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537703275285, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.126 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.128 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.128 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537697309347, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.128 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.130 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.131 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537688325823, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.131 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.132 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.132 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1538018587340, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.133 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.134 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.134 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537688325603, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.134 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.135 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.135 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537703555864, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.136 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.137 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.137 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1538151792147, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.137 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.139 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.139 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537708984867, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.139 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.140 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationsByAccount 09-29 23:57:29.140 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537702281179, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.141 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.142 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:57:29.142 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:57:29.142 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1513 09-29 23:57:29.142 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537700109895 09-29 23:57:29.143 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 5 lines 09-29 23:57:29.154 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537700109895 09-29 23:57:29.154 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537700109895, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.155 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.156 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537688325603 09-29 23:57:29.162 3839 21118 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION]::update 09-29 23:57:29.162 3839 21118 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) Account changed was not handled with success 09-29 23:57:29.163 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537688325603 09-29 23:57:29.163 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537688325603, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.164 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.166 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537702281179 09-29 23:57:29.167 3839 21119 W AccCIH : (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] 09-29 23:57:29.167 3839 21119 W AccCIH : (profile 0) onHandleIntent::Account change was not handled with success. 09-29 23:57:29.172 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537702281179 09-29 23:57:29.172 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537702281179, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.173 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.174 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1538018587340 09-29 23:57:29.180 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1538018587340 09-29 23:57:29.180 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1538018587340, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.181 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.182 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537703555864 09-29 23:57:29.187 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537703555864 09-29 23:57:29.187 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537703555864, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.188 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.189 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537703275285 09-29 23:57:29.195 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537703275285 09-29 23:57:29.195 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537703275285, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.196 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.197 998 2888 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4b41cb0) created, clientPid(4354) 09-29 23:57:29.197 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1538151792147 09-29 23:57:29.199 882 882 E tokenserviced: Token tcl_debug.tkn not found 09-29 23:57:29.202 998 21124 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 09-29 23:57:29.203 998 2888 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe4b41d20) created, clientPid(4354) 09-29 23:57:29.204 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1538151792147 09-29 23:57:29.204 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1538151792147, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.204 996 2563 I ExtendedExtractor: QTIParser is prefered .. flags 2 09-29 23:57:29.204 996 2563 D MMParserExtractor: setExtraFlags called with flags 2 for paser instance f7445fe0 09-29 23:57:29.204 996 2563 D MMParserExtractor: using bigger parser buffers 09-29 23:57:29.204 996 2563 I ExtendedExtractor: ExtendedExtractor::create 0x27f7445fe0 09-29 23:57:29.205 998 21124 E MediaExtractor: Trace connect 0xe4b189c0 0xe48fe200 09-29 23:57:29.205 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.206 882 882 E tokenserviced: Token tcl_debug.tkn not found 09-29 23:57:29.206 998 21123 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4b41cb0), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 09-29 23:57:29.206 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537697309347 09-29 23:57:29.207 998 21126 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 09-29 23:57:29.209 996 7878 I ExtendedExtractor: QTIParser is prefered .. flags 2 09-29 23:57:29.209 996 7878 D MMParserExtractor: setExtraFlags called with flags 2 for paser instance f521af00 09-29 23:57:29.209 996 7878 D MMParserExtractor: using bigger parser buffers 09-29 23:57:29.209 996 7878 I ExtendedExtractor: ExtendedExtractor::create 0x27f521af00 09-29 23:57:29.209 998 21126 E MediaExtractor: Trace connect 0xe4b18bc0 0xe48fd800 09-29 23:57:29.211 998 21125 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe4b41d20), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 09-29 23:57:29.223 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537697309347 09-29 23:57:29.223 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537697309347, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.224 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.225 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537688325823 09-29 23:57:29.242 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537688325823 09-29 23:57:29.243 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537688325823, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.243 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.245 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) resumeNotificationsByAccount: accountId=1537708984867 09-29 23:57:29.259 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Updated suspended = false for account = 1537708984867 09-29 23:57:29.259 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearAllNotificationFromSystem with accountId=1537708984867, excludeLevel1=true, clearSplat=false 09-29 23:57:29.259 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) updateSummaryNotificationForAccount with accountId=1537688371195, mimeType=vnd.bb.notification/vnd.bb.notification-expired-snooze 09-29 23:57:29.286 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1508 09-29 23:57:29.292 3839 3853 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:57:29.299 3904 19762 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x4579a2cc00 (BBListView) with handle 0x45789ad660 09-29 23:57:29.313 3839 21132 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-all enterprise:false data:null 09-29 23:57:29.313 3839 21132 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing all records... 09-29 23:57:29.313 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 09-29 23:57:29.314 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:57:29.314 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1513 09-29 23:57:29.320 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 25 lines 09-29 23:57:29.323 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 4 lines 09-29 23:57:29.371 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:29.371 3567 10353 E NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 09-29 23:57:29.376 3839 21132 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:57:29.379 3839 21132 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 1 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:57:29.379 3839 21132 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimUpdate uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity], mimeType[null], state[64], duid[-1302910491], scount[0] 09-29 23:57:29.381 3839 21132 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) handle3rdPartyMessageConsumed: bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:29.386 3904 3904 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ProtectedNotificationStartup received startup event action com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:57:29.388 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:57:29.389 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildHandle3rdPartyMsgConsumedTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:57:29.389 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:57:29.390 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clear3rdPartyMsg 09-29 23:57:29.390 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearNotificationFromSystem with mMsgEntityUri=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:29.423 4354 4385 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) Profile Saver expire 3 lines 09-29 23:57:29.773 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1507 09-29 23:57:29.784 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1509 09-29 23:57:30.019 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 09-29 23:57:30.579 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1511 09-29 23:57:30.580 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/clk_scaling/enable with 1 09-29 23:57:30.580 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: return value 2 09-29 23:57:30.604 7019 19408 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: [E]netRecv ssoSeq:-1137797680 uin:*1983 cmd:-316037937 -1137797304 09-29 23:57:30.615 17910 17958 D Q.msg.TroopMsgProxy: [E]insertToList MessageRecord=friendUin:9874senderuin:5057,istroop:1,msgType:-1000,time:1538236651,shmsgseq:409980 09-29 23:57:30.649 17910 17958 D MainService: [MSF End]OnlinePush.PbPushGroupMsg,cost=43ms. 09-29 23:57:30.787 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.bbm/com.bbm.ui.activities.ConversationActivity} lookup 1ms, sleep 157021ms 09-29 23:57:31.078 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1510 09-29 23:57:31.079 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1512 09-29 23:57:31.794 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:31.794 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:32.129 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.bbm/com.bbm.ui.activities.ConversationActivity} lookup 10ms, sleep 157020ms 09-29 23:57:33.493 3567 17575 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x4593be1008: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 09-29 23:57:34.443 882 887 D ddtc : ddt_diagnosticsEnabled() 09-29 23:57:34.444 882 887 I ddtc : transact(TRANSACTION_diagnosticsEnabled) 09-29 23:57:34.447 882 882 E tokenserviced: Token ddt.tkn not found 09-29 23:57:34.450 882 887 I ddtc : BpDiagnosticService::diagnosticsEnabled exception code = -1 09-29 23:57:34.541 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 26 lines 09-29 23:57:34.580 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 17 lines 09-29 23:57:34.885 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:34.885 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:37.166 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 191 lines 09-29 23:57:37.976 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 3 lines 09-29 23:57:37.977 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:37.977 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:38.501 1021 1021 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 12 lines 09-29 23:57:38.501 1021 1452 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 54 lines 09-29 23:57:38.925 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 42 lines 09-29 23:57:39.070 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:39.070 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:39.075 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:39.314 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 20 lines 09-29 23:57:41.028 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:41.028 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:44.751 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 32 lines 09-29 23:57:47.146 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:47.146 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:49.089 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 42 lines 09-29 23:57:49.278 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:49.278 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:49.281 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:49.387 1021 1452 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 108 lines 09-29 23:57:49.728 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:57:50.263 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 45 lines 09-29 23:57:50.265 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:50.265 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:50.672 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 207 lines 09-29 23:57:53.039 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:53.039 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:53.280 2482 2971 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 09-29 23:57:53.280 2482 2971 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged() 09-29 23:57:53.280 2482 2971 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged() 09-29 23:57:53.280 2482 2971 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage() 09-29 23:57:53.281 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Handling battery event for level 73, (was/is)Charging: false/false 09-29 23:57:53.283 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Level did not change, not notifying BatteryLevelChangeEventListeners 09-29 23:57:55.996 1021 1021 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 12 lines 09-29 23:57:56.245 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 10 lines 09-29 23:57:56.263 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 33 lines 09-29 23:57:56.383 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:56.384 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:57:58.145 3839 4233 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:57:58.159 3839 21147 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-one enterprise:false data:content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.159 3839 21147 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing single record: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.198 3839 21147 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:57:58.205 3839 21147 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 1 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:57:58.208 3839 21147 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimUpdate uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity?contentType=newContentSplatIntentRequired], mimeType[null], state[128], duid[-411073247], scount[1] 09-29 23:57:58.211 3839 21147 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) handle3rdPartyMessageReceived: URI=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw, accountId=1537700109895 09-29 23:57:58.216 3904 3904 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ProtectedNotificationStartup received startup event action com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED 09-29 23:57:58.221 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED 09-29 23:57:58.222 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) adding handling for 3rd party message to queue with messageUri = bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.222 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:57:58.226 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) postNotification 09-29 23:57:58.263 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) postNotificationDetailsToSystem with notificationId=939 09-29 23:57:58.278 3904 21149 I PermissionUtils: (profile 0) Requesting runtime permissions for service/broadcast receivers. 09-29 23:57:58.281 3904 21149 I HubIntentService: (profile 0) Permission Granted! 09-29 23:57:58.286 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 09-29 23:57:58.290 7947 8010 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537700109895 on profile 0 to value:show_splat | 1 09-29 23:57:58.331 7947 8010 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537700109895 09-29 23:57:58.331 7947 8010 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Hub home screen icon showing splat on profile 0 09-29 23:57:58.384 3839 21154 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION]::update 09-29 23:57:58.384 3839 21154 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) Account changed was not handled with success 09-29 23:57:58.395 3839 21155 W AccCIH : (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] 09-29 23:57:58.395 3839 21155 W AccCIH : (profile 0) onHandleIntent::Account change was not handled with success. 09-29 23:57:58.486 3839 3853 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:57:58.495 3839 21157 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-one enterprise:false data:content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.495 3839 21157 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing single record: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.528 3839 3853 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:57:58.542 3839 21157 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:57:58.545 3839 21157 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 1 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:57:58.545 3839 21157 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimUpdate uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity], mimeType[null], state[64], duid[-411073219], scount[0] 09-29 23:57:58.548 3839 21157 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) handle3rdPartyMessageConsumed: bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.552 3904 3904 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ProtectedNotificationStartup received startup event action com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:57:58.556 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:57:58.556 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildHandle3rdPartyMsgConsumedTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:57:58.556 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:57:58.559 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clear3rdPartyMsg 09-29 23:57:58.560 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearNotificationFromSystem with mMsgEntityUri=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.561 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) [DetailBuilder] Retrieved notification details with messageUri bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:57:58.583 3839 21157 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-all enterprise:false data:null 09-29 23:57:58.583 3839 21157 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing all records... 09-29 23:57:58.590 7947 8010 I NOTIF-DataStore: (profile 0) Count of 3rd party messages tracked = 0 09-29 23:57:58.590 7947 8010 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Updating splat for account 1537700109895 on profile 0 to value:show_splat & -2 09-29 23:57:58.595 3839 21157 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:57:58.600 3839 21157 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 0 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:57:58.616 7947 8010 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UPDATE content://com.blackberry.account.provider/account/1537700109895 09-29 23:57:58.616 7947 8010 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) Hub home screen icon clearing splat on profile 0 09-29 23:57:58.662 3839 21161 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION]::update 09-29 23:57:58.662 3839 21161 I MessageReceiverService: (profile 0) Account changed was not handled with success 09-29 23:57:58.670 3839 21162 W AccCIH : (profile 0) handleAccountProviderChanged::[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] 09-29 23:57:58.670 3839 21162 W AccCIH : (profile 0) onHandleIntent::Account change was not handled with success. 09-29 23:57:59.294 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 84 lines 09-29 23:57:59.475 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:59.475 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:57:59.480 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:00.046 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService BroadcastReceiver.intent action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 09-29 23:58:00.046 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver end 09-29 23:58:00.051 4367 4367 I Weather : onReceive. intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 09-29 23:58:00.053 4367 4448 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver TIME_TICK finish 09-29 23:58:00.053 4367 4367 I Weather : WeatherTctWidget onReceive(). intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 09-29 23:58:00.056 4367 21165 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 09-29 23:58:00.063 4367 21165 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 09-29 23:58:00.067 4367 21166 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 09-29 23:58:00.075 4367 21166 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 09-29 23:58:00.288 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=39 cspt=95 cval=-60.0715 cerr=-56 cint=-4.07149 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.289 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=41 cspt=0 cval=41 cerr=41 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.301 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=ul_safety_controller state=Run cvir=53.932 cspt=0 cval=53.932 cerr=53.932 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.301 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_saver_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.301 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_protection state=Run cvir=36 cspt=0 cval=36 cerr=36 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.301 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_little_controller state=Run cvir=41 cspt=95 cval=-57.6355 cerr=-54 cint=-3.63555 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.304 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:virt,35.8417,33.932,36.6065,37,36,40,41,39,41,39,38.348,4002.68,73,8228.77 09-29 23:58:00.304 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:temp,39,41,40,39,39,39,40,39,39,40,39,40,40,39,38.348,36,36,38,37,37,34 09-29 23:58:00.304 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:batt,4002.68,-287.109,4036.63,73,125.976 09-29 23:58:00.307 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:misc,1401.6,1401.6,1401.6,1401.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,1113.6,266,0.07,0,4,17.2549,NaN,0,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 09-29 23:58:00.309 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:pow,0,3000,4460.17,593.169,1149.2,0,0,NaN 09-29 23:58:00.309 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:com,3786.09,11.3222,262.759,0,400,0 09-29 23:58:00.309 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:uc,0 09-29 23:58:00.309 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=sensor_logger_ctrl state=Run cvir=1 cspt=0 cval=1 cerr=1 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 581 622 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.478189 0.511934 > 09-29 23:58:00.310 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=surface_comfort_controller state=Run cvir=36.6065 cspt=0 cval=36.6065 cerr=36.6065 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 309 510 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.254321 0.419753 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.310 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=gpu_controller state=Run cvir=39 cspt=90 cval=-54.087 cerr=-51 cint=-3.08701 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.000833333 kd=0 kb=0.000833333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.310 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=screen_based_controller state=Ready cvir=35.2965 cspt=0 cval=35.2965 cerr=35.2965 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 237 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0.195062 > 09-29 23:58:00.311 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=pmic_controller state=Run cvir=38.348 cspt=74.3333 cval=-39.7305 cerr=-35.9853 cint=-3.74517 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00208333 kd=0 kb=0.00208333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.311 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_vbat state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.311 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_imax state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.312 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=app_based_controller state=Run cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 1203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.990123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.312 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=soc_thermal_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 09-29 23:58:00.813 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:00.813 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:02.533 1021 1453 I chatty : uid=1000(system) POSIX timer 0 expire 12 lines 09-29 23:58:03.709 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 332 lines 09-29 23:58:03.922 17235 17240 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=62KB, data=43KB 09-29 23:58:03.924 17235 17240 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=62KB, data=43KB 09-29 23:58:03.924 17235 17240 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 09-29 23:58:05.623 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:05.623 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:06.565 1105 2642 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:1105_5 expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:06.576 4160 4160 E [TencentNLP]: onNetworkEvent: wifi disconnected 09-29 23:58:06.576 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:06.579 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:06.599 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 13 lines 09-29 23:58:06.616 3567 3606 W ctxmgr : [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#, com.google.android.gms(10111):IndoorOutdoorProducer, vrsn=13281000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 3567). Was: 3 for 57, account#-517948760# 09-29 23:58:06.630 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:06.714 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 37 lines 09-29 23:58:07.620 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 46 lines 09-29 23:58:08.168 1021 1021 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 20 lines 09-29 23:58:08.168 1021 1452 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 170 lines 09-29 23:58:09.714 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:09.714 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:09.718 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:12.115 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 13 lines 09-29 23:58:12.251 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 28 lines 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to / (port 443) from / (port 41977) after 10000ms 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 09-29 23:58:16.645 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:145) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connectSocket(RealConnection.java:141) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.java:112) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findConnection(StreamAllocation.java:184) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findHealthyConnection(StreamAllocation.java:126) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.newStream(StreamAllocation.java:95) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:281) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.sendRequest(HttpEngine.java:224) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.execute(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:461) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:127) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.connect(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:89) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.tencent.halley.scheduler.accessext.http.a.a.b(Unknown Source:341) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.tencent.halley.scheduler.accessext.http.a.a.a(Unknown Source:384) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.tencent.halley.scheduler.accessext.http.a.e$a.run(Unknown Source:7) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 09-29 23:58:16.646 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 09-29 23:58:16.653 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:16.653 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:16.686 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:18.220 3567 20821 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 09-29 23:58:18.221 3567 20821 E GCM : Connection closed with errorCode 20 09-29 23:58:18.223 1105 19279 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 09-29 23:58:18.225 3567 20821 E WakeLock: GCM_CONN_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 09-29 23:58:18.231 1105 21208 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 09-29 23:58:18.231 1105 21207 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 09-29 23:58:18.269 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 17 lines 09-29 23:58:18.362 1105 2307 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 11 lines 09-29 23:58:18.379 7250 7262 D ExternalSecurityService: detectDnsAndPhishing, return ->0 09-29 23:58:18.418 7250 7250 D ExternalSecurityService: detectDnsAndPhishingResponse, N->1 retCode->17 09-29 23:58:18.431 2482 2482 D BluetoothVendorService: setWifiState to: true 09-29 23:58:18.431 2482 2482 I BluetoothVendorJni: setWifiStateNative 09-29 23:58:18.431 2482 2482 I bt_btif_vendor: setWifiState :1 09-29 23:58:18.437 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 308 lines 09-29 23:58:18.439 2647 2736 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyRatConnectionStatusChanged(rat = 1, CONNECTED) 09-29 23:58:18.443 1082 1082 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported here. 09-29 23:58:18.443 1082 1082 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported here. 09-29 23:58:18.447 3701 3701 V TmUpdateLibService: onStartCommand 09-29 23:58:18.450 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:18.456 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 213 lines 09-29 23:58:19.373 1021 1021 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 12 lines 09-29 23:58:19.731 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 84 lines 09-29 23:58:19.933 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:19.933 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:19.937 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:19.973 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:19.973 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:20.547 4241 17876 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x458b1dd688: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 09-29 23:58:20.574 1021 1452 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/gx_fpd expire 46 lines 09-29 23:58:20.637 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:20.637 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:21.499 4330 4714 I tnet-jni: 76 - [spdyPingRecvCallback] - 09-29 23:58:21.523 4330 4714 I tnet-jni: 76 - [SpdySessionCallBack.spdyPingRecvCallback] - org.android.spdy.SpdySession@84490e1 09-29 23:58:21.628 4160 21173 E [TencentNLP]: network error:java.io.IOException: net sdk error: -25 09-29 23:58:21.910 976 1116 D : DpmQmiUtils::parseNfConnTrackFile: 0x32aaa140b0 09-29 23:58:21.939 976 1116 D : DpmDfsTracker::addDfsFilters: add 2 DFS filters 09-29 23:58:21.940 976 1116 D : DpmDfsTracker::addDfsFilters: add 5 DFS filters 09-29 23:58:22.421 3839 4233 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:58:22.430 3839 21222 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-one enterprise:false data:content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:58:22.431 3839 21222 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing single record: content://com.bbm/Conversations/bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:58:22.451 3839 21222 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:58:22.455 3839 21222 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 1 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:58:22.455 3839 21222 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimUpdate uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity], mimeType[null], state[64], duid[1755080351], scount[0] 09-29 23:58:22.457 3839 21222 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) handle3rdPartyMessageConsumed: bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:58:22.464 3904 3904 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ProtectedNotificationStartup received startup event action com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:58:22.468 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:58:22.469 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildHandle3rdPartyMsgConsumedTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:58:22.469 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:58:22.472 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clear3rdPartyMsg 09-29 23:58:22.472 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearNotificationFromSystem with mMsgEntityUri=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:58:22.495 3839 3853 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) BBM content change notification: content://com.bbm/Conversations (enterprise:false) 09-29 23:58:22.502 3839 21223 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Received action:sync-all enterprise:false data:null 09-29 23:58:22.502 3839 21223 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Synchronizing all records... 09-29 23:58:22.510 3839 21223 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity] calling pid[3839] 09-29 23:58:22.515 3839 21223 I BbmProvider: (profile 0) Discovered 0 new items, 1 updated items, 0 deleted items 09-29 23:58:22.515 3839 21223 I DataGraphProvider: (profile 0) pimUpdate uri[content://com.blackberry.datagraph.provider/entity], mimeType[null], state[64], duid[1755080350], scount[0] 09-29 23:58:22.518 3839 21223 I PIMNotification: (profile 0) handle3rdPartyMessageConsumed: bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:58:22.525 3904 3904 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ProtectedNotificationStartup received startup event action com.blackberry.intent.action.PIM_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:58:22.531 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) ACTION_HANDLE_3RD_PARTY_MESSAGE_CONSUMED 09-29 23:58:22.531 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) buildHandle3rdPartyMsgConsumedTaskFromIntent 09-29 23:58:22.531 7947 7947 I NOTIF : (profile 0) Added task. New queue size: 1 09-29 23:58:22.536 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clear3rdPartyMsg 09-29 23:58:22.537 7947 8010 I NOTIF : (profile 0) clearNotificationFromSystem with mMsgEntityUri=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw 09-29 23:58:23.641 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:23.641 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:24.149 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10111 09-29 23:58:24.149 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10111 09-29 23:58:24.159 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10111 09-29 23:58:24.324 4241 21227 I TelephonySpam: TelephonySpamChimeraService - Running Telephony Spam Chimera Service 09-29 23:58:24.398 3567 21226 E WakeLock: GCM_CONN_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 09-29 23:58:26.719 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:26.719 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:26.726 4160 21177 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to lbs.map.qq.com/ (port 443) from / (port 47551) after 10000ms 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:145) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connectSocket(RealConnection.java:141) 09-29 23:58:26.728 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.java:112) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findConnection(StreamAllocation.java:184) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findHealthyConnection(StreamAllocation.java:126) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.newStream(StreamAllocation.java:95) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:281) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.sendRequest(HttpEngine.java:224) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.execute(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:461) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:127) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.connect(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:89) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(Unknown Source:0) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.tencent.halley.scheduler.accessext.http.a.a.b(Unknown Source:341) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.tencent.halley.scheduler.accessext.http.a.a.a(Unknown Source:384) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at com.tencent.halley.scheduler.accessext.http.a.e$a.run(Unknown Source:7) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 09-29 23:58:26.729 4160 21177 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 09-29 23:58:26.770 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:26.770 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:26.831 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 09-29 23:58:28.316 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 09-29 23:58:30.107 4354 4391 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 3 lines 09-29 23:58:30.147 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:30.147 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:30.307 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:32.865 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:32.865 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:34.451 882 887 D ddtc : ddt_diagnosticsEnabled() 09-29 23:58:34.451 882 887 I ddtc : transact(TRANSACTION_diagnosticsEnabled) 09-29 23:58:34.457 882 882 E tokenserviced: Token ddt.tkn not found 09-29 23:58:34.459 882 887 I ddtc : BpDiagnosticService::diagnosticsEnabled exception code = -1 09-29 23:58:34.492 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 252 lines 09-29 23:58:35.730 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:35.730 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:35.731 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 113 lines 09-29 23:58:37.986 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:37.986 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:38.170 12576 12836 I System.out: add is,port is 80 09-29 23:58:38.173 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10124 09-29 23:58:40.323 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 84 lines 09-29 23:58:40.539 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:40.539 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:40.544 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:45.888 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 12 lines 09-29 23:58:45.976 4354 4354 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 13 lines 09-29 23:58:46.012 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [l] SourceFile:1242 09-29 23:58:46.013 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onNewIntent] SourceFile:1199 09-29 23:58:46.027 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:58:46.034 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:46.066 3821 3821 D PositionalGridView$a: [onChanged] SourceFile:600 Adapter data changed, request layout 09-29 23:58:46.182 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 11 lines 09-29 23:58:46.247 3567 3606 E NetworkScheduler: Invalid component specified. 09-29 23:58:46.435 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:46.995 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:46.995 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:47.048 3821 3821 D d : [onCreate] SourceFile:138 09-29 23:58:47.539 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:48.177 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:58:48.203 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [l] SourceFile:1242 09-29 23:58:48.203 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onNewIntent] SourceFile:1199 09-29 23:58:48.207 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:58:48.507 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:48.997 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher/com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher.MainActivity} lookup 7ms, sleep 157021ms 09-29 23:58:49.033 3821 21247 D b : Bundle[{action=launch_keyboard_settings, source=Desktop, type=action_performed}] 09-29 23:58:49.035 3821 21247 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:58:49.044 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:58:49.045 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:49.045 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1514 09-29 23:58:49.045 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:58:49.047 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=1500 ms, num_args=4, list=0x40400000 0x1 0x42C10000 0x1 09-29 23:58:49.047 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:49.047 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1515 09-29 23:58:49.048 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:58:49.048 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 23 lines 09-29 23:58:49.049 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:58:49.049 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:49.049 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1516 09-29 23:58:49.058 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:58:49.061 3821 21244 D b : Bundle[{quick_action=false, source=Desktop, type=launched_activity, serial_number=0, component_name=com.hyperrate.gcinfree/com.hyperrate.gcinfree.GcinTools}] 09-29 23:58:49.062 3821 21244 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:58:49.083 2482 3429 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@e827b01 09-29 23:58:49.089 4354 5156 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) Signal Catcher expire 3 lines 09-29 23:58:49.100 3567 3567 I Wear_Controller: Wear requires a companion app to be installed. 09-29 23:58:49.101 3567 3567 I WearableService: onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device. 09-29 23:58:49.108 3567 3600 W WearableService: onGetService: Wear is not available on this device. 09-29 23:58:49.117 3821 4696 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x4567363000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x4566f69e80 09-29 23:58:49.220 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:49.221 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:58:49.221 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1516 09-29 23:58:49.337 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onStop] SourceFile:895 09-29 23:58:49.475 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:49.538 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 110 lines 09-29 23:58:50.558 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1515 09-29 23:58:50.560 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/clk_scaling/enable with 1 09-29 23:58:50.560 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: return value 2 09-29 23:58:50.637 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:50.637 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:50.638 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 09-29 23:58:50.947 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:51.049 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1514 09-29 23:58:52.055 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:58:52.055 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:52.055 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1517 09-29 23:58:52.055 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 09-29 23:58:52.057 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=1500 ms, num_args=4, list=0x40400000 0x1 0x42C10000 0x1 09-29 23:58:52.057 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:52.057 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1518 09-29 23:58:52.058 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:58:52.058 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=13780, inupt handle=0, duration=2000 ms, num_args=10, list=0x40C00000 0x1 0x40804000 0xFFF 0x40804100 0xFFF 0x40800000 0x898 0x40800100 0x708 09-29 23:58:52.058 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:52.058 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1519 09-29 23:58:52.066 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} lookup 3ms, sleep 157021ms 09-29 23:58:52.068 3624 8243 E TaskMonitor: Unable to determine the top task! 09-29 23:58:52.070 17235 17235 W InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed. 09-29 23:58:52.071 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:52.079 2192 2192 I zygote : Ignoring open file descriptor 7 09-29 23:58:52.079 2192 2192 I zygote : Ignoring open file descriptor 42 09-29 23:58:52.087 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: client_pid=1105, client_tid=7719, inupt handle=0, duration=15000 ms, num_args=6, list=0x40C5C000 0x32 0x40C58000 0x5F 0x40C54000 0x64 09-29 23:58:52.087 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: timer_rc for create_timer 0 09-29 23:58:52.087 863 863 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_acq: output handle=1520 09-29 23:58:52.217 21267 21288 D BbrySecurityServices: Calling getProfileOwnerInfo for 0 as 0; process uid: 10115 09-29 23:58:52.218 21267 21288 D BbrySecurityServices: Context: com.android.vending 0 09-29 23:58:52.218 21267 21288 D BbrySecurityServices: Calling from com.android.vending 09-29 23:58:52.219 21267 21288 D BbrySecurityServices: No device owner found for profile with id 0 09-29 23:58:52.219 21267 21288 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:52.219 21267 21288 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: MessageDigest : SHA-1 : AndroidOpenSSL: MessageDigest.SHA-1 -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLMessageDigestJDK$SHA1 09-29 23:58:52.219 21267 21288 I System : aliases: [SHA1, SHA,] 09-29 23:58:52.220 21267 21288 I Finsky : [327] com.google.android.finsky.ds.a.j.a(5): Started reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 09-29 23:58:52.226 21267 21288 I Finsky : [327] com.google.android.finsky.ds.a.j.a(16): Finished reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 09-29 23:58:52.253 21267 21288 I Finsky : [327] com.google.android.finsky.ds.a.j.a(5): Started reading experiment flags from file [zwmugIXJ-LhR_oGxV6BedTP2EeE]. 09-29 23:58:52.253 21267 21288 I Finsky : [327] com.google.android.finsky.ds.a.j.a(16): Finished reading experiment flags from file [zwmugIXJ-LhR_oGxV6BedTP2EeE]. 09-29 23:58:52.278 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.278 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.279 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.br.a(11): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService enabled via PackageManager. 09-29 23:58:52.280 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.br.a(11): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearChangeListenerService enabled via PackageManager. 09-29 23:58:52.281 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.application.impl.c.cN(521): Not a unicorn device 09-29 23:58:52.296 21267 21267 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 70.0.3535.2, arch: armv8l 09-29 23:58:52.297 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 21 lines 09-29 23:58:52.306 21267 21267 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 09-29 23:58:52.306 21267 21267 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 09-29 23:58:52.310 21267 21267 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:52.310 21267 21267 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: SecureRandom : SHA1PRNG : AndroidOpenSSL: SecureRandom.SHA1PRNG -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLRandom 09-29 23:58:52.310 21267 21267 I System : attributes: {ImplementedIn=Software} 09-29 23:58:52.320 21267 21318 I Finsky : [350] com.google.android.finsky.library.a.f.j(52): Loaded library for account: [F2CHODLIbRDCRVlbiumzJ0Hdoe0] 09-29 23:58:52.324 21267 21267 W android.vending: type=1400 audit(0.0:3905): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:chameleon_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=18129 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:chameleon_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-29 23:58:52.334 21267 21318 I Finsky : [350] com.google.android.finsky.library.a.f.j(76): Finished loading 1 libraries. 09-29 23:58:52.335 21267 21267 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.cdma.home.operator.alpha" 09-29 23:58:52.339 2505 2505 I zygote64: Ignoring open file descriptor 7 09-29 23:58:52.340 2505 2505 I zygote64: Ignoring open file descriptor 42 09-29 23:58:52.383 21320 21320 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client 09-29 23:58:52.415 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.do.b(106): Setup app restrictions monitor 09-29 23:58:52.416 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.ew.a(16): Device wide unknown source restriction is changed. 09-29 23:58:52.433 21267 21267 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.e.ag.a(35): Null bundle, which breaks event chain!. Creating a new logging context. 09-29 23:58:52.459 21267 21337 D Volley : [354] f.b: Cache cleared. 09-29 23:58:52.473 21267 21308 D Volley : [341] f.b: Cache cleared. 09-29 23:58:52.505 21267 21267 D Volley : [2] f.b: Cache cleared. 09-29 23:58:52.767 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:52.829 21267 21345 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 09-29 23:58:52.840 21267 21267 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:52.841 21267 21267 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: MessageDigest : SHA-256 : AndroidOpenSSL: MessageDigest.SHA-256 -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLMessageDigestJDK$SHA256 09-29 23:58:52.841 21267 21267 I System : aliases: [SHA256, 2.16.840.] 09-29 23:58:52.845 1105 6409 I chatty : uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:52.848 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.s.<init>(15): Not checking if recovering from paused session because experiment is off 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : d7c51ed, I7d2ff5562f 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : Build Date : 05/16/18 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.22.00.01_06 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : Local Branch : 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 09-29 23:58:52.878 21267 21345 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 09-29 23:58:52.883 21267 21345 I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063 09-29 23:58:52.886 21267 21345 I zygote : android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 1 09-29 23:58:52.887 21267 21345 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 09-29 23:58:52.887 21267 21345 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 09-29 23:58:52.893 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.aj.a(501): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 09-29 23:58:52.894 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.aj.a(501): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 09-29 23:58:52.904 2505 2505 I zygote64: Ignoring open file descriptor 7 09-29 23:58:52.904 2505 2505 I zygote64: Ignoring open file descriptor 42 09-29 23:58:52.922 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.923 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.923 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.925 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.930 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:52.963 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:58:52.963 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1519 09-29 23:58:52.985 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 17 lines 09-29 23:58:53.017 1105 1163 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 10 lines 09-29 23:58:53.036 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:53.036 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: CertificateFactory : X509 : AndroidOpenSSL: CertificateFactory.X509 -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory 09-29 23:58:53.036 21267 21305 I System : aliases: [X.509] 09-29 23:58:53.036 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidNSSP 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: TrustManagerFactory : PKIX : AndroidNSSP: TrustManagerFactory.PKIX -> android.security.net.config.RootTrustManagerFactorySpi 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 I System : aliases: [X509] 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: HarmonyJSSE 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: KeyStore : AndroidCAStore : HarmonyJSSE: KeyStore.AndroidCAStore -> com.android.org.conscrypt.TrustedCertificateKeyStoreSpi 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: BC 09-29 23:58:53.037 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: KeyStore : BKS : BC: KeyStore.BKS -> com.android.org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.keystore.bc.BcKeyStoreSpi$Std 09-29 23:58:53.039 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: CertPathProvider 09-29 23:58:53.039 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: CertPathValidator : PKIX : CertPathProvider: CertPathValidator.PKIX -> sun.security.provider.certpath.PKIXCertPathValidator 09-29 23:58:53.039 21267 21305 I System : attributes: {ImplementedIn=Software, ValidationAlgorithm=RFC3280} 09-29 23:58:53.042 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:53.042 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: MessageDigest : MD5 : AndroidOpenSSL: MessageDigest.MD5 -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLMessageDigestJDK$MD5 09-29 23:58:53.042 21267 21305 I System : aliases: [1.2.840.113549.2.5] 09-29 23:58:53.047 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ServiceList.addFirstService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:53.047 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ServiceList.addFirstService(): method / alg: KeyFactory : RSA : AndroidOpenSSL: KeyFactory.RSA -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLRSAKeyFactory 09-29 23:58:53.047 21267 21305 I System : aliases: [1.2.840.113549.1.1.1, 1.2.840.113549.1.1.7,] 09-29 23:58:53.049 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ServiceList.addFirstService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10115; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:58:53.049 21267 21305 I System : JCA_Provider: ServiceList.addFirstService(): method / alg: KeyFactory : EC : AndroidOpenSSL: KeyFactory.EC -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLECKeyFactory 09-29 23:58:53.049 21267 21305 I System : aliases: [1.2.840.10045.2.1,] 09-29 23:58:53.053 21267 21305 I zygote : The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 09-29 23:58:53.092 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.splitinstallservice.di.a(10): Connecting InstallListener to SplitInstallService broadcaster... 09-29 23:58:53.245 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.selfupdate.f.a(92): Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [81180900] >= Server Version [-1] 09-29 23:58:53.256 21267 21267 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.e.ag.a(35): Null bundle, which breaks event chain!. Creating a new logging context. 09-29 23:58:53.562 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: perf_lock_rel: input handle=1518 09-29 23:58:53.562 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/clk_scaling/enable with 1 09-29 23:58:53.562 863 907 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: return value 2 09-29 23:58:53.661 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.externalreferrer.i.run(48): Capture referrer for com.hyperrate.gcin (empty) 09-29 23:58:53.722 4241 4241 I MobileDataPlan: [2] MobileDataPlanApiChimeraService.<init>: Service is created. 09-29 23:58:53.724 21267 21267 W PrimesInit: Primes instant initialization 09-29 23:58:53.725 21267 21372 W Primes : background initialization 09-29 23:58:53.735 21267 21372 I PrimesTesting: GserviceFlagsSupplier.get() 09-29 23:58:53.744 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:53.744 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:53.768 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.library.r.a(17): com.hyperrate.gcin not available [restriction=2]. 09-29 23:58:53.769 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.di.a.a(5): Item is not available. Reason: 2 09-29 23:58:53.772 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.activities.bf.W(23): Page [class=aq] loaded in [59 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? false) 09-29 23:58:53.820 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.library.r.a(17): com.hyperrate.gcin not available [restriction=2]. 09-29 23:58:53.822 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ax.a.a(23): Selecting account [F2CHODLIbRDCRVlbiumzJ0Hdoe0] for package com.hyperrate.gcin. overriding=[true] 09-29 23:58:53.827 21267 21267 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.library.r.a(17): com.hyperrate.gcin not available [restriction=2]. 09-29 23:58:53.828 21267 21267 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) identical 30 lines 09-29 23:58:53.832 21267 21348 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 8 lines 09-29 23:58:53.843 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:53.843 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:53.863 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10115 09-29 23:58:53.865 692 707 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd identical 22 lines 09-29 23:58:53.879 692 710 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 20 lines 09-29 23:58:54.058 863 907 I chatty : uid=0(root) vendor.qti.hard expire 13 lines 09-29 23:58:54.355 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:55.083 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} lookup 6ms, sleep -1ms 09-29 23:58:55.486 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 12 lines 09-29 23:58:55.711 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:55.769 1105 18603 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 09-29 23:58:56.008 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:56.008 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:58:56.426 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:57.601 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 15 lines 09-29 23:58:57.652 4241 18615 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x4593bdedc8: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 09-29 23:58:57.672 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [l] SourceFile:1242 09-29 23:58:57.672 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onNewIntent] SourceFile:1199 09-29 23:58:57.691 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:58:58.131 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:58.318 979 1407 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/spfd expire 23 lines 09-29 23:58:58.520 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher/com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher.MainActivity} lookup 3ms, sleep 0ms 09-29 23:58:58.545 3821 3821 D d : [onCreate] SourceFile:138 09-29 23:58:59.051 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:58:59.383 3821 3827 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=29KB, data=20KB 09-29 23:58:59.384 3821 3827 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=29KB, data=20KB 09-29 23:58:59.384 3821 3827 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 09-29 23:59:00.037 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService BroadcastReceiver.intent action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 09-29 23:59:00.038 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver end 09-29 23:59:00.041 4367 4448 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver TIME_TICK finish 09-29 23:59:00.041 4367 4367 I Weather : onReceive. intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 09-29 23:59:00.043 4367 4367 I Weather : WeatherTctWidget onReceive(). intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 09-29 23:59:00.046 4367 21406 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 09-29 23:59:00.054 4367 21406 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 09-29 23:59:00.057 4367 21407 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 09-29 23:59:00.063 4367 21407 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 09-29 23:59:00.108 3821 3821 D b : [a] SourceFile:105 Config file is either missing or invalid. Not Blocking 09-29 23:59:00.618 3821 3821 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-3821-2] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 09-29 23:59:00.651 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 42 lines 09-29 23:59:00.665 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher/com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher.MainActivity} lookup 13ms, sleep 0ms 09-29 23:59:00.721 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:01.279 863 863 I chatty : uid=0(root) [email protected] expire 12 lines 09-29 23:59:01.288 3821 3821 D ItemModelEditor: [b] SourceFile:62 Commit queued. com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher.g.f@1bfe2da 09-29 23:59:01.288 3821 21247 D ModelChangeSet: [d] SourceFile:174 Status for 6606671217585834908: AddItem 09-29 23:59:01.288 3821 21247 D ModelChangeSet: [d] SourceFile:137 AddItem then RemoveItem for 6606671217585834908 09-29 23:59:01.288 3821 21247 D ModelChangeSet: [d] SourceFile:174 Status for 6606671217585834908: (empty) 09-29 23:59:01.296 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:59:01.310 3821 3821 D BBL : Skipping runnable since activity is not running 09-29 23:59:01.336 8730 8756 D QDMA_UI : SMQContentProvider query 09-29 23:59:01.364 3821 4696 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x4573908c00 (ImageView) with handle 0x4570d6bfe0 09-29 23:59:01.408 11813 21415 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:01.414 11813 21416 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 130 lines 09-29 23:59:01.424 11813 11813 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 281 lines 09-29 23:59:01.431 698 698 I chatty : uid=0(root) main expire 10 lines 09-29 23:59:01.437 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 15 lines 09-29 23:59:01.464 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 09-29 23:59:01.486 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 09-29 23:59:01.487 841 841 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 09-29 23:59:01.488 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 09-29 23:59:01.492 841 2953 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 09-29 23:59:01.497 841 2953 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 09-29 23:59:01.497 841 2953 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 09-29 23:59:01.538 841 2953 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 09-29 23:59:01.557 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:59:01.567 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) expire 340 lines 09-29 23:59:01.635 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:01.636 21417 21417 I chatty : uid=10101(com.android.packageinstaller) RxComputationTh identical 26 lines 09-29 23:59:01.636 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:01.636 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onStop] SourceFile:895 09-29 23:59:01.638 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:01.638 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:01.669 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:01.669 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:01.807 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:02.285 21267 21293 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 09-29 23:59:02.316 21267 21336 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:02.492 841 2958 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 09-29 23:59:02.492 841 2958 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 09-29 23:59:02.499 21267 21335 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 09-29 23:59:02.522 21267 21347 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:02.643 841 2774 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 09-29 23:59:02.716 876 876 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 8 lines 09-29 23:59:02.944 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:02.944 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:03.044 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:03.210 4354 18785 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:04.020 4241 4241 I MobileDataPlan: [2] MobileDataPlanApiChimeraService.onDestroy: Service is being destroyed. 09-29 23:59:04.022 1105 1325 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 23 lines 09-29 23:59:04.061 2676 2676 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 09-29 23:59:04.064 2676 2676 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 09-29 23:59:04.077 2505 2505 I chatty : uid=0(root) main expire 11 lines 09-29 23:59:04.164 21447 21447 I zygote64: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 09-29 23:59:04.186 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:04.186 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:04.186 3689 3689 D RegisteredServicesCache: Reading service state data always from file 09-29 23:59:04.187 3689 3689 D RegisteredServicesCache: ServiceStateFileVersion=1.0 09-29 23:59:04.187 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: Next Tag=services 09-29 23:59:04.187 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: 1invalidateCache:WriteServiceStateToFile 09-29 23:59:04.187 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: Writing service state Data Always 09-29 23:59:04.187 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:04.187 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:04.200 21447 21447 D NlpPackageReceiver: Intent received: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED dat=package:com.android.vending flg=0x10 cmp=com.mgoogle.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.PackageReceiver (has extras) } 09-29 23:59:04.212 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:04.213 21417 21417 I Utils : isCtaEnabled return false 09-29 23:59:04.223 2192 2192 I chatty : uid=0(root) main expire 10 lines 09-29 23:59:04.225 3689 3689 D NfcService: GetDefaultRouteLoc :2 09-29 23:59:04.225 3689 3689 D NfcService: GetDefaultRouteLoc :2 09-29 23:59:04.226 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: 3updateStatusOfServices:WriteServiceStateToFile 09-29 23:59:04.226 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: Writing service state Data Always 09-29 23:59:04.242 3689 3689 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 09-29 23:59:04.242 3689 3689 E NfcService: applyRouting -9 09-29 23:59:04.242 3689 3689 D NfcService: applyRouting - enter force = false mScreenState = 8 09-29 23:59:04.243 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DEACTIVATE_CMD (G:01, O:06) [1]: 09-29 23:59:04.243 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:04.243 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 1 6 09-29 23:59:04.243 859 859 E : BBRY-NFC OID_RF_MGMT_RF_RF_DEACTIVATE 09-29 23:59:04.243 859 859 D : send_field_off: Field is already OFF 09-29 23:59:04.258 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DEACTIVATE_RSP (G:01, O:06) status: STATUS_OK [1]: 09-29 23:59:04.258 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:04.258 3689 18450 D bb-nfc-nci-nfahooks: ConnCallback: Received conn event CONN_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED 09-29 23:59:04.258 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setDefaultRoute: enter; defaultRoute:0x21B protoRoute:0x21B TechRoute:0xA1B HostListenMask:0x7 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultIso7816SeID:0x200 mDefaultIsoDepSeID:0x200 mDefaultTechASeID 0x200 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultIso7816SeID:0x402 mDefaultIso7816Powerstate:0x1B 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultIsoDepSeID:0x402 mDefaultIsoDepPowerstate:0x1B 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultTechASeID:0x402 mDefaultTechAPowerstate:0x1B 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 18450 E BrcmNfcNfa: CE_T4tRegisterAID (): only one wildcard AID can be registered at time. 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 18450 E BrcmNfcNfa: Unable to register AID 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::stackCallback: event=0x15 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::stackCallback: NFA_CE_REGISTERED_EVT; status=0x3; h=0xFFFF 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: enter 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: CHECK_DEFAULT_PROTO_SE_ID - 0x 1 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: count : 0 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID:isDefaultIsoDepSeIDPresent:0x0 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: exit 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::initialiseTableEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::initialiseTableEntries: exit; mTechSupportedByEse:0x0 mTechSupportedByUicc1:0x0 mTechSupportedByUicc2:0x0 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileProtoEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------Proto Table Entries------------------ 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|RouteLoc=0x400|Proto=0x04|Power=0x01|Enable=0x1| 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|RouteLoc=0x400|Proto=0x08|Power=0x09|Enable=0x1| 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|RouteLoc=0x400|Proto=0x20|Power=0x09|Enable=0x1| 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileProtoEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateProtoEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: ----------------------------------------Lmrt Proto Entries------------------------------------ 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|nfceeID=0x400|SWTCH-ON=0x2C|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x28|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|nfceeID=0x4C0|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|nfceeID=0x402|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateProtoEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: enter 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x400 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: Clear Proto Routing Entries for nfceeID:0x400 09-29 23:59:04.259 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x4C0 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x402 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x481 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileTechEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------Tech Table Entries------------------ 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x01|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x02|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x04|Power=0x3F|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: -------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::processTechEntriesForFwdfunctionality: enter 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------Tech Table Entries------------------ 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x01|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x02|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x04|Power=0x3F|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: -------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::processTechEntriesForFwdfunctionality: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileTechEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateTechEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: -----------------------------------------Lmrt Tech Entries------------------------------------ 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|nfceeID=0x400|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|nfceeID=0x4C0|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|nfceeID=0x402|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateTechEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setTechRouting: enter 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setTechRouting: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::configureOffHostNfceeTechMask: enter 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::configureOffHostNfceeTechMask: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setDefaultRoute: exit 09-29 23:59:04.260 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::commitRouting 09-29 23:59:04.261 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_SET_LISTEN_MODE_ROUTING_CMD (G:01, O:01) [35]: 09-29 23:59:04.261 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 05 42 0b 00 c1 b0 69 37 89 67 56 00 24 78 01 | ..B..??i7?gV.$x. 09-29 23:59:04.261 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 03 00 01 03 41 03 00 41 04 41 03 00 41 a0 01 03 | ....A..A.A..A?.. 09-29 23:59:04.261 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 01 05 | ... 09-29 23:59:04.261 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 1 1 09-29 23:59:04.265 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_SET_LISTEN_MODE_ROUTING_RSP (G:01, O:01) status: STATUS_OK [1]: 09-29 23:59:04.265 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:04.265 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT 09-29 23:59:04.265 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: CORE: CORE_SET_CONFIG_CMD (G:00, O:02): 09-29 23:59:04.265 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 32:LA_SEL_INFO[1]: 20 09-29 23:59:04.265 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 38:LB_SENSB_INFO[1]: 01 09-29 23:59:04.266 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 0 2 09-29 23:59:04.270 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: CORE: CORE_SET_CONFIG_RSP (G:00, O:02) status: STATUS_OK: 09-29 23:59:04.274 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DISCOVER_CMD (G:01, O:03) [25]: 09-29 23:59:04.274 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 0c 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 05 01 80 01 81 01 82 | ...........?.?.? 09-29 23:59:04.274 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 01 83 01 85 01 06 01 70 01 | .?.?...p. 09-29 23:59:04.274 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 1 3 09-29 23:59:04.274 859 859 E : BBRY-NFC OID_RF_MGMT_RF_DISCOVER 09-29 23:59:04.278 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DISCOVER_RSP (G:01, O:03) status: STATUS_OK [1]: 09-29 23:59:04.278 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:04.278 3689 18450 D bb-nfc-nci-nfahooks: ConnCallback: Received conn event CONN_RF_DISCOVERY_STARTED 09-29 23:59:04.278 3689 3689 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 09-29 23:59:04.308 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails} lookup 5ms, sleep -1ms 09-29 23:59:04.515 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:04.839 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 14 lines 09-29 23:59:04.970 8730 8745 D QDMA_UI : SMQContentProvider query 09-29 23:59:05.010 2529 2740 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) SysUiBg expire 183 lines 09-29 23:59:05.010 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Enter onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:59:05.010 2482 2482 D HeadsetPhoneState: Exit onSignalStrengthsChanged 09-29 23:59:05.012 11813 21431 I chatty : uid=1000(system) fifo-pool-threa expire 4 lines 09-29 23:59:05.098 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:59:05.106 11813 11845 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 1 line 09-29 23:59:05.349 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:05.739 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 11 lines 09-29 23:59:06.234 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:06.665 993 993 I keystore: clear_uid 10115 09-29 23:59:06.856 21447 21447 D NlpPackageReceiver: Intent received: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED dat=package:com.android.vending flg=0x10 cmp=com.mgoogle.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.PackageReceiver (has extras) } 09-29 23:59:06.865 2676 2676 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 09-29 23:59:06.866 2676 2676 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 09-29 23:59:06.867 2482 2482 D Avrcp : Exit handlePackageModified 09-29 23:59:06.868 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 12 lines 09-29 23:59:06.868 3567 3567 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_ALL packageName=com.android.vending] 09-29 23:59:06.885 3689 3689 D RegisteredServicesCache: Reading service state data always from file 09-29 23:59:06.886 3689 3689 D RegisteredServicesCache: ServiceStateFileVersion=1.0 09-29 23:59:06.886 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: Next Tag=services 09-29 23:59:06.887 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: 1invalidateCache:WriteServiceStateToFile 09-29 23:59:06.887 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: Writing service state Data Always 09-29 23:59:06.936 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:07.061 3689 3689 D NfcService: GetDefaultRouteLoc :2 09-29 23:59:07.062 3689 3689 D NfcService: GetDefaultRouteLoc :2 09-29 23:59:07.063 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: 3updateStatusOfServices:WriteServiceStateToFile 09-29 23:59:07.064 3689 3689 E RegisteredServicesCache: Writing service state Data Always 09-29 23:59:07.090 3689 3689 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 09-29 23:59:07.090 3689 3689 E NfcService: applyRouting -9 09-29 23:59:07.090 3904 3904 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) AppDataClearedBroadcastReceiver - notification service intercept broadcast intent:android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED 09-29 23:59:07.090 3689 3689 D NfcService: applyRouting - enter force = false mScreenState = 8 09-29 23:59:07.090 3904 3904 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) AppDataClearedBroadcastReceiver - info:Intent Detected:android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED for UID:10115, appInfo:package:com.android.vending, appName:com.android.vending 09-29 23:59:07.092 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DEACTIVATE_CMD (G:01, O:06) [1]: 09-29 23:59:07.092 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:07.093 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 1 6 09-29 23:59:07.093 859 859 E : BBRY-NFC OID_RF_MGMT_RF_RF_DEACTIVATE 09-29 23:59:07.093 859 859 D : send_field_off: Field is already OFF 09-29 23:59:07.094 859 18477 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 09-29 23:59:07.094 859 18477 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 09-29 23:59:07.094 859 18479 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 09-29 23:59:07.096 859 859 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 09-29 23:59:07.098 3689 3784 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex NxpNfcNci.apk 09-29 23:59:07.098 3689 3784 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex NxpNfcNci.apk 09-29 23:59:07.113 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DEACTIVATE_RSP (G:01, O:06) status: STATUS_OK [1]: 09-29 23:59:07.113 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 18450 D bb-nfc-nci-nfahooks: ConnCallback: Received conn event CONN_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setDefaultRoute: enter; defaultRoute:0x21B protoRoute:0x21B TechRoute:0xA1B HostListenMask:0x7 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultIso7816SeID:0x200 mDefaultIsoDepSeID:0x200 mDefaultTechASeID 0x200 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultIso7816SeID:0x402 mDefaultIso7816Powerstate:0x1B 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultIsoDepSeID:0x402 mDefaultIsoDepPowerstate:0x1B 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::extractRouteLocationAndPowerStates:mDefaultTechASeID:0x402 mDefaultTechAPowerstate:0x1B 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: enter 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 18450 E BrcmNfcNfa: CE_T4tRegisterAID (): only one wildcard AID can be registered at time. 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: CHECK_DEFAULT_PROTO_SE_ID - 0x 1 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 18450 E BrcmNfcNfa: Unable to register AID 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::stackCallback: event=0x15 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::stackCallback: NFA_CE_REGISTERED_EVT; status=0x3; h=0xFFFF 09-29 23:59:07.114 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: count : 0 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID:isDefaultIsoDepSeIDPresent:0x0 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::checkProtoSeID: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::initialiseTableEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::initialiseTableEntries: exit; mTechSupportedByEse:0x0 mTechSupportedByUicc1:0x0 mTechSupportedByUicc2:0x0 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileProtoEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------Proto Table Entries------------------ 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|RouteLoc=0x400|Proto=0x04|Power=0x01|Enable=0x1| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|RouteLoc=0x400|Proto=0x08|Power=0x09|Enable=0x1| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|RouteLoc=0x400|Proto=0x20|Power=0x09|Enable=0x1| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileProtoEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateProtoEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: ----------------------------------------Lmrt Proto Entries------------------------------------ 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|nfceeID=0x400|SWTCH-ON=0x2C|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x28|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|nfceeID=0x4C0|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|nfceeID=0x402|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateProtoEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x400 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: Clear Proto Routing Entries for nfceeID:0x400 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x4C0 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x402 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: nfceeID:0x481 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setProtoRouting: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileTechEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------Tech Table Entries------------------ 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x01|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x02|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x04|Power=0x3F|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: -------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: getUiccRoute: Enter slot num = 1 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::processTechEntriesForFwdfunctionality: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: --------------------Tech Table Entries------------------ 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x01|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x02|Power=0x1B|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|RouteLoc=0x402|Tech=0x04|Power=0x3F|Enable=0x0| 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: -------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::processTechEntriesForFwdfunctionality: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::compileTechEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateTechEntries: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: -----------------------------------------Lmrt Tech Entries------------------------------------ 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=0|nfceeID=0x400|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=1|nfceeID=0x4C0|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: |Index=2|nfceeID=0x402|SWTCH-ON=0x00|SWTCH-OFF=0x00|BAT-OFF=0x00|SCRN-LOCK=0x00|SCRN-OFF=0x00|SCRN-OFF_LOCK=0x00 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::consolidateTechEntries: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setTechRouting: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setTechRouting: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::configureOffHostNfceeTechMask: enter 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::configureOffHostNfceeTechMask: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::setDefaultRoute: exit 09-29 23:59:07.115 3689 3689 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::commitRouting 09-29 23:59:07.116 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_SET_LISTEN_MODE_ROUTING_CMD (G:01, O:01) [35]: 09-29 23:59:07.116 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 05 42 0b 00 c1 b0 69 37 89 67 56 00 24 78 01 | ..B..??i7?gV.$x. 09-29 23:59:07.116 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 03 00 01 03 41 03 00 41 04 41 03 00 41 a0 01 03 | ....A..A.A..A?.. 09-29 23:59:07.116 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 01 05 | ... 09-29 23:59:07.116 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 1 1 09-29 23:59:07.121 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_SET_LISTEN_MODE_ROUTING_RSP (G:01, O:01) status: STATUS_OK [1]: 09-29 23:59:07.121 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:07.122 3689 18450 D BrcmNfcJni: RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT 09-29 23:59:07.122 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: CORE: CORE_SET_CONFIG_CMD (G:00, O:02): 09-29 23:59:07.122 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 32:LA_SEL_INFO[1]: 20 09-29 23:59:07.122 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 38:LB_SENSB_INFO[1]: 01 09-29 23:59:07.122 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 0 2 09-29 23:59:07.126 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: CORE: CORE_SET_CONFIG_RSP (G:00, O:02) status: STATUS_OK: 09-29 23:59:07.127 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DISCOVER_CMD (G:01, O:03) [25]: 09-29 23:59:07.127 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 0c 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 05 01 80 01 81 01 82 | ...........?.?.? 09-29 23:59:07.127 859 859 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 01 83 01 85 01 06 01 70 01 | .?.?...p. 09-29 23:59:07.127 859 859 D : NCI CMD: 1 3 09-29 23:59:07.127 859 859 E : BBRY-NFC OID_RF_MGMT_RF_DISCOVER 09-29 23:59:07.130 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: RF: RF_DISCOVER_RSP (G:01, O:03) status: STATUS_OK [1]: 09-29 23:59:07.130 859 18479 I bb-nfc-nci-hal: 00 | . 09-29 23:59:07.130 3689 18450 D bb-nfc-nci-nfahooks: ConnCallback: Received conn event CONN_RF_DISCOVERY_STARTED 09-29 23:59:07.130 3689 3689 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 09-29 23:59:07.135 4241 21526 I LocationSettingsChecker: Removing dialog suppression flag for package com.android.vending 09-29 23:59:07.157 4241 16083 I Icing : doRemovePackageData com.android.vending 09-29 23:59:07.217 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [l] SourceFile:1242 09-29 23:59:07.218 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onNewIntent] SourceFile:1199 09-29 23:59:07.250 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:59:07.672 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:08.438 3821 3821 D d : [onCreate] SourceFile:138 09-29 23:59:08.925 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:10.210 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher/com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher.MainActivity} lookup 4ms, sleep 0ms 09-29 23:59:10.337 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:59:10.347 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [l] SourceFile:1242 09-29 23:59:10.348 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onNewIntent] SourceFile:1199 09-29 23:59:10.354 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onResume] SourceFile:992 09-29 23:59:10.663 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:10.850 4354 6149 I chatty : uid=10131(com.bbm) expire 165 lines 09-29 23:59:11.114 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 35 lines 09-29 23:59:11.238 3821 21246 D b : Bundle[{action=launch_keyboard_settings, source=Desktop, type=action_performed}] 09-29 23:59:11.243 3821 21246 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:59:11.249 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 101 lines 09-29 23:59:11.276 3821 21247 D b : Bundle[{quick_action=false, source=Desktop, type=launched_activity, serial_number=0, component_name=com.hyperrate.gcinfree/com.hyperrate.gcinfree.GcinTools}] 09-29 23:59:11.276 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onPause] SourceFile:874 09-29 23:59:11.278 3821 21247 W b : Send event failed 09-29 23:59:11.345 3821 4696 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x4567363000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x4570cd6ae0 09-29 23:59:11.566 3821 3821 D MainActivity: [onStop] SourceFile:895 09-29 23:59:11.615 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:13.235 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:13.885 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:59:13.887 863 863 I chatty : uid=0(root) [email protected] expire 736 lines 09-29 23:59:14.047 21549 21549 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 186 lines 09-29 23:59:14.104 692 707 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 67 lines 09-29 23:59:14.112 21549 21577 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 12 lines 09-29 23:59:14.144 21549 21596 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:14.214 21549 21586 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 5 lines 09-29 23:59:14.215 21549 21585 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 5 lines 09-29 23:59:14.288 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} lookup 2ms, sleep -1ms 09-29 23:59:14.351 21549 21604 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 7 lines 09-29 23:59:14.395 3567 3567 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 09-29 23:59:14.396 3567 3567 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 09-29 23:59:14.488 692 710 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 105 lines 09-29 23:59:14.526 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:59:14.566 21549 21587 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 19 lines 09-29 23:59:14.569 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 32 lines 09-29 23:59:14.738 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:15.025 21549 21571 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 09-29 23:59:15.028 21549 21606 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:15.836 7250 19434 W OkHttpClient: A connection to http://tools.3g.qq.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body? 09-29 23:59:16.378 21549 21624 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:16.394 4241 4241 I MobileDataPlan: [2] MobileDataPlanApiChimeraService.<init>: Service is created. 09-29 23:59:16.457 21549 21588 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 09-29 23:59:16.476 979 1376 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/spfd expire 11 lines 09-29 23:59:16.477 979 1409 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/spfd expire 23 lines 09-29 23:59:16.526 21549 21599 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 52 lines 09-29 23:59:16.559 21549 21600 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 73 lines 09-29 23:59:16.612 979 1374 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/spfd expire 12 lines 09-29 23:59:16.742 21549 21555 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 6 lines 09-29 23:59:16.754 21639 21639 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 27 lines 09-29 23:59:16.904 3624 8243 I TaskMonitor: Top activity component: ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} lookup 3ms, sleep -1ms 09-29 23:59:17.161 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:17.344 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 09-29 23:59:17.345 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-29 23:59:17.345 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@[email protected] (040408-212283828):13) 09-29 23:59:17.345 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 09-29 23:59:17.345 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 09-29 23:59:17.345 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:175) 09-29 23:59:17.394 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 09-29 23:59:17.394 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-29 23:59:17.394 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@[email protected] (040408-212283828):13) 09-29 23:59:17.394 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 09-29 23:59:17.394 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 09-29 23:59:17.394 3567 18634 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:175) 09-29 23:59:17.525 7019 7084 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: [E]netSend ssoSeq:14611 uin:*1983 cmd:753809844 14935 09-29 23:59:17.856 7019 19408 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: [E]netRecv ssoSeq:14611 uin:*1983 cmd:753809844 14811 09-29 23:59:18.007 863 907 I chatty : uid=0(root) vendor.qti.hard expire 423 lines 09-29 23:59:18.131 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:18.259 21549 21591 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 09-29 23:59:18.548 960 1031 E libnav : CablComputeBacklightLevel(): UpdateType = DifferentSceneUpdate 09-29 23:59:18.620 21549 21674 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:18.699 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 94 lines 09-29 23:59:18.871 21675 21704 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 09-29 23:59:18.952 21675 21675 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 09-29 23:59:18.965 21675 21709 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:18.982 21675 21695 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 09-29 23:59:18.988 21549 21562 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 09-29 23:59:19.119 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 58 lines 09-29 23:59:19.364 4241 4241 W highpool[2]: type=1400 audit(0.0:3940): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/ddt" dev="dm-0" ino=828 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:tcpdump_diag_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 09-29 23:59:19.411 21675 21724 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 28 lines 09-29 23:59:19.472 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 244 lines 09-29 23:59:19.780 21675 21711 I chatty : uid=10115(com.android.vending) expire 7 lines 09-29 23:59:19.801 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Starting cellular service change Job 09-29 23:59:19.806 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Current device SIM ICCID (89860082191479690789) does not match last seen ICCID () 09-29 23:59:19.840 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Scheduling an On-Demand check-in job 09-29 23:59:19.858 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Creating new service 09-29 23:59:19.862 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: ConnectivityState=<type=WIFI, isMetered=false, isRoaming=true> 09-29 23:59:19.867 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: onStartCommand received Intent: Intent { cmp=com.blackberry.ddt.checkin/.jobs.CheckinConnectivityController }. startId=1 09-29 23:59:19.867 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: onBind: Received Intent: Intent { cmp=com.blackberry.ddt.checkin/.jobs.CheckinConnectivityController }. mBinder = com.blackberry.ddt.checkin.jobs.CheckinConnectivityController$CheckinConnectivityControllerBinder@2efb40f 09-29 23:59:19.890 626 626 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 09-29 23:59:19.898 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Received checkin job 0 09-29 23:59:19.898 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: CheckinConnectivityController is unavailable on job start. Forcing a retry. 09-29 23:59:19.899 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: ConnectivityState=<type=WIFI, isMetered=false, isRoaming=true> 09-29 23:59:19.907 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Started boredom timer. Boredom timer will expire at Sun Sep 30 00:04:19 GMT+08:00 2018 09-29 23:59:19.908 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Retrying job 09-29 23:59:19.908 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: onCheckinConnectivityControllerNotBound: Retrying checkin job 0 09-29 23:59:19.908 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Starting to track job 0 09-29 23:59:19.914 4241 4241 W highpool[2]: type=1400 audit(0.0:3941): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/system/bin/gzip" dev="dm-0" ino=882 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:gzip_exec:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0 09-29 23:59:19.916 20826 20826 I CheckinClient: Executing job 0 now. 09-29 23:59:19.931 20826 21740 E CheckinClient: Sending the DeviceCheckin request to ServerURL =https://ifs.blackberry.com/checkin/device/bsn/5000017031 09-29 23:59:19.964 20826 21740 D BbrySecurityServices: Calling getProfileOwnerInfo for 0 as 0; process uid: 2913 09-29 23:59:19.964 20826 21740 D BbrySecurityServices: Context: com.blackberry.ddt.checkin 0 09-29 23:59:19.964 20826 21740 D BbrySecurityServices: Calling from com.blackberry.ddt.checkin 09-29 23:59:19.966 20826 21740 D BbrySecurityServices: No device owner found for profile with id 0 09-29 23:59:19.966 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:59:19.966 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: MessageDigest : SHA-512 : AndroidOpenSSL: MessageDigest.SHA-512 -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLMessageDigestJDK$SHA512 09-29 23:59:19.966 20826 21740 I System : aliases: [SHA512, 2.16.840.] 09-29 23:59:19.967 20826 21740 I CheckinClient: About to send a Checkin request with serviceURL https://ifs.blackberry.com/checkin/device/bsn/5000017031.check in reason - simswap 09-29 23:59:19.967 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: BC 09-29 23:59:19.967 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: KeyStore : BKS : BC: KeyStore.BKS -> com.android.org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.keystore.bc.BcKeyStoreSpi$Std 09-29 23:59:19.968 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:59:19.968 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: SecureRandom : SHA1PRNG : AndroidOpenSSL: SecureRandom.SHA1PRNG -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLRandom 09-29 23:59:19.968 20826 21740 I System : attributes: {ImplementedIn=Software} 09-29 23:59:19.981 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: GetInstance.getInstance(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: BC 09-29 23:59:19.981 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: GetInstance.getInstance(): method / alg: CertificateFactory : X.509 : BC: CertificateFactory.X.509 -> com.android.org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.x509.CertificateFactory 09-29 23:59:19.981 20826 21740 I System : aliases: [X509] 09-29 23:59:20.008 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidNSSP 09-29 23:59:20.008 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: TrustManagerFactory : PKIX : AndroidNSSP: TrustManagerFactory.PKIX -> android.security.net.config.RootTrustManagerFactorySpi 09-29 23:59:20.008 20826 21740 I System : aliases: [X509] 09-29 23:59:20.008 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:59:20.008 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: SSLContext : TLS : AndroidOpenSSL: SSLContext.TLS -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLContextImpl$TLSv12 09-29 23:59:20.009 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: HarmonyJSSE 09-29 23:59:20.010 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: KeyManagerFactory : PKIX : HarmonyJSSE: KeyManagerFactory.PKIX -> com.android.org.conscrypt.KeyManagerFactoryImpl 09-29 23:59:20.010 20826 21740 I System : aliases: [X509] 09-29 23:59:20.012 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 2913; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidNSSP; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 09-29 23:59:20.012 20826 21740 I System : JCA_Provider: ProviderList.getService(): method / alg: SSLContext : Default : AndroidOpenSSL: SSLContext.Default -> com.android.org.conscrypt.DefaultSSLContextImpl 09-29 23:59:20.013 20826 21740 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 09-29 23:59:20.015 20826 21740 I zygote64: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.hyperrate.gcin, PID: 7951 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin$MDialog.hide()' on a null object reference 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.disp_popupwin(Gcin.java:3026) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.display_candidate(Gcin.java:2780) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.display_edit_candidate(Gcin.java:3081) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.handleCharacter(Gcin.java:1432) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.handleCharacter(Gcin.java:1394) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.translateKeyDown(Gcin.java:1679) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.onKeyDown(Gcin.java:1790) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.KeyEvent.dispatch(KeyEvent.java:2789) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.inputmethodservice.AbstractInputMethodService$AbstractInputMethodSessionImpl.dispatchKeyEvent(AbstractInputMethodService.java:139) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodSessionWrapper$ImeInputEventReceiver.onInputEvent(IInputMethodSessionWrapper.java:232) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent(InputEventReceiver.java:187) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:325) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6558) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469) 09-30 01:13:40.142 7951 7951 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:826) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.hyperrate.gcin, PID: 10885 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin$MDialog.hide()' on a null object reference 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.disp_popupwin(Gcin.java:3026) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.display_candidate(Gcin.java:2780) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.display_edit_candidate(Gcin.java:3081) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.handleCharacter(Gcin.java:1432) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.handleCharacter(Gcin.java:1394) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.translateKeyDown(Gcin.java:1679) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.onKeyDown(Gcin.java:1790) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.KeyEvent.dispatch(KeyEvent.java:2789) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.inputmethodservice.AbstractInputMethodService$AbstractInputMethodSessionImpl.dispatchKeyEvent(AbstractInputMethodService.java:139) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodSessionWrapper$ImeInputEventReceiver.onInputEvent(IInputMethodSessionWrapper.java:232) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent(InputEventReceiver.java:187) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:325) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6558) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469) 09-30 01:33:00.056 10885 10885 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:826) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.hyperrate.gcin, PID: 11052 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin$MDialog.hide()' on a null object reference 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.disp_popupwin(Gcin.java:3026) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.display_candidate(Gcin.java:2780) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.display_edit_candidate(Gcin.java:3081) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.handleCharacter(Gcin.java:1432) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.handleCharacter(Gcin.java:1398) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.hyperrate.gcin.Gcin.onKeyDown(Gcin.java:1755) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.KeyEvent.dispatch(KeyEvent.java:2789) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.inputmethodservice.AbstractInputMethodService$AbstractInputMethodSessionImpl.dispatchKeyEvent(AbstractInputMethodService.java:139) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodSessionWrapper$ImeInputEventReceiver.onInputEvent(IInputMethodSessionWrapper.java:232) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent(InputEventReceiver.java:187) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:325) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6558) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469) 09-30 10:30:20.741 11052 11052 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:826) 09-30 12:04:36.921 28415 19855 F google-breakpad: Microdump skipped (uninteresting) 09-30 12:04:37.037 4354 19855 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 09-30 12:04:37.037 4354 19855 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'blackberry/bbf100cnchina/bbf100:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/ABH542:user/release-keys' 09-30 12:04:37.037 4354 19855 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 09-30 12:04:37.037 4354 19855 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm' 09-30 12:04:37.037 4354 19855 F DEBUG : pid: 4354, tid: 19855, name: com.bbm >>> com.bbm <<< 09-30 12:04:37.037 4354 19855 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr -------- 09-30 12:04:37.160 4354 19855 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'glTexImage2D error! GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY (0x505)' 09-30 12:04:37.160 4354 19855 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00004d8f r2 00000006 r3 00000008 09-30 12:04:37.160 4354 19855 F DEBUG : r4 00001102 r5 00004d8f r6 bf18f47c r7 0000010c 09-30 12:04:37.160 4354 19855 F DEBUG : r8 00000000 r9 e52c4ea0 sl e52c4ea0 fp e52c4ed4 09-30 12:04:37.160 4354 19855 F DEBUG : ip e52c4e74 sp bf18f468 lr e72fcd4d pc e72f67ee cpsr 200d0030 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : backtrace: 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0001a7ee /system/lib/libc.so (abort+63) 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00006585 /system/lib/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+156) 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0002fe71 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0002d837 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00084505 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0008419f /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00084a23 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00084b5f /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00084fdb /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0004b711 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #10 pc 0005edd7 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #12 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #13 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #14 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #15 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #16 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #17 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #18 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #19 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #20 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #21 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #22 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #23 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #24 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #25 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #26 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #27 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #28 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #29 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #30 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #31 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #32 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #33 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #34 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #35 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #36 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #37 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #38 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #39 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #40 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #41 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #42 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #43 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #44 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #45 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #46 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #47 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #48 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #49 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #50 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #51 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #52 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #53 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #54 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #55 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #56 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #57 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #58 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #59 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #60 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #61 pc 0005ee01 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #62 pc 00078d67 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 12:04:37.208 4354 19855 F DEBUG : #63 pc 0003ea59 /system/lib/libhwui.so 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'blackberry/bbf100cnchina/bbf100:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/ABH542:user/release-keys' 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm' 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : pid: 28744, tid: 28744, name: gcin >>> gcin <<< 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 09-30 15:09:25.241 28744 28744 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference 09-30 15:09:25.247 28744 28744 F DEBUG : r0 dc25d3b0 r1 00000001 r2 00000000 r3 dc2037ac 09-30 15:09:25.247 28744 28744 F DEBUG : r4 00000003 r5 00000003 r6 dc262804 r7 f83d00d0 09-30 15:09:25.247 28744 28744 F DEBUG : r8 dc262703 r9 00000002 sl 00000001 fp 00000002 09-30 15:09:25.248 28744 28744 F DEBUG : ip dd76cd5c sp f83cfb20 lr dd7429f5 pc 0c7aea8c cpsr 20010030 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : backtrace: 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000aa8c /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000acbd /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000acbd /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00010aeb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00010edb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0000dd4d /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00005a39 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000040cf /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00003bfb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #09 pc 00002431 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00079921 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init+48) 09-30 15:09:25.251 28744 28744 F DEBUG : #11 pc 000022c0 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 09-30 23:40:53.381 30493 30493 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 09-30 23:40:53.382 30493 30493 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'blackberry/bbf100cnchina/bbf100:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/ABH542:user/release-keys' 09-30 23:40:53.382 30493 30493 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 09-30 23:40:53.382 30493 30493 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm' 09-30 23:40:53.382 30493 30493 F DEBUG : pid: 30493, tid: 30493, name: com.microsoft.emmx >>> .microsoft.emmx <<< 09-30 23:40:53.382 30493 30493 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr -------- 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : Abort message: '[FATAL:compositor_impl_android.cc(822)] Fatal error making Gpu context 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #00 0xc33b42d1 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so+0x00a922d1 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #01 0xc3f6209d /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so+0x0164009d 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #02 0xc3c7fe1d /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so+0x0135de1d 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #03 0xc3796dc3 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so+0x00e74dc3 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #04 0xc3e3ab05 /data 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 0000771d r2 00000006 r3 00000008 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : r4 0000771d r5 0000771d r6 f77f0414 r7 0000010c 09-30 23:40:53.407 30493 30493 F DEBUG : r8 00000000 r9 e73741b8 sl 00000046 fp f77f0445 09-30 23:40:53.408 30493 30493 F DEBUG : ip c585d1dc sp f77f0400 lr e72fcd4d pc e72f67ee cpsr 200b0030 09-30 23:40:53.428 30493 30493 F DEBUG : 09-30 23:40:53.428 30493 30493 F DEBUG : backtrace: 09-30 23:40:53.428 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0001a7ee /system/lib/libc.so (abort+63) 09-30 23:40:53.428 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00015cb7 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00023579 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00bd109d /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #04 pc 008eee1d /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00405dc3 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00aa9b03 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00bd0cd7 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #08 pc 000164d7 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #09 pc 00027a5f /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00027d5b /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00028365 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/lib/arm/libchrome.so (offset 0xa6f000) 09-30 23:40:53.429 30493 30493 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00062f85 /data/app/com.microsoft.emmx-_klnn5kdnBi60eLYH_n2GA==/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x16a000) 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'blackberry/bbf100cnchina/bbf100:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/ABH542:user/release-keys' 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm' 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : pid: 6984, tid: 6984, name: gcin >>> gcin <<< 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 10-02 00:11:14.932 6984 6984 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference 10-02 00:11:14.935 6984 6984 F DEBUG : r0 e571f160 r1 00000001 r2 00000000 r3 e5a83864 10-02 00:11:14.935 6984 6984 F DEBUG : r4 00000005 r5 00000003 r6 e56c2304 r7 fa21b3e0 10-02 00:11:14.935 6984 6984 F DEBUG : r8 e56c2203 r9 00000004 sl 00000001 fp 00000004 10-02 00:11:14.935 6984 6984 F DEBUG : ip e66f3d5c sp fa21ae30 lr e66c99f5 pc 074a7a8c cpsr 20010030 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : backtrace: 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000aa8c /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000acbd /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000acbd /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0000acbd /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #04 pc 0000acbd /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00010aeb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00010edb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.938 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000dd4d /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.939 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00005a39 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.939 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000040cf /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.939 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00003bfb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.939 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00002431 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 00:11:14.939 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00079921 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init+48) 10-02 00:11:14.939 6984 6984 F DEBUG : #13 pc 000022c0 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin --------- beginning of system 10-02 16:43:51.333 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[NewsPageActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134595653, downTime=134595584, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:43:51.333 23270 23270 I chatty : uid=10151(com.netease.newsreader.activity) identical 11 lines 10-02 16:43:51.333 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[NewsPageActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134595653, downTime=134595584, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:43:51.461 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134595610, downTime=134595584, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:43:51.481 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134595610, downTime=134595584, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:44:17.125 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 16 lines 10-02 16:44:18.697 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 21 lines 10-02 16:44:57.146 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 2 lines 10-02 16:45:00.454 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[TransparentActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134664630, downTime=134664604, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:45:00.457 23270 23270 I chatty : uid=10151(com.netease.newsreader.activity) identical 14 lines 10-02 16:45:00.457 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[TransparentActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134664630, downTime=134664604, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:45:05.338 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 20 lines 10-02 16:45:35.937 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134700123, downTime=134700122, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:45:35.961 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134700123, downTime=134700122, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:45:41.265 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 13 lines 10-02 16:46:11.377 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-02 16:46:34.087 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134758205, downTime=134758203, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:46:34.117 23270 23270 I chatty : uid=10151(com.netease.newsreader.activity) identical 14 lines 10-02 16:46:34.117 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134758205, downTime=134758203, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:46:51.202 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 31 lines 10-02 16:46:51.456 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 26 lines 10-02 16:47:10.006 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 11 lines 10-02 16:47:15.326 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134799530, downTime=134799509, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:47:15.331 23270 23270 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=134799530, downTime=134799509, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 16:47:17.170 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 17 lines 10-02 16:47:17.211 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 1 line 10-02 16:47:17.212 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 4 lines 10-02 16:47:17.596 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 4 lines 10-02 16:47:39.854 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 5 lines 10-02 16:47:40.046 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 16:47:40.176 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 20 lines 10-02 16:47:40.471 19611 19611 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 16:47:40.480 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 2 lines 10-02 16:47:42.505 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 13 lines 10-02 16:47:42.586 19690 19690 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 16:47:42.834 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 8 lines 10-02 16:47:43.438 19611 19611 W FileUtils: Failed to chmod(/data/user/0/com.tencent.mm/shared_prefs/INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_CWCREATE_WEBVIEW.xml): android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 10-02 16:47:43.452 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 3 lines 10-02 16:47:44.064 19837 19837 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.sina.weibo.spProvider: com.sina.weibo.provider.SinaWeiboSPProvider 10-02 16:47:56.956 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 6 lines 10-02 16:47:58.813 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:47:58.813 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:49:46.047 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 6 lines 10-02 16:50:00.065 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 7 lines 10-02 16:50:03.491 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 10 lines 10-02 16:50:03.552 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 14 lines 10-02 16:50:31.188 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 4 lines 10-02 16:51:42.989 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:51:42.989 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:51:46.580 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 2 lines 10-02 16:51:46.642 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-02 16:52:40.694 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 16:52:40.883 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 9 lines 10-02 16:52:40.916 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 59 lines 10-02 16:52:41.159 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 24 lines 10-02 16:53:51.642 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 32 lines 10-02 16:53:51.661 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 17 lines 10-02 16:53:51.697 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 23 lines 10-02 16:54:49.504 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 15 lines 10-02 16:54:49.921 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 24 lines 10-02 16:54:58.709 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 17 lines 10-02 16:54:58.957 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-02 16:54:59.036 1105 2694 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_7 expire 8 lines 10-02 16:55:40.233 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 10 lines 10-02 16:55:49.874 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 16:56:00.859 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 3 lines 10-02 16:56:09.480 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 4 lines 10-02 16:57:09.139 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines 10-02 16:57:14.326 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines 10-02 16:57:15.166 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 12 lines 10-02 16:57:15.178 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 16:57:15.191 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 16:57:15.194 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 16:57:15.194 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 16:57:19.358 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 16:57:19.533 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 16:57:19.542 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 16:57:19.558 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 16:57:24.378 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 9 lines 10-02 16:57:24.385 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 16:57:24.728 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 25 lines 10-02 16:57:25.223 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 103 10-02 16:57:25.305 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 16:57:25.598 1105 1324 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-02 16:57:26.261 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 103 10-02 16:57:26.467 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 16:57:26.607 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 19 lines 10-02 16:57:26.684 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 12 lines 10-02 16:57:26.797 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 16:57:26.797 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 21 lines 10-02 16:57:26.828 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 16:57:26.829 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 16:57:26.843 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 16:57:26.843 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 16:57:26.845 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 16:57:26.845 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 16:57:27.831 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 5 lines 10-02 16:57:27.890 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 5 lines 10-02 16:57:27.908 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 17 lines 10-02 16:57:29.512 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:57:29.513 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:57:29.779 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 15 lines 10-02 16:57:37.713 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 10 lines 10-02 16:57:37.766 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 3 lines 10-02 16:57:37.826 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 3 lines 10-02 16:57:37.991 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 16 lines 10-02 16:57:46.307 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 15 lines 10-02 16:57:48.125 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 12 lines 10-02 16:57:51.941 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 16:57:51.948 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 16:57:51.950 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 16:57:51.950 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 16:57:52.120 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 16:57:52.250 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 16:57:52.257 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 16:57:52.270 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 16:58:43.438 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 10 lines 10-02 16:58:50.816 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 16 lines 10-02 16:58:52.097 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 11 lines 10-02 16:58:52.123 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 13 lines 10-02 16:59:06.093 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 25 lines 10-02 16:59:06.429 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 16:59:06.429 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 16:59:06.441 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 16:59:06.441 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 16:59:06.445 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 16:59:06.455 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 16:59:07.106 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 11 lines 10-02 16:59:07.108 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 10 lines 10-02 16:59:07.396 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 16:59:07.785 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 10 lines 10-02 16:59:07.830 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 16:59:07.995 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 16 lines 10-02 16:59:09.341 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 11 lines 10-02 16:59:09.417 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 16:59:09.671 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 16:59:09.795 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:59:09.798 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 16:59:12.633 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 10 lines 10-02 16:59:12.810 21857 21857 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 16:59:13.654 21938 21938 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 17:00:05.451 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:05.948 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:11.458 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 19 lines 10-02 17:00:18.802 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:19.247 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:32.274 9947 9947 W ViewRootImpl[SnsUserUI]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=135553220, downTime=135553196, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 17:00:32.276 9947 9947 I chatty : uid=10091(com.tencent.mm) identical 7 lines 10-02 17:00:32.276 9947 9947 W ViewRootImpl[SnsUserUI]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=135553220, downTime=135553196, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 17:00:32.999 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 2 lines 10-02 17:00:33.067 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 17:00:37.837 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:38.360 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:42.501 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 3 lines 10-02 17:00:54.812 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:00:58.431 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 15 lines 10-02 17:00:58.455 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=420.0, y[0]=14.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=3, eventTime=135579488, downTime=135579057, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:00:58.456 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=418.0, y[0]=14.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=135579505, downTime=135579057, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:00:58.456 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=418.0, y[0]=14.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=135579510, downTime=135579057, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:00:58.456 3821 3821 I chatty : uid=10008(com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher) identical 2 lines 10-02 17:00:58.459 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=418.0, y[0]=14.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=135579510, downTime=135579057, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:00:58.721 22428 22428 W ViewRootImpl[SplashActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_T, scanCode=20, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=135579522, downTime=135579351, deviceId=0, source=0x101 } 10-02 17:00:58.721 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 603 lines 10-02 17:00:58.721 22428 22428 W ViewRootImpl[SplashActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_T, scanCode=20, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=135579522, downTime=135579351, deviceId=0, source=0x101 } 10-02 17:00:58.783 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 18 lines 10-02 17:00:58.796 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 31 lines 10-02 17:00:58.923 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-02 17:01:04.611 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:05.105 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:05.131 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:01:05.132 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:01:05.897 22969 22969 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /data/data/com.tencent.tim/app_installed_plugin/mail_plugin.apk Binary XML file line #102 10-02 17:01:06.864 22969 22969 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /data/user/0/com.tencent.tim/app_installed_plugin/mail_plugin.apk Binary XML file line #102 10-02 17:01:06.991 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:08.847 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:13.751 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:16.798 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 2333 lines 10-02 17:01:16.798 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:16.904 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 13 lines 10-02 17:01:17.311 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:26.797 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:27.347 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:41.740 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 2477 lines 10-02 17:01:41.740 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:01:45.747 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 17:01:46.572 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 17:01:46.583 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 17:01:46.591 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 17:01:46.591 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 17:01:46.760 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 17:01:46.891 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 17:01:46.901 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 17:01:46.910 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 17:03:46.355 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 13 lines 10-02 17:03:49.547 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:03:49.548 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:05:25.341 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-02 17:06:09.757 1105 2212 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 7 lines 10-02 17:06:11.409 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 37 lines 10-02 17:07:31.515 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 4 lines 10-02 17:08:38.723 1105 2302 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 3 lines 10-02 17:09:39.173 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 26 lines 10-02 17:10:56.145 23698 23741 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1584 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:729 com.google.android.gms.common.stats.b.b:17 com.google.android.gms.common.stats.b.a:13 com.google.android.gms.internal.by.f:31 10-02 17:10:56.230 23698 23698 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:695 com.tcl.ota.jobs.OtaJobService.onStartJob:45 android.app.job.JobService$1.onStartJob:71 android.app.job.JobServiceEngine$JobHandler.handleMessage:108 10-02 17:10:56.236 23698 23698 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:695 com.tcl.ota.jobs.OtaJobService.onStartJob:52 android.app.job.JobService$1.onStartJob:71 android.app.job.JobServiceEngine$JobHandler.handleMessage:108 10-02 17:10:56.413 23698 23741 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1584 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:729 com.google.android.gms.common.stats.b.b:17 com.google.android.gms.common.stats.b.a:13 com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.b.d:64 10-02 17:10:56.456 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 11 lines 10-02 17:15:20.517 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 17:15:21.877 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 12 lines 10-02 17:15:21.986 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateIncomingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=496]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-vwI 10-02 17:15:21.991 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-vwI 10-02 17:15:21.991 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: updateAddress, address changed: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-vwI 10-02 17:15:22.003 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-vwI 10-02 17:15:22.006 2676 2676 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 2 lines 10-02 17:15:22.016 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-vwI 10-02 17:15:22.028 1105 23891 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-02 17:15:22.029 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@48_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-vwI 10-02 17:15:22.029 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: updatePhoneAccount setPhoneAccountHandle, account = ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [****], UserHandle{0}: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-vwI 10-02 17:15:22.096 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 15 lines 10-02 17:15:22.097 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 22 lines 10-02 17:15:22.329 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 21 lines 10-02 17:15:22.347 1105 23928 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 17:15:22.569 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 17:15:22.569 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 17:15:22.572 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 57 lines 10-02 17:15:22.582 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 17:15:22.582 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 17:15:22.582 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 17:15:22.606 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 17:15:22.928 1105 2181 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-02 17:15:23.597 4367 24021 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tct.gapp.middleman 10-02 17:15:23.669 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-02 17:15:26.810 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:15:26.811 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:15:40.905 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 10 lines 10-02 17:15:42.438 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 17:15:42.459 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 16 lines 10-02 17:15:42.459 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 17:15:42.474 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 20 lines 10-02 17:15:42.486 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 17:15:42.489 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 17:15:42.525 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 11 lines 10-02 17:15:47.367 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 17:15:49.693 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 17:15:49.694 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 2 lines 10-02 17:15:49.705 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 17:15:49.705 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 17:15:49.705 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 17:15:49.735 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 17:15:49.735 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 17:15:49.735 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 17:15:49.807 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 17:15:49.807 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 17:15:49.839 1105 2754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 4 lines 10-02 17:15:50.085 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 24 lines 10-02 17:15:50.134 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 4 lines 10-02 17:15:50.239 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 17:15:52.002 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 17:15:52.303 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 103 10-02 17:15:52.403 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 17:15:52.667 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 3 lines 10-02 17:15:52.716 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 103 10-02 17:15:52.901 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 17:15:53.524 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 17:15:53.541 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-02 17:15:53.652 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 11 lines 10-02 17:15:53.749 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 9 lines 10-02 17:16:02.219 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:16:03.044 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 164 lines 10-02 17:16:03.044 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:16:04.381 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:16:04.642 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:16:04.774 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:16:05.858 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 15 lines 10-02 17:16:13.815 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 14 lines 10-02 17:16:20.173 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 34 lines 10-02 17:16:21.950 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 18 lines 10-02 17:16:21.964 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 20 lines 10-02 17:16:21.996 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 17:16:22.090 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 17:16:22.093 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 17:16:22.097 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 17:16:22.184 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[StatusBar]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=329.0, y[0]=192.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=135889781, downTime=135889781, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:16:22.184 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[StatusBar]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=329.0, y[0]=192.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=135889789, downTime=135889781, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:16:22.184 2529 2529 I chatty : uid=10029(com.android.systemui) identical 5 lines 10-02 17:16:22.188 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[StatusBar]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=329.0, y[0]=192.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=135889789, downTime=135889781, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 17:16:22.382 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 52 lines 10-02 17:16:22.697 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines 10-02 17:16:22.707 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 17:16:22.725 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 17:16:22.730 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 17:16:22.730 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 17:16:22.782 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 17:16:22.966 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 17:16:23.193 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 10 lines 10-02 17:16:23.261 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 17:19:22.809 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 4 lines 10-02 17:22:18.861 24998 25040 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.eg.android.AlipayGphone-nJjFjTDqXjEpHqzh1w68UQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 17:23:20.794 24998 25094 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.eg.android.AlipayGphone-nJjFjTDqXjEpHqzh1w68UQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 17:23:20.886 24998 25094 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.eg.android.AlipayGphone-nJjFjTDqXjEpHqzh1w68UQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmisc.so.cur.prof 10-02 17:35:19.165 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 10 lines 10-02 17:35:27.820 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 10 lines 10-02 17:37:11.231 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 13 lines 10-02 17:37:20.204 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:37:20.209 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:37:26.125 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 21 lines 10-02 17:38:34.858 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:38:34.859 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 17:39:26.143 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 17:42:25.607 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 7 lines 10-02 17:42:41.421 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 44 lines 10-02 17:42:41.774 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 47 lines 10-02 17:42:53.115 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 8 lines 10-02 17:43:37.345 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 22 lines 10-02 17:47:51.472 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 13 lines 10-02 17:49:57.629 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 13 lines 10-02 17:52:15.855 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 11 lines 10-02 18:00:31.397 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 2 lines 10-02 18:04:30.260 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 33 lines 10-02 18:04:30.279 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateIncomingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=464]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.285 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.285 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: updateAddress, address changed: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.291 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.298 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.308 1105 26371 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-02 18:04:30.309 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@49_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.309 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: updatePhoneAccount setPhoneAccountHandle, account = ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [****], UserHandle{0}: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-v4s 10-02 18:04:30.342 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 10 lines 10-02 18:04:30.359 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 12 lines 10-02 18:04:30.360 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 11 lines 10-02 18:04:30.515 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 23 lines 10-02 18:04:30.630 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 18:04:30.631 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 18:04:30.631 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 9 lines 10-02 18:04:30.631 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 44 lines 10-02 18:04:30.640 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 18:04:30.640 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:04:30.640 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:04:30.659 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 18:04:31.191 1105 26574 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-02 18:04:31.398 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:04:34.268 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:04:34.268 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:04:45.734 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:04:48.694 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:04:48.703 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:04:48.711 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:04:48.712 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 17 lines 10-02 18:04:48.714 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:04:48.731 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 1 line 10-02 18:04:48.989 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 19 lines 10-02 18:04:51.865 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 9 lines 10-02 18:04:51.872 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 11 lines 10-02 18:04:57.586 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 20 lines 10-02 18:04:57.837 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:04:57.841 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:04:57.845 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:04:57.846 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:04:57.847 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:04:57.848 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:04:57.848 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:04:57.848 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:04:57.887 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:04:57.887 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:04:57.903 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 30 lines 10-02 18:04:57.932 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 2 lines 10-02 18:04:57.960 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 10 lines 10-02 18:04:58.381 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 18:04:58.390 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 14 lines 10-02 18:04:58.510 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:04:58.541 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 1 line 10-02 18:04:58.695 26843 26843 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 18:05:03.099 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 18:05:03.112 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 18:05:03.116 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 18:05:03.116 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 18:05:03.160 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 18:05:03.277 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 18:05:03.589 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 1 line 10-02 18:05:06.569 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 18:05:21.953 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 15 lines 10-02 18:05:59.107 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 6 lines 10-02 18:06:48.845 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 22 lines 10-02 18:08:37.718 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 28 lines 10-02 18:08:37.735 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 36 lines 10-02 18:08:37.757 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateIncomingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=496]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.766 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.766 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: updateAddress, address changed: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.773 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.777 2676 2676 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 3 lines 10-02 18:08:37.778 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.788 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@50_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.789 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: updatePhoneAccount setPhoneAccountHandle, account = ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [****], UserHandle{0}: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-v/g 10-02 18:08:37.789 1105 27192 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-02 18:08:38.008 1105 27222 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-02 18:08:38.034 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 7 lines 10-02 18:08:38.071 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 18:08:38.071 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 18:08:38.072 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 50 lines 10-02 18:08:38.077 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:08:38.077 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:08:38.097 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 18:08:38.097 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 18:08:38.355 1105 2181 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-02 18:08:38.720 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 38 lines 10-02 18:08:41.350 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:08:41.350 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:08:44.922 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 23 lines 10-02 18:08:44.922 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 10 lines 10-02 18:08:44.922 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 13 lines 10-02 18:08:44.974 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 9 lines 10-02 18:08:45.000 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:08:45.018 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:08:45.027 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:08:45.035 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:08:45.042 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 8 lines 10-02 18:08:45.061 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 3 lines 10-02 18:08:46.271 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 18:08:51.502 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:08:51.541 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:08:51.541 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:08:51.541 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:08:51.542 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:08:51.542 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:08:51.542 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:08:51.545 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:08:51.545 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:08:51.573 1105 2694 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_7 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:08:51.606 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 10 lines 10-02 18:08:51.610 1105 2754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 4 lines 10-02 18:08:51.811 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 25 lines 10-02 18:08:51.934 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:08:52.050 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 18:08:53.041 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-02 18:08:53.819 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-02 18:08:53.821 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 18:08:53.824 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 18:08:53.825 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 18:08:53.825 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 18:08:53.849 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 18:08:53.916 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 18:08:54.076 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 3 lines 10-02 18:09:07.271 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 18:09:07.293 1105 2302 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 2 lines 10-02 18:09:07.294 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 24 lines 10-02 18:09:07.502 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 2 lines 10-02 18:09:08.044 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 4 lines 10-02 18:09:08.787 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-02 18:09:10.792 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:09:10.796 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:11:05.259 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 57 lines 10-02 18:11:15.205 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 24 lines 10-02 18:11:25.073 1000 1000 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_STATUS_CODE 10-02 18:11:25.074 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:12:31.917 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan started 10-02 18:12:32.075 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:12:32.087 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 1 line 10-02 18:12:32.091 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 20 lines 10-02 18:12:32.094 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 5 lines 10-02 18:12:32.126 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:12:32.224 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 20 lines 10-02 18:12:32.651 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 38 lines 10-02 18:12:32.860 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 6 lines 10-02 18:12:33.034 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan result ready event 10-02 18:12:33.035 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:12:33.037 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan stopped 10-02 18:12:33.045 1000 1000 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request 10-02 18:12:33.222 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:12:33.298 1105 2307 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines 10-02 18:12:34.133 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 2 lines 10-02 18:12:34.322 27970 27970 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 18:12:34.335 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:12:34.490 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 13 lines 10-02 18:12:56.099 1000 1000 W wificond: Scan aborted 10-02 18:12:56.101 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:12:56.400 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 44 lines 10-02 18:13:03.837 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 9 lines 10-02 18:13:12.123 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 13 lines 10-02 18:15:44.232 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 34 lines 10-02 18:15:44.283 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan started 10-02 18:15:44.329 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 9 lines 10-02 18:15:44.619 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 9 lines 10-02 18:15:47.026 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:17:18.207 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan stopped 10-02 18:17:18.443 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 18:17:18.453 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 38 lines 10-02 18:17:18.470 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 18:17:18.541 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 1 line 10-02 18:17:18.771 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 18:17:18.771 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 18:17:18.771 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 14 lines 10-02 18:17:18.800 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:17:18.800 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:17:18.833 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 18:17:18.834 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 18:17:19.272 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:17:19.275 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:17:19.665 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 18:17:20.371 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 18:17:20.529 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-02 18:17:21.557 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-02 18:17:22.633 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:17:22.644 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:17:33.091 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 18:17:36.189 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 33 lines 10-02 18:17:36.234 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 12 lines 10-02 18:17:36.234 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 4 lines 10-02 18:17:36.466 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=856]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xBw 10-02 18:17:36.476 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: updatePhoneAccount setPhoneAccountHandle, account = ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [****], UserHandle{0}: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xBw 10-02 18:17:36.537 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xBw 10-02 18:17:36.554 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xBw 10-02 18:17:36.573 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:17:36.574 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:17:36.584 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 15 lines 10-02 18:17:36.590 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@51_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-xBw 10-02 18:17:36.591 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: updatePhoneAccount setPhoneAccountHandle, account = ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [****], UserHandle{0}: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-xBw 10-02 18:17:36.600 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:17:38.539 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 7 lines 10-02 18:17:38.978 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 5 lines 10-02 18:17:38.982 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:17:38.983 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:17:39.752 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:17:39.752 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:17:46.102 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 59 lines 10-02 18:17:59.861 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:17:59.862 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:17:59.906 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 84 lines 10-02 18:18:03.854 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 18:18:19.165 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 5 lines 10-02 18:18:19.183 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:18:19.183 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:18:19.183 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:18:19.184 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:18:19.184 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:18:19.184 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:18:19.187 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:18:19.187 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:18:19.230 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 24 lines 10-02 18:18:19.237 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 13 lines 10-02 18:18:19.250 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 9 lines 10-02 18:18:19.251 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 4 lines 10-02 18:18:19.269 1105 2754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 2 lines 10-02 18:18:19.270 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 12 lines 10-02 18:18:19.684 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 9 lines 10-02 18:18:19.731 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 6 lines 10-02 18:18:19.957 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 18:18:20.823 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:18:20.829 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:18:20.868 1000 1000 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request 10-02 18:18:21.010 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:18:21.274 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 15 lines 10-02 18:18:21.379 1105 2307 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines 10-02 18:18:21.404 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 12 lines 10-02 18:18:22.128 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 5 lines 10-02 18:18:22.791 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 6 lines 10-02 18:18:22.861 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 7 lines 10-02 18:18:24.890 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:18:28.943 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:18:29.057 1105 2694 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_7 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:18:30.112 29168 29229 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.bbm-ClqQC9QoLtaHJOz9dXJpoQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:18:32.330 29168 29259 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.bbm-ClqQC9QoLtaHJOz9dXJpoQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:18:35.488 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 1 line 10-02 18:18:41.701 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 16 lines 10-02 18:18:46.978 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 3 lines 10-02 18:18:49.121 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 30 lines 10-02 18:18:49.177 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-02 18:18:56.434 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 3 lines 10-02 18:18:57.584 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 12 lines 10-02 18:18:58.859 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:18:58.863 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:19:04.601 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 18:19:16.482 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 3 lines 10-02 18:19:20.638 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:19:20.658 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:19:20.756 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:19:21.441 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 11 lines 10-02 18:19:22.112 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 1 line 10-02 18:19:25.191 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 1 line 10-02 18:19:25.827 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-02 18:19:26.125 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 16 lines 10-02 18:19:28.205 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 4 lines 10-02 18:19:32.945 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-02 18:19:34.923 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 9 lines 10-02 18:19:40.839 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:19:40.840 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:19:41.078 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 15 lines 10-02 18:19:44.762 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 16 lines 10-02 18:19:54.406 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:19:54.407 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:19:54.535 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 7 lines 10-02 18:19:54.573 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:19:54.735 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:19:55.472 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:19:55.472 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:20:00.631 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:20:00.632 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:20:01.504 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 3 lines 10-02 18:20:20.691 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:20:20.691 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:20:21.546 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 1 line 10-02 18:20:21.558 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 18:20:21.572 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 18:20:21.577 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 18:20:21.577 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 18:20:21.892 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan started 10-02 18:20:25.797 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 18:20:25.962 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 18:20:25.971 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 18:20:25.987 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 18:22:56.923 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 18:22:56.926 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-02 18:22:56.998 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-02 18:22:57.037 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 103 10-02 18:22:58.139 1105 1324 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-02 18:24:23.443 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:24:23.481 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-02 18:28:47.794 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:28:47.795 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:28:49.122 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:28:52.362 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:28:52.363 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:29:11.454 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:29:11.455 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:29:13.259 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:29:13.260 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:29:23.417 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 7 lines 10-02 18:29:23.813 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 1 line 10-02 18:30:12.092 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 24 lines 10-02 18:31:19.217 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:31:19.219 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:31:25.032 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:31:25.033 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:31:31.147 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:31:37.856 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:31:40.310 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:31:40.311 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:31:46.327 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:31:46.328 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:31:52.344 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:31:52.345 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:32:07.141 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:32:07.142 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:32:07.341 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 1 line 10-02 18:32:09.877 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:32:09.957 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:32:09.958 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:32:27.002 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:32:27.004 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:32:27.725 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:32:27.725 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:32:54.959 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:32:54.961 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:33:10.872 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:33:10.874 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:33:10.994 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:33:12.771 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:33:12.772 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:33:20.516 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:33:20.517 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:33:34.472 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:33:34.473 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:34:27.373 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:34:27.373 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:34:27.522 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 24 lines 10-02 18:34:36.895 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:34:36.896 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:35:44.492 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:35:44.493 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:35:44.524 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 11 lines 10-02 18:35:59.276 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:35:59.278 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:36:01.042 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:36:01.173 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:36:01.174 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:36:21.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:36:21.371 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:36:21.840 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:36:21.841 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:36:45.361 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:36:45.362 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:36:52.321 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:36:52.360 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:36:52.360 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:37:07.344 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:37:07.345 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:37:07.764 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:37:07.765 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:37:23.346 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:37:23.347 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:37:24.245 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:37:24.295 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:37:24.296 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:37:47.352 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:37:47.354 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:37:48.034 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:37:48.034 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:38:05.983 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 18 lines 10-02 18:38:06.004 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 18:38:15.226 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:38:15.227 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:38:25.157 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:38:25.159 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:38:34.465 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 15 lines 10-02 18:39:03.238 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:39:03.239 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:39:03.286 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 16 lines 10-02 18:39:23.550 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan stopped 10-02 18:39:23.591 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-02 18:39:23.951 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 28 lines 10-02 18:39:24.103 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 11 lines 10-02 18:39:24.179 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:39:24.180 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:39:24.429 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 6 lines 10-02 18:39:24.486 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:39:24.486 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:39:25.056 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 5 lines 10-02 18:39:28.554 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan started 10-02 18:40:15.366 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:40:15.367 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:40:15.943 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:40:16.037 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 18:40:16.038 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 18:40:32.143 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan stopped 10-02 18:40:33.102 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:40:33.102 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:40:38.116 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan started 10-02 18:40:42.803 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 18:41:09.025 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-02 18:41:09.026 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines 10-02 18:41:09.091 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 27 lines 10-02 18:41:09.147 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 12 lines 10-02 18:41:09.235 1000 1000 I wificond: Pno scan stopped 10-02 18:41:09.422 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines 10-02 18:41:09.435 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 18:41:09.435 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 18:41:09.437 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 3 lines 10-02 18:41:09.453 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:41:09.453 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 18:41:09.459 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 18:41:09.460 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 18:41:09.653 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 25 lines 10-02 18:41:10.329 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:41:10.330 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:41:10.440 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 18:41:10.975 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-02 18:41:11.090 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 18:41:15.057 1105 2306 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiService expire 1 line 10-02 18:41:15.077 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 14 lines 10-02 18:41:15.140 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 11 lines 10-02 18:41:15.256 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:41:17.281 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 3 lines 10-02 18:41:19.147 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:19.152 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 16 lines 10-02 18:41:19.317 31808 31808 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 18:41:20.247 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:41:20.367 31864 31864 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 18:41:20.543 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:21.122 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:21.408 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 16 lines 10-02 18:41:24.182 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-02 18:41:24.330 31989 31989 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 18:41:25.418 32063 32063 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 18:41:26.511 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 8 lines 10-02 18:41:31.752 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:32.253 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:32.458 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 42 lines 10-02 18:41:33.271 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:33.774 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:35.719 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 7 lines 10-02 18:41:40.418 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:41.054 1105 2694 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_7 expire 3 lines 10-02 18:41:41.191 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 18 lines 10-02 18:41:48.516 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:48.524 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 2168 lines 10-02 18:41:48.524 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:48.974 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:48.980 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:49.243 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 26 lines 10-02 18:41:49.924 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:49.930 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:41:50.487 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:42:02.712 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:42:03.371 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:42:06.149 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 7 lines 10-02 18:42:06.435 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 3 lines 10-02 18:42:22.207 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 10 lines 10-02 18:42:22.237 1105 2181 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-02 18:42:38.209 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 5 lines 10-02 18:42:40.528 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 5 lines 10-02 18:42:40.529 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:43:59.833 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 15 lines 10-02 18:44:18.489 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 9 lines 10-02 18:44:22.272 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 11 lines 10-02 18:44:22.273 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 19 lines 10-02 18:44:22.273 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:44:22.275 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-02 18:44:22.304 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:44:23.555 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:23.562 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 1623 lines 10-02 18:44:23.562 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:23.992 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 30 lines 10-02 18:44:23.996 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:24.003 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:26.998 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:29.546 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:29.714 1105 2212 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 3 lines 10-02 18:44:29.915 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:33.684 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:44:43.073 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-02 18:45:09.073 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:09.076 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 779 lines 10-02 18:45:09.076 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:14.097 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:14.099 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:14.996 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:15.003 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:15.324 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:15.327 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:16.745 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:19.234 22428 22428 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 18:45:19.394 22428 22428 W ViewRootImpl[SplashActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=137735474, downTime=137735454, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:45:19.404 22428 22428 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 7 lines 10-02 18:45:19.404 22428 22428 W ViewRootImpl[SplashActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=137735474, downTime=137735454, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:45:19.454 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 15 lines 10-02 18:45:19.455 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=137735480, downTime=137735454, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:45:19.456 3821 3821 I chatty : uid=10008(com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher) identical 7 lines 10-02 18:45:19.456 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=137735480, downTime=137735454, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:45:22.662 1105 1324 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-02 18:45:22.804 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 1 line 10-02 18:45:44.748 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 7 lines 10-02 18:45:49.533 1105 1440 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 3 lines 10-02 18:45:49.815 2376 2376 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:695 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:695 com.qualcomm.qti.seemp.service.SeempBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:56 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:3230 10-02 18:45:49.892 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 18:45:51.530 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 1 line 10-02 18:45:51.643 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 lines 10-02 18:45:52.162 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 6 lines 10-02 18:45:52.443 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 16 lines 10-02 18:46:22.338 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateIncomingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=464]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.344 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.344 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: updateAddress, address changed: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.353 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.357 2676 2676 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 10-02 18:46:22.358 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.371 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@52_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.371 2676 2676 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: updatePhoneAccount setPhoneAccountHandle, account = ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [****], UserHandle{0}: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-xq4 10-02 18:46:22.373 1105 2678 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-02 18:46:22.378 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 14 lines 10-02 18:46:22.427 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 13 lines 10-02 18:46:22.429 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 13 lines 10-02 18:46:22.429 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-02 18:46:22.535 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 10 lines 10-02 18:46:22.564 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 18 lines 10-02 18:46:22.566 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-02 18:46:22.654 1105 2789 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines 10-02 18:46:22.722 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 6 lines 10-02 18:46:22.745 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 25 lines 10-02 18:46:22.872 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 29 lines 10-02 18:46:23.323 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 9 lines 10-02 18:46:24.345 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 3 lines 10-02 18:46:24.381 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:24.382 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:24.388 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:46:24.388 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = true 10-02 18:46:24.622 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 53 lines 10-02 18:46:46.485 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:46:56.914 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 34 lines 10-02 18:46:57.019 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 3 lines 10-02 18:46:57.021 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.024 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.094 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.095 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.180 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.192 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:46:57.192 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:46:57.192 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:46:57.194 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseCode: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:46:57.194 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseLabel: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:46:57.194 2676 2676 W Telephony: DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCauseDescription: config_telcelVoiceErrorPopupFeatures false 10-02 18:46:57.197 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.197 2676 2676 I Telephony: GsmConnection: isAddParticipantCapable: isCapable = false 10-02 18:46:57.223 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 33 lines 10-02 18:46:57.237 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:46:57.265 1105 2759 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 9 lines 10-02 18:46:57.313 1105 2754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 2 lines 10-02 18:46:57.563 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:46:57.598 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 38 lines 10-02 18:46:57.627 1105 2760 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 2 lines 10-02 18:46:57.796 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 12 lines 10-02 18:46:58.641 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 6 lines 10-02 18:46:59.343 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 8 lines 10-02 18:47:01.947 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 16 lines 10-02 18:47:05.777 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 21 lines 10-02 18:47:11.829 1105 1440 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 3 lines 10-02 18:47:11.901 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-02 18:47:12.235 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 12 lines 10-02 18:47:12.247 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 1 line 10-02 18:47:12.727 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 12 lines 10-02 18:47:12.735 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 11 lines 10-02 18:48:18.593 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:48:42.492 1105 2697 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_8 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:48:44.555 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:48:44.555 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:48:47.583 1105 1324 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines 10-02 18:48:49.133 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:48:49.135 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:49:12.484 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 18:49:15.006 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:49:41.468 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 16 lines 10-02 18:50:49.683 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:50:49.685 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:51:14.977 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 28 lines 10-02 18:52:14.908 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 10 lines 10-02 18:52:14.908 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 4 lines 10-02 18:52:16.636 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 26 lines 10-02 18:52:16.818 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:52:16.818 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:52:18.111 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 13 lines 10-02 18:52:18.201 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 18:52:19.352 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 3 lines 10-02 18:52:25.548 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-02 18:52:25.572 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 10 lines 10-02 18:52:25.614 692 704 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 1 line 10-02 18:52:25.793 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 33 lines 10-02 18:52:27.055 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-02 18:52:27.093 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:52:28.098 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 6 lines 10-02 18:52:31.795 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[RecentsActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=401.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=138167945, downTime=138167096, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 18:52:31.808 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[RecentsActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=401.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=138167958, downTime=138167096, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 18:52:31.818 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[RecentsActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=401.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=138167967, downTime=138167096, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 18:52:31.826 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[RecentsActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=401.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=138167975, downTime=138167096, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 18:52:31.836 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[RecentsActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=401.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=138167985, downTime=138167096, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 18:52:31.843 2529 2529 W ViewRootImpl[RecentsActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=401.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=138167993, downTime=138167096, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 18:52:35.443 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 18:52:38.070 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:52:38.071 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:52:41.206 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-02 18:52:44.226 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 27 lines 10-02 18:52:46.644 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:52:46.644 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:52:47.484 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 1 line 10-02 18:52:47.530 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 1 line 10-02 18:53:25.686 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 19 lines 10-02 18:53:28.595 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:53:28.595 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 5 lines 10-02 18:53:29.615 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 21 lines 10-02 18:53:31.257 7430 7591 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:31.655 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 3 lines 10-02 18:53:31.898 7430 7620 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:31.995 7430 7620 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgavmp.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:32.327 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 8 lines 10-02 18:53:32.327 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 7 lines 10-02 18:53:32.331 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 18:53:33.982 5915 5915 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=138229950, downTime=138229921, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:53:33.985 5915 5915 I chatty : uid=10151(com.netease.newsreader.activity) FinalizerDaemon identical 14 lines 10-02 18:53:33.985 5915 5915 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=138229950, downTime=138229921, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:53:41.200 7796 7849 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:41.495 7430 7605 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmisc.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:41.707 7796 7872 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:41.987 7796 7872 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgavmp.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:53:51.301 7796 7861 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmisc.so.cur.prof 10-02 18:54:16.693 5915 5915 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=138272710, downTime=138272677, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:54:16.698 5915 5915 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x68, repeatCount=0, eventTime=138272710, downTime=138272677, deviceId=4, source=0x101 } 10-02 18:54:21.565 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 37 lines 10-02 18:54:22.816 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 1 line 10-02 18:54:24.291 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 15 lines 10-02 18:54:24.355 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 15 lines 10-02 18:54:24.433 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 18 lines 10-02 18:54:27.317 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:54:27.318 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 18:54:55.151 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 16 lines 10-02 18:56:20.175 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 10 lines 10-02 18:56:31.710 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 2 lines 10-02 18:56:59.145 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 11 lines 10-02 18:57:22.834 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 40 lines 10-02 18:58:19.911 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 3 lines 10-02 19:00:30.728 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 10 lines 10-02 19:00:49.673 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:00:49.674 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:01:19.767 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 17 lines 10-02 19:01:23.598 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 40 lines 10-02 19:01:33.130 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 28 lines 10-02 19:03:51.681 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 12 lines 10-02 19:04:52.715 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 7 lines 10-02 19:04:57.668 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 4 lines 10-02 19:05:09.184 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 9 lines 10-02 19:05:10.958 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 5 lines 10-02 19:05:15.020 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 12 lines 10-02 19:05:16.506 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-02 19:05:22.729 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 4 lines 10-02 19:05:25.505 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:05:25.505 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:05:36.593 1105 3734 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_B expire 2 lines 10-02 19:05:52.110 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 1 line 10-02 19:05:58.320 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 13 lines 10-02 19:06:00.552 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 19:06:13.002 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 4 lines 10-02 19:06:48.108 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 23 lines 10-02 19:07:14.323 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 3 lines 10-02 19:07:14.395 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 19:07:15.159 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 5 lines 10-02 19:07:15.172 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 19:07:15.190 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 19:07:15.195 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:07:15.195 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:07:15.470 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:07:15.634 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:07:15.642 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 19:07:15.658 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 19:07:31.369 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:07:31.372 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:07:31.687 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 6 lines 10-02 19:07:31.780 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 1 line 10-02 19:07:37.430 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:07:37.431 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:07:37.448 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 20 lines 10-02 19:07:57.916 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines 10-02 19:08:23.411 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:08:23.412 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:08:31.140 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 19:08:31.222 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:08:31.223 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:09:09.394 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:09:09.395 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:09:11.219 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 27 lines 10-02 19:09:11.530 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 19:09:11.530 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 19:09:11.547 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:09:11.547 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:09:11.555 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 19:09:11.555 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 19:09:12.241 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 19:09:12.819 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 6 lines 10-02 19:09:12.898 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 19:09:12.953 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-02 19:09:13.028 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 19:09:13.188 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:09:13.189 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:09:16.530 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086146, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.532 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086157, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.545 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086170, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.564 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086190, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.572 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086198, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.580 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086206, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.588 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086214, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.596 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086222, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.605 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086231, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.613 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086239, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.622 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086247, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.629 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086255, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.638 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086263, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.645 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086271, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.655 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086280, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.663 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086289, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.673 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086298, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.680 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086306, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.690 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086314, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.696 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086322, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.705 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086331, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.714 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086339, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.724 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086347, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.731 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086355, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.738 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086363, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.745 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086371, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:16.754 8913 8913 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_SCROLL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.0, y[0]=810.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=139086379, downTime=139085645, deviceId=3, source=0x2002 } 10-02 19:09:28.518 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-02 19:09:28.982 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-02 19:09:29.305 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 19:09:29.315 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 19:09:29.319 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:09:29.319 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:09:29.547 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:09:29.684 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:09:29.689 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-02 19:09:29.689 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 19:09:29.699 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 19:09:31.320 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 5 lines 10-02 19:09:31.354 1105 2302 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 1 line 10-02 19:09:31.827 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 2 lines 10-02 19:09:32.444 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 2 lines 10-02 19:09:33.491 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 19:09:33.505 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:09:33.505 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:10:19.342 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:10:19.343 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:10:19.426 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 11 lines 10-02 19:10:19.527 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 28 lines 10-02 19:10:19.748 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:10:19.749 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:10:21.556 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 6 lines 10-02 19:10:21.561 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 22 lines 10-02 19:10:21.605 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 37 lines 10-02 19:10:21.641 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 17 lines 10-02 19:10:21.684 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 22 lines 10-02 19:10:21.971 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 16 lines 10-02 19:10:21.978 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 19:10:21.979 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 19:10:21.980 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 13 lines 10-02 19:10:21.992 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:10:21.992 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:10:21.997 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 19:10:21.999 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 19:10:22.412 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 19:10:23.040 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 19:10:23.063 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-02 19:10:23.168 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 1 line 10-02 19:10:23.191 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 3 lines 10-02 19:10:30.020 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 12 lines 10-02 19:10:30.110 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 11 lines 10-02 19:10:39.398 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 7 lines 10-02 19:11:27.981 693 693 I chatty : uid=0(root) zygoteman expire 8 lines 10-02 19:11:29.616 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 3 lines 10-02 19:11:50.706 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 4 lines 10-02 19:12:02.203 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 4 lines 10-02 19:12:46.694 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:12:46.701 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:13:14.039 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 15 lines 10-02 19:13:14.047 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 29 lines 10-02 19:13:14.846 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 19:13:14.859 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 19:13:14.864 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:13:14.865 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:13:15.143 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 4 lines 10-02 19:13:15.143 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:13:15.204 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 4 lines 10-02 19:13:15.298 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:13:15.309 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 19:13:15.330 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 19:13:15.610 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 7 lines 10-02 19:13:44.900 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 19:13:44.900 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 19:13:44.900 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 11 lines 10-02 19:13:44.915 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:13:44.915 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:13:44.926 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 19:13:44.926 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 19:13:45.011 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 28 lines 10-02 19:13:46.171 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-02 19:13:46.172 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 19:13:46.647 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 19:13:46.678 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 18 lines 10-02 19:15:16.543 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-02 19:15:23.818 4367 19758 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tct.gapp.middleman 10-02 19:15:24.114 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-02 19:15:24.123 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 19:15:24.895 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 19:15:24.907 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 19:15:24.916 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:15:24.916 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:15:25.122 1105 7070 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_13 expire 4 lines 10-02 19:15:25.122 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:15:25.247 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:15:25.249 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 19:15:25.258 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 19:15:25.710 1105 6783 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_12 expire 1 line 10-02 19:16:27.333 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:16:27.335 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:16:27.439 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 9 lines 10-02 19:16:52.325 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 16 lines 10-02 19:16:52.385 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:16:52.386 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:17:02.856 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 30 lines 10-02 19:17:02.870 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 3 lines 10-02 19:17:03.110 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 11 lines 10-02 19:17:03.500 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-02 19:17:03.914 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:17:03.915 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:17:39.277 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:17:39.278 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:17:39.473 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 19:17:39.688 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:17:39.689 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:18:09.397 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:18:09.399 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:18:09.443 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 7 lines 10-02 19:18:28.915 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 19:18:29.024 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:18:29.025 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:18:37.692 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 2 lines 10-02 19:18:44.138 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 5 lines 10-02 19:18:50.590 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 40 lines 10-02 19:18:50.953 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 19:18:50.953 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 19:18:50.966 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:18:50.966 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:18:50.970 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 19:18:50.976 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 19:18:51.099 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 11 lines 10-02 19:18:51.552 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 19:18:51.808 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 19:18:52.593 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 103 10-02 19:18:52.777 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 19:18:53.160 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 1 line 10-02 19:18:53.208 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 19:18:53.233 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-02 19:19:31.156 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 3 lines 10-02 19:19:31.161 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 12 lines 10-02 19:19:56.781 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines 10-02 19:19:57.606 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 19:19:57.620 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 19:19:57.626 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:19:57.626 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:20:01.904 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:20:02.088 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:20:02.101 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 19:20:02.116 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 19:23:00.576 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 19:23:00.703 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 20 lines 10-02 19:23:00.718 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 25 lines 10-02 19:23:00.793 1105 1324 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-02 19:23:00.827 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 19:23:00.827 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 19:23:00.837 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:23:00.837 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 19:23:00.840 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 19:23:00.870 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 19:23:00.875 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 19:24:07.211 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 19:24:07.227 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 19:24:07.237 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:24:07.237 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 19:24:07.314 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines 10-02 19:24:07.498 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-02 19:24:11.411 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 9 lines 10-02 19:24:11.412 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:24:11.556 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 19:24:11.561 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 19:24:11.573 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 19:25:11.252 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:25:11.253 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:26:09.008 1105 2212 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 5 lines 10-02 19:26:09.135 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 28 lines 10-02 19:26:09.302 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:26:09.305 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:27:03.376 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:27:03.377 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:28:09.214 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 3 lines 10-02 19:28:57.252 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:28:57.253 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:29:12.939 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 12 lines 10-02 19:29:13.153 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:29:13.154 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:29:31.268 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:29:31.269 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:29:32.016 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:29:32.017 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:29:46.366 692 703 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd expire 20 lines 10-02 19:29:59.397 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:29:59.399 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:30:00.139 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:30:00.140 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:30:11.546 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 5 lines 10-02 19:30:37.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:30:37.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:30:37.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:30:37.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:30:46.215 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:30:46.215 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:30:46.215 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:30:46.215 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:31:05.328 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:31:05.329 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:31:05.364 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:31:05.364 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:31:05.364 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:31:05.364 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:31:05.750 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:31:05.751 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:31:25.164 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 19:31:25.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:31:25.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:31:25.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:31:25.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:31:39.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:31:39.371 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:31:39.763 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:31:39.763 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:31:39.763 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:31:39.763 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:31:39.844 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:31:39.845 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:31:55.380 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:31:55.381 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:32:06.255 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:32:06.256 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:32:06.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:32:06.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:32:06.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:32:06.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:32:21.320 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:32:21.321 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:32:34.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:32:34.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:32:34.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:32:34.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:32:34.436 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:32:34.437 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:32:46.323 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:32:46.323 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:32:46.323 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:32:46.323 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:32:51.316 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:32:51.317 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:33:44.821 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:33:44.821 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:33:44.821 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:33:44.821 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:33:44.884 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:33:44.884 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:34:09.394 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:34:09.395 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:37:15.356 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 10-02 19:37:15.397 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:37:15.397 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:37:15.397 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:37:15.397 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:37:15.415 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:37:15.416 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:37:15.441 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 10 lines 10-02 19:37:15.552 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:37:15.553 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:37:15.553 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:37:15.553 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:37:31.241 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:37:31.241 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:37:31.500 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:37:31.500 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:37:31.500 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:37:31.500 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:37:31.693 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:37:31.695 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:37:32.321 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 4 lines 10-02 19:37:51.278 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:37:51.279 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:37:51.442 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 19:38:58.907 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 6 lines 10-02 19:38:58.944 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:38:58.944 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:38:58.944 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:38:58.944 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:38:59.084 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:38:59.084 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:38:59.108 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:38:59.108 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:38:59.108 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:38:59.108 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:39:13.344 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:39:13.345 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:39:16.972 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:39:16.973 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:39:16.973 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:39:16.973 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:39:17.038 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:39:17.038 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:39:17.127 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:39:17.127 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:39:17.127 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:39:17.127 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:39:30.631 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:39:30.631 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:39:30.631 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:39:30.631 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:39:35.785 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:39:35.786 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:39:35.786 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:39:35.786 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:39:53.345 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:39:53.346 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:39:54.049 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:39:54.049 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:39:54.049 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:39:54.049 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:39:54.111 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:39:54.112 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:40:07.895 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:40:07.895 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:40:07.895 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:40:07.895 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:40:09.257 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:40:09.259 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 19:40:12.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:40:12.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:40:12.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:40:12.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:40:17.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:40:17.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:40:17.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:40:17.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:40:29.293 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:40:29.294 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:40:31.577 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:40:31.577 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:40:31.577 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:40:31.577 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:40:31.673 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:40:31.674 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:40:45.299 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:40:45.300 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:40:45.926 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:40:45.927 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:40:46.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:40:46.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:40:46.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:40:46.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:40:59.295 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:40:59.297 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:40:59.348 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 10 lines 10-02 19:41:00.767 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:41:00.767 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:41:00.767 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:41:00.767 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:41:00.928 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:41:00.930 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:41:21.271 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:41:21.271 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:41:25.531 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:41:25.531 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:41:25.531 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:41:25.531 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:41:25.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:41:25.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:41:25.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:41:25.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:41:25.703 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:41:25.703 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:41:39.320 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:41:39.321 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:41:39.362 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 11 lines 10-02 19:42:04.328 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:42:04.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:42:04.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:42:04.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:42:04.460 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:42:04.460 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:42:04.460 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:42:04.460 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:42:04.544 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:42:04.545 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:42:17.397 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:42:17.398 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:43:00.279 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 9 lines 10-02 19:43:44.473 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:43:44.473 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:43:44.473 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:43:44.473 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:43:44.623 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:43:44.624 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:43:44.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:43:44.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:43:44.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:43:44.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:44:05.669 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:44:05.669 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:44:05.669 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:44:05.669 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:44:16.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:44:16.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:44:16.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:44:16.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:44:29.305 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:44:29.306 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:44:29.344 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 2 lines 10-02 19:44:30.222 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:44:30.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:44:30.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:44:30.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:44:30.346 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:44:30.347 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:44:43.315 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:44:43.317 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:44:44.703 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 14 lines 10-02 19:44:46.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:44:46.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:44:46.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:44:46.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:44:46.770 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:44:46.770 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:44:46.770 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:44:46.770 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:44:46.923 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:44:46.923 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:45:05.365 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:45:05.367 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:45:06.069 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:45:06.069 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:45:06.069 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:45:06.069 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:45:06.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:45:06.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:45:06.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:45:06.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:45:06.293 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:45:06.293 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:45:07.784 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 7 lines 10-02 19:45:23.287 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:45:23.289 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:45:23.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:45:23.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:45:23.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:45:23.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:45:23.820 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:45:23.820 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:45:41.359 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:45:41.360 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:45:57.620 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:45:57.620 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:45:57.620 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:45:57.620 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:45:57.625 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:45:57.627 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:46:13.240 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:46:13.240 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:46:37.885 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:46:37.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:46:37.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:46:37.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:46:38.164 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:46:38.164 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:46:38.164 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:46:38.164 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:46:38.221 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:46:38.222 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:46:40.205 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 10 lines 10-02 19:46:51.291 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:46:51.293 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:46:51.911 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:46:51.912 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:46:52.831 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:46:52.831 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:46:52.831 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:46:52.831 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:47:05.354 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:47:05.355 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:47:05.612 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:47:05.612 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:47:05.612 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:47:05.612 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:47:05.861 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:47:05.862 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:47:19.297 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:47:19.298 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:47:19.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:47:19.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:47:19.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:47:19.886 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:47:20.035 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:47:20.035 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:47:33.384 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:47:33.385 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:47:47.066 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:47:47.066 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:47:47.066 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:47:47.066 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:47:47.087 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:47:47.088 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:47:56.150 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:47:56.150 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:47:56.150 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:47:56.150 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:48:03.330 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:48:03.330 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:48:03.790 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:48:03.790 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:48:03.790 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:48:03.790 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:48:03.849 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:48:03.850 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:48:17.266 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:48:17.267 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:48:17.997 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:48:17.997 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:48:18.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:48:18.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:48:18.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:48:18.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:48:31.296 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:48:31.298 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:49:55.930 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:49:55.930 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:49:55.930 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:49:55.931 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:49:56.051 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:49:56.051 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:49:56.051 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:49:56.051 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:49:56.095 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:49:56.097 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:50:11.527 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:50:11.527 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:50:11.527 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:50:11.527 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:50:25.318 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:50:25.319 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:50:29.503 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:50:29.503 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:50:29.503 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:50:29.503 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:50:29.608 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:50:29.608 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:50:29.608 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:50:29.608 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:50:29.750 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:50:29.751 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:50:47.335 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:50:47.336 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:51:17.585 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:51:17.585 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:51:17.585 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:51:17.585 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:51:17.651 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:51:17.652 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:51:33.334 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:51:33.336 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:52:51.333 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:52:51.333 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:52:51.333 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:52:51.333 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:52:51.464 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:52:51.464 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:52:51.464 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:52:51.464 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:52:51.519 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:52:51.520 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:53:06.186 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:53:06.186 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:53:06.186 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:53:06.186 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:53:06.571 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 4 lines 10-02 19:53:10.418 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:53:10.418 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:53:10.418 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:53:10.418 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:53:14.960 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:53:14.960 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:53:14.960 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:53:14.960 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:53:19.686 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:53:19.686 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:53:19.686 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:53:19.686 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:53:27.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:53:27.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:53:27.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:53:27.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:53:41.355 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:53:41.357 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:53:52.699 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:53:52.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:53:52.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:53:52.700 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:53:52.766 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:53:52.767 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:54:05.254 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:54:05.255 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:54:07.827 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:54:07.827 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:54:07.827 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:54:07.827 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:54:07.983 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:54:07.983 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:54:07.983 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:54:07.983 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:54:08.068 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:54:08.069 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:54:21.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:54:21.371 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:54:21.468 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 9 lines 10-02 19:54:21.812 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:54:21.813 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:54:22.725 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:54:22.725 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:54:22.725 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:54:22.725 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:54:35.248 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:54:35.249 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:54:48.187 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:54:48.187 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:54:48.187 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:54:48.187 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:54:48.222 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:54:48.223 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:55:01.385 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:55:01.386 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:55:01.590 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 19:55:13.536 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:55:13.536 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:55:13.536 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:55:13.536 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:55:13.576 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:55:13.577 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:55:13.756 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:55:13.756 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:55:13.756 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:55:13.756 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:55:34.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:55:34.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:55:34.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:55:34.668 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:55:47.547 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:55:47.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:55:47.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:55:47.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:55:51.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:55:51.372 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:55:51.936 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:55:51.937 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:55:52.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:55:52.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:55:52.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:55:52.227 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:56:05.372 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:56:05.373 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:58:18.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:58:18.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:58:18.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:58:18.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:58:18.775 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:58:18.776 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:58:18.866 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:58:18.866 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:58:18.866 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:58:18.866 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:58:33.358 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:58:33.359 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:58:33.515 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:58:33.516 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:58:33.516 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:58:33.516 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:58:33.793 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:58:33.793 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:58:49.340 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:58:49.342 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 19:58:49.382 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 7 lines 10-02 19:59:51.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:59:51.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:59:51.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:59:51.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:59:52.075 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 19:59:52.075 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 19:59:52.075 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 19:59:52.075 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 19:59:52.184 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 19:59:52.185 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:00:05.248 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:00:05.248 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:00:05.685 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:00:05.686 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:00:06.823 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:00:06.823 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:00:06.823 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:00:06.823 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:00:11.523 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:00:11.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:00:11.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:00:11.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:00:16.679 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:00:16.679 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:00:16.679 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:00:16.679 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:00:25.823 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-02 20:00:25.835 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:00:25.835 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:00:25.835 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:00:25.835 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:00:25.858 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 20:00:30.999 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:00:30.999 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:00:30.999 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:00:31.000 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:02:57.343 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:02:57.344 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:03:12.279 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:03:12.280 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:03:12.280 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:03:12.280 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:03:12.500 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:03:12.500 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:03:12.506 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:03:12.506 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:03:12.506 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:03:12.506 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:03:25.692 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:03:25.692 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:03:25.692 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:03:25.692 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:03:35.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:03:35.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:03:35.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:03:35.252 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:03:44.410 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:03:44.410 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:03:44.410 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:03:44.410 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:03:47.350 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:03:47.351 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:03:48.157 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:03:48.157 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:03:48.850 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:03:48.850 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:03:48.850 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:03:48.850 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:04:01.265 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:04:01.266 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:04:33.268 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:04:33.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:04:33.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:04:33.269 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:04:33.416 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:04:33.416 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:04:33.416 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:04:33.416 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:04:33.438 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:04:33.438 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:04:33.465 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 5 lines 10-02 20:04:53.383 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:04:53.384 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:05:19.220 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:05:19.220 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:05:19.220 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:05:19.220 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:05:19.261 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:05:19.261 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:05:19.375 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:05:19.375 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:05:19.375 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:05:19.375 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:05:33.341 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:05:33.345 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:06:23.848 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:06:23.848 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:06:23.848 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:06:23.848 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:06:23.855 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:06:23.857 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:06:39.328 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:06:39.330 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:06:39.543 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:06:39.543 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:06:39.543 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:06:39.543 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:06:39.769 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:06:39.769 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:06:53.369 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:06:53.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:06:53.802 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:06:53.802 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:06:54.256 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:06:54.256 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:06:54.256 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:06:54.256 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:07:09.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:07:09.372 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:08:11.013 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:08:11.014 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:08:11.014 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:08:11.014 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:08:11.119 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:08:11.119 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:08:11.119 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:08:11.119 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:08:11.225 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:08:11.225 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:08:25.365 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:08:25.367 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:08:31.495 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 19 lines 10-02 20:08:31.727 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:08:31.727 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:08:31.727 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:08:31.727 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:08:31.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:08:31.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:08:31.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:08:31.881 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:08:31.968 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:08:31.969 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:08:47.326 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:08:47.328 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:08:49.706 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:08:49.706 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:08:49.706 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:08:49.706 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:08:49.847 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:08:49.847 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:09:03.331 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:09:03.332 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:09:32.335 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:09:32.336 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:09:32.336 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:09:32.336 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:09:32.457 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:09:32.457 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:09:32.457 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:09:32.457 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:09:32.529 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:09:32.530 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:09:32.553 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 10 lines 10-02 20:09:57.227 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 10 lines 10-02 20:09:57.300 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:09:57.301 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:09:57.758 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:09:57.758 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:09:57.758 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:09:57.758 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:09:57.847 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:09:57.848 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:09:58.068 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 7 lines 10-02 20:10:11.562 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:10:11.562 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:10:11.562 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:10:11.562 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:10:17.810 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:10:17.810 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:10:17.810 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:10:17.810 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:10:24.027 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:10:24.027 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:10:24.027 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:10:24.027 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:10:29.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:10:29.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:10:29.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:10:29.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:10:47.324 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:10:47.325 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:10:52.581 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 20:10:52.647 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-02 20:10:52.682 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:10:52.683 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:10:52.683 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:10:52.683 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:10:52.876 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:10:52.876 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:10:52.876 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:10:52.876 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:10:52.943 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:10:52.944 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:11:07.281 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:11:07.282 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:11:25.972 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:11:25.972 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:11:25.972 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:11:25.972 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:11:26.085 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:11:26.085 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:11:26.085 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:11:26.085 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:11:26.122 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:11:26.123 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:11:26.818 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:11:26.819 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:11:41.371 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:11:41.372 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:11:59.801 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:11:59.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:11:59.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:11:59.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:11:59.935 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:11:59.937 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:11:59.968 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 4 lines 10-02 20:11:59.995 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:11:59.995 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:11:59.995 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:11:59.996 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:12:17.841 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:12:17.842 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:12:17.842 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:12:17.842 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:12:26.636 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:12:26.636 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:12:26.636 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:12:26.636 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:12:39.285 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:12:39.286 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:12:39.328 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 5 lines 10-02 20:12:39.633 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:12:39.633 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:12:39.633 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:12:39.633 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:12:39.919 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:12:39.919 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:12:55.435 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:12:55.436 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:13:08.331 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:13:08.332 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:13:08.332 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:13:08.332 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:13:08.370 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:13:08.371 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:13:23.388 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:13:23.390 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:13:40.321 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:13:40.321 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:13:40.321 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:13:40.321 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:13:40.399 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:13:40.400 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:13:40.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:13:40.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:13:40.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:13:40.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:13:48.799 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 4 lines 10-02 20:13:48.998 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 13 lines 10-02 20:13:55.152 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:13:55.153 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:13:55.153 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:13:55.153 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:14:00.299 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:14:00.299 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:14:00.299 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:14:00.299 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:14:05.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:14:05.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:14:05.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:14:05.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:14:10.576 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:14:10.576 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:14:10.576 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:14:10.576 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:14:14.260 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:14:14.261 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:14:14.674 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:14:14.675 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:14:15.737 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:14:15.737 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:14:15.737 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:14:15.737 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:14:16.346 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:14:16.347 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:14:16.760 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:14:16.761 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:14:19.852 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 20:14:29.932 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:14:29.933 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:14:56.828 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:14:56.830 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:14:57.262 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:14:57.263 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:15:00.143 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:15:00.143 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:17:51.539 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 2 lines 10-02 20:17:52.743 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:17:52.745 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:18:36.271 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:18:36.272 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:18:53.278 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:18:53.279 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:18:58.484 1105 2212 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 1 line 10-02 20:19:34.337 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:19:34.337 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:19:37.034 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:19:37.034 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:19:44.578 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:19:44.578 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:01.000 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:01.001 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:31.675 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 5 lines 10-02 20:20:33.709 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:33.709 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:39.702 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:39.703 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:46.493 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:46.495 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:46.545 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.google.android.webview:webview_service terminated, pid=6371 10-02 20:20:48.053 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:48.054 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:57.298 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:57.299 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:20:59.463 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:20:59.464 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:01.670 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:21:01.671 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:14.759 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:21:14.760 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:14.787 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 6 lines 10-02 20:21:24.364 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:21:24.364 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:33.913 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:21:33.913 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:36.342 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:21:36.343 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:41.987 2676 2676 D MccTable: needUpdateMccMncConfiguration slotid: 0 10-02 20:21:41.987 2676 2676 D MccTable: do needUpdateMccMncConfiguration 10-02 20:21:57.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:21:57.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:21:57.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:21:57.642 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:22:41.171 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:22:41.171 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:22:41.171 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:22:41.171 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:22:41.354 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:22:41.354 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:22:41.354 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:22:41.354 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:23:28.255 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:23:28.255 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:23:28.255 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:23:28.255 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:23:39.989 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:23:39.989 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:23:39.989 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:23:39.989 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:01.565 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:01.566 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:01.566 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:01.566 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:01.732 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:01.732 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:01.732 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:01.732 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:20.178 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:20.178 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:20.178 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:20.178 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:24.348 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:24.348 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:24.348 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:24.348 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:28.629 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:28.630 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:28.630 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:28.630 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:32.478 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:32.479 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:32.479 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:32.479 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:24:34.461 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 18 lines 10-02 20:24:37.305 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:24:37.305 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:24:37.305 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:24:37.305 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:25:27.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:25:27.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:25:27.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:25:27.067 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:25:31.803 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 22 lines 10-02 20:25:40.706 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:25:40.707 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:25:40.707 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:25:40.707 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:25:47.294 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:25:47.294 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:25:47.294 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:25:47.294 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:25:54.253 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:25:54.253 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:25:54.253 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:25:54.253 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:10.490 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:10.490 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:10.490 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:10.490 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:10.616 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:10.616 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:10.616 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:10.616 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:25.979 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:25.979 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:25.979 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:25.979 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:30.811 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:30.811 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:30.811 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:30.811 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:36.304 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:36.304 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:36.304 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:36.304 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:42.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:42.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:42.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:42.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:26:45.967 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:26:45.967 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:26:45.967 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:26:45.967 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:27:23.643 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:27:23.644 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:27:23.644 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:27:23.644 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:28:11.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:28:11.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:28:11.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:28:11.011 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:28:11.135 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:28:11.135 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:28:11.135 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:28:11.135 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:28:52.646 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:28:52.646 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:28:52.646 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:28:52.647 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:29:11.189 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:29:11.189 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:29:11.189 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:29:11.189 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:29:11.316 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:29:11.316 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:29:11.316 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:29:11.316 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:29:24.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:29:24.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:29:24.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:29:24.223 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:29:51.503 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:29:51.504 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:29:51.504 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:29:51.504 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:30:26.711 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:30:26.712 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:30:26.712 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:30:26.712 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:30:26.849 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:30:26.849 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:30:26.849 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:30:26.849 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:30:38.640 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:30:38.641 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:31:01.190 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:31:01.190 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:31:01.190 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:31:01.190 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:31:01.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:31:01.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:31:01.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:31:01.329 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:31:25.169 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 20:31:31.364 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:31:31.364 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:31:31.366 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:31:31.366 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:31:31.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:31:31.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:31:31.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:31:31.524 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:31:49.152 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:31:49.152 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:31:49.152 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:31:49.152 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:32:07.798 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:32:07.799 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:32:07.799 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:32:07.799 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:32:08.034 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:32:08.034 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:32:08.034 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:32:08.034 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:32:22.878 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:32:22.878 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:32:22.878 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:32:22.878 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:32:34.309 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:32:34.309 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:32:34.309 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:32:34.309 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:02.997 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:02.997 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:02.997 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:02.997 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:03.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:03.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:03.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:03.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:21.751 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:21.751 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:21.751 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:21.751 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:33.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:33.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:33.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:33.680 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:37.579 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:37.579 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:37.579 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:37.579 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:53.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:53.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:53.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:53.114 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:33:55.162 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:33:55.162 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:33:55.162 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:33:55.162 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:34:13.168 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:34:13.168 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:34:13.168 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:34:13.168 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:34:17.617 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:34:17.617 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:34:17.617 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:34:17.617 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:34:21.896 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:34:21.896 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:34:21.896 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:34:21.896 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:34:29.276 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:34:29.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:34:29.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:34:29.277 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:34:33.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:34:33.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:34:33.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:34:33.325 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:34:47.839 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:34:47.839 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:34:47.839 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:34:47.839 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:03.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:03.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:03.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:03.360 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:09.199 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:09.199 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:09.199 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:09.199 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:20.488 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:20.488 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:20.488 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:20.488 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:34.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:34.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:34.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:34.476 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:39.671 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:39.671 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:39.671 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:39.671 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:44.007 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:44.008 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:44.008 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:44.008 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:48.379 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:48.379 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:48.379 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:48.379 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:35:52.953 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:35:52.953 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:35:52.953 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:35:52.953 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:36:24.877 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:36:24.877 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:36:24.877 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:36:24.877 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:36:25.032 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:36:25.032 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:36:25.032 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:36:25.032 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:36:39.454 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:36:39.454 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:36:39.454 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:36:39.454 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:36:51.939 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 3 lines 10-02 20:36:52.022 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:36:52.022 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:36:52.022 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:36:52.022 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:37:00.513 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:37:00.513 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:37:00.513 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:37:00.513 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:37:35.386 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:37:35.386 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:37:35.386 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:37:35.386 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:37:35.567 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:37:35.568 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:37:35.568 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:37:35.568 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:37:50.312 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:37:50.312 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:37:50.312 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:37:50.312 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:02.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:02.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:02.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:02.548 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:16.667 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:16.667 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:16.667 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:16.667 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:21.134 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:21.134 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:21.134 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:21.134 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:25.927 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:25.927 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:25.927 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:25.927 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:32.020 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:32.020 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:32.020 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:32.020 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:39.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:39.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:39.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:39.431 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:59.025 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 3 lines 10-02 20:38:59.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:59.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:59.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:59.218 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:38:59.369 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:38:59.369 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:38:59.369 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:38:59.369 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:39:18.619 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:39:18.619 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:39:18.620 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:39:18.620 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:39:25.331 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-02 20:39:25.332 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 14 lines 10-02 20:39:25.369 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 19 lines 10-02 20:39:25.402 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 9 lines 10-02 20:39:25.582 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:39:25.582 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:39:25.582 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:39:25.582 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:39:25.661 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines 10-02 20:39:25.683 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 20:39:25.683 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 20:39:25.684 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 10 lines 10-02 20:39:25.694 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 20:39:25.694 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 20:39:25.702 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 20:39:25.703 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 20:39:26.419 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 20:39:27.085 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 20:39:30.000 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-02 20:39:30.743 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:39:30.743 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:39:30.743 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:39:30.743 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:39:34.410 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:39:34.416 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1682 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:appbrand0) 10-02 20:39:34.428 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:appbrand0' (pid=25865) in 11 ms 10-02 20:39:34.428 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:appbrand0 launch complete 10-02 20:39:34.428 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-02 20:39:34.542 25865 25865 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:39:35.274 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1683 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:appbrand1) 10-02 20:39:35.281 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:appbrand1' (pid=25933) in 7 ms 10-02 20:39:35.281 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:appbrand1 launch complete 10-02 20:39:35.282 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 3 lines 10-02 20:39:35.356 25933 25933 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:39:35.856 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:39:35.856 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:39:35.856 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:39:35.856 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:39:36.920 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1684 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:tools) 10-02 20:39:36.932 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:tools' (pid=26096) in 12 ms 10-02 20:39:36.932 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:tools launch complete 10-02 20:39:37.061 26096 26096 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:39:37.483 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1685 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:sandbox) 10-02 20:39:37.500 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:sandbox' (pid=26149) in 17 ms 10-02 20:39:37.500 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:sandbox launch complete 10-02 20:39:37.500 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 1 line 10-02 20:39:37.610 26149 26149 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:39:37.621 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:39:38.073 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:39:40.970 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:39:40.970 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:39:40.970 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:39:40.970 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:39:41.141 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1686 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:toolsmp) 10-02 20:39:41.163 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:toolsmp' (pid=26310) in 21 ms 10-02 20:39:41.163 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:toolsmp launch complete 10-02 20:39:41.281 26310 26310 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:39:43.866 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:39:43.870 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:39:50.712 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tct.weather.bb:remote terminated, pid=19760 10-02 20:39:51.174 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:39:51.658 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:39:55.968 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.ddt:ta terminated, pid=5706 10-02 20:40:18.696 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 37 lines 10-02 20:40:25.718 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.jrdcom.findmeback terminated, pid=5713 10-02 20:40:25.722 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.mgoogle.android.gms terminated, pid=1957 10-02 20:40:27.366 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 12 lines 10-02 20:40:28.264 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:40:28.640 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 4 lines 10-02 20:40:28.666 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 1 line 10-02 20:41:00.906 1105 5990 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_11 expire 4 lines 10-02 20:41:00.931 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:41:28.448 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:41:28.448 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 4 lines 10-02 20:41:28.455 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:tools terminated, pid=26096 10-02 20:41:28.539 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 11 lines 10-02 20:41:28.539 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:41:28.543 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:toolsmp terminated, pid=26310 10-02 20:41:45.658 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines 10-02 20:41:49.988 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 4 lines 10-02 20:41:49.989 1105 2306 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiService expire 1 line 10-02 20:41:50.051 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 5 lines 10-02 20:41:50.058 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 818 (no limit) (com.blackberry.deviceconfig) 10-02 20:41:50.073 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.deviceconfig' (pid=27808) in 14 ms 10-02 20:41:50.073 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.deviceconfig launch complete 10-02 20:41:50.088 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 38 lines 10-02 20:41:50.130 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1024 (no limit) (com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService) 10-02 20:41:50.146 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService' (pid=27821) in 16 ms 10-02 20:41:50.146 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService launch complete 10-02 20:41:50.203 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 819 (no limit) (com.blackberry.ddt:ta) 10-02 20:41:50.218 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.ddt:ta' (pid=27839) in 15 ms 10-02 20:41:50.218 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.ddt:ta launch complete 10-02 20:41:50.219 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 9 lines 10-02 20:41:50.243 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1025 (no limit) (com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent) 10-02 20:41:50.259 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent' (pid=27854) in 15 ms 10-02 20:41:50.259 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent launch complete 10-02 20:41:51.176 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:41:51.179 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:41:51.200 1000 1000 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request 10-02 20:41:51.327 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:41:51.385 1105 2307 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 3 lines 10-02 20:41:51.391 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 820 (no limit) (com.tct.support.security) 10-02 20:41:51.405 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tct.support.security' (pid=27894) in 14 ms 10-02 20:41:51.405 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tct.support.security launch complete 10-02 20:41:51.420 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 11 lines 10-02 20:41:51.735 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 3 lines 10-02 20:41:53.490 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 18 lines 10-02 20:41:53.496 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 20:41:53.496 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 20:41:53.496 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 20:41:53.496 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 20:41:53.753 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:41:53.812 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 821 (no limit) (com.jrdcom.findmeback) 10-02 20:41:53.829 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.jrdcom.findmeback' (pid=28048) in 17 ms 10-02 20:41:53.829 693 693 I zygoteman: com.jrdcom.findmeback launch complete 10-02 20:41:54.021 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1026 (no limit) (com.mgoogle.android.gms) 10-02 20:41:54.033 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.mgoogle.android.gms' (pid=28078) in 11 ms 10-02 20:41:54.033 693 693 I zygoteman: com.mgoogle.android.gms launch complete 10-02 20:41:54.465 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 6 lines 10-02 20:41:55.045 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1027 (no limit) (com.blackberry.hub) 10-02 20:41:55.060 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.hub' (pid=28134) in 15 ms 10-02 20:41:55.060 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.hub launch complete 10-02 20:41:55.479 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1028 (no limit) (com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.pim.auxiliary) 10-02 20:41:55.496 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.pim.auxiliary' (pid=28167) in 17 ms 10-02 20:41:55.497 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.pim.auxiliary launch complete 10-02 20:41:55.507 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1687 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:tools) 10-02 20:41:55.523 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:tools' (pid=28176) in 15 ms 10-02 20:41:55.523 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:tools launch complete 10-02 20:41:55.526 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1688 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:toolsmp) 10-02 20:41:55.548 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:toolsmp' (pid=28187) in 21 ms 10-02 20:41:55.548 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:toolsmp launch complete 10-02 20:41:55.548 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 1 line 10-02 20:41:55.702 28176 28176 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:41:55.784 28187 28187 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:41:55.788 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 20:41:56.916 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.chrome terminated, pid=17639 10-02 20:41:57.024 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:41:57.048 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.ddt.checkin terminated, pid=14167 10-02 20:42:00.668 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 822 (no limit) (com.android.packageinstaller) 10-02 20:42:00.677 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.packageinstaller' (pid=28484) in 9 ms 10-02 20:42:00.678 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.packageinstaller launch complete 10-02 20:42:00.678 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 8 lines 10-02 20:42:02.632 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 823 (no limit) (com.android.defcontainer) 10-02 20:42:02.642 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.defcontainer' (pid=28518) in 9 ms 10-02 20:42:02.642 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.defcontainer launch complete 10-02 20:42:02.643 1105 1440 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-02 20:42:02.730 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-02 20:42:02.794 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 824 (no limit) (com.qualcomm.qti.seemp.service:seemp_service) 10-02 20:42:02.820 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.qualcomm.qti.seemp.service:seemp_service' (pid=28534) in 25 ms 10-02 20:42:02.820 693 693 I zygoteman: com.qualcomm.qti.seemp.service:seemp_service launch complete 10-02 20:42:02.821 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-02 20:42:02.934 28534 28534 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:695 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:695 com.qualcomm.qti.seemp.service.SeempBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:56 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:3230 10-02 20:42:02.980 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.qualcomm.qti.seemp.service:seemp_service terminated, pid=28534 10-02 20:42:06.598 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 10 lines 10-02 20:42:06.602 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:sandbox terminated, pid=26149 10-02 20:42:12.304 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 4 lines 10-02 20:42:16.017 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver terminated, pid=14183 10-02 20:42:16.040 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.tct.autoregister terminated, pid=14199 10-02 20:42:17.649 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 1 line 10-02 20:42:21.097 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tratao.xcurrency terminated, pid=14882 10-02 20:42:21.496 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 1 line 10-02 20:42:21.523 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1029 (no limit) (com.android.musicfx) 10-02 20:42:21.536 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.musicfx' (pid=28631) in 13 ms 10-02 20:42:21.537 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.musicfx launch complete 10-02 20:42:21.638 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 825 (no limit) (com.android.keychain) 10-02 20:42:21.649 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.keychain' (pid=28649) in 11 ms 10-02 20:42:21.649 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.keychain launch complete 10-02 20:42:21.693 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:42:21.724 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 2 lines 10-02 20:42:21.827 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:appbrand0 terminated, pid=25865 10-02 20:42:21.922 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1689 (no limit) (com.tencent.mobileqqi:web) 10-02 20:42:21.946 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mobileqqi:web' (pid=28693) in 24 ms 10-02 20:42:21.946 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mobileqqi:web launch complete 10-02 20:42:21.947 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-02 20:42:21.947 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:appbrand1 terminated, pid=25933 10-02 20:42:22.019 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 17 lines 10-02 20:42:22.182 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.google.process.gservices terminated, pid=32556 10-02 20:42:22.212 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.infrastructure:restrictionservice terminated, pid=3459 10-02 20:42:22.232 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 6 lines 10-02 20:42:22.236 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 10 lines 10-02 20:42:22.237 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 20 lines 10-02 20:42:22.276 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 2 lines 10-02 20:42:22.294 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 8 lines 10-02 20:42:22.340 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 8 lines 10-02 20:42:22.387 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 11 lines 10-02 20:42:22.392 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 12 lines 10-02 20:42:22.445 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 8 lines 10-02 20:42:23.486 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 9 lines 10-02 20:42:23.785 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 5 lines 10-02 20:42:27.017 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 26 lines 10-02 20:42:27.164 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1030 (no limit) (com.gedoor.monkeybook) 10-02 20:42:27.172 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.gedoor.monkeybook' (pid=28767) in 8 ms 10-02 20:42:27.172 693 693 I zygoteman: com.gedoor.monkeybook launch complete 10-02 20:42:27.311 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1031 (no limit) (com.google.process.gservices) 10-02 20:42:27.325 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.google.process.gservices' (pid=28802) in 13 ms 10-02 20:42:27.325 693 693 I zygoteman: com.google.process.gservices launch complete 10-02 20:42:27.446 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 11 lines 10-02 20:42:56.966 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 7 lines 10-02 20:42:57.068 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 3 lines 10-02 20:42:57.152 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Dropping event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=489.0, y[0]=287.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=141410169, downTime=141410169, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 20:42:58.392 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-02 20:42:58.392 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 10 lines 10-02 20:42:58.399 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService terminated, pid=27821 10-02 20:43:00.415 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1032 (no limit) (android.process.media) 10-02 20:43:00.430 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'android.process.media' (pid=29045) in 15 ms 10-02 20:43:00.430 693 693 I zygoteman: android.process.media launch complete 10-02 20:43:00.965 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-02 20:43:01.192 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1033 (no limit) (com.blackberry.infrastructure:restrictionservice) 10-02 20:43:01.200 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.infrastructure:restrictionservice' (pid=29086) in 8 ms 10-02 20:43:01.200 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.infrastructure:restrictionservice launch complete 10-02 20:43:24.864 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.ddt:ta terminated, pid=27839 10-02 20:43:25.017 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 1 line 10-02 20:43:25.169 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:43:25.194 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-02 20:43:25.329 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:43:25.389 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 6 lines 10-02 20:43:25.481 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:43:25.484 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1690 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:appbrand0) 10-02 20:43:25.491 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:appbrand0' (pid=29172) in 7 ms 10-02 20:43:25.491 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:appbrand0 launch complete 10-02 20:43:25.569 29172 29172 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:43:26.183 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1691 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:appbrand1) 10-02 20:43:26.190 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:appbrand1' (pid=29232) in 7 ms 10-02 20:43:26.190 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:appbrand1 launch complete 10-02 20:43:26.267 29232 29232 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 20:43:27.159 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 6 lines 10-02 20:43:27.787 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 1 line 10-02 20:43:33.643 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-02 20:43:33.963 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:43:34.476 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:43:50.345 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.deviceconfig terminated, pid=27808 10-02 20:43:55.458 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.jrdcom.findmeback terminated, pid=28048 10-02 20:47:14.237 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:47:14.237 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:47:58.190 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:47:58.191 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 20:49:29.006 1105 2212 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 2 lines 10-02 20:51:11.031 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:51:15.070 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1692 (no limit) (com.android.vending) 10-02 20:51:15.078 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.vending' (pid=30371) in 8 ms 10-02 20:51:15.078 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.vending launch complete 10-02 20:51:15.078 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 3 lines 10-02 20:51:15.121 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=430.0, y[0]=284.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=141908155, downTime=141903599, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 20:51:15.121 3821 3821 I chatty : uid=10008(com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher) identical 1 line 10-02 20:51:15.121 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=430.0, y[0]=284.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=141908155, downTime=141903599, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 20:51:15.126 3821 3821 W ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=430.0, y[0]=284.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=141908155, downTime=141903599, deviceId=3, source=0x100008 } 10-02 20:51:15.382 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1034 (no limit) (com.google.process.gapps) 10-02 20:51:15.391 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.google.process.gapps' (pid=30426) in 9 ms 10-02 20:51:15.391 693 693 I zygoteman: com.google.process.gapps launch complete 10-02 20:51:16.593 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line 10-02 20:51:25.849 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 3 lines 10-02 20:51:26.014 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:51:29.191 9947 9947 I chatty : uid=10091(com.tencent.mm) identical 1 line 10-02 20:51:29.680 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:51:38.192 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:51:38.261 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.defcontainer terminated, pid=28518 10-02 20:51:47.135 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-02 20:51:53.758 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 7 lines 10-02 20:51:55.323 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 5 lines 10-02 20:51:55.390 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 7 lines 10-02 20:51:56.166 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 20:51:57.761 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 10 lines 10-02 20:51:57.815 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-02 20:52:00.408 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 8 lines 10-02 20:52:00.438 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 10 lines 10-02 20:52:00.544 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:08.518 9947 9947 I chatty : uid=10091(com.tencent.mm) identical 3 lines 10-02 20:52:09.012 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:11.313 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:11.701 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 7 lines 10-02 20:52:12.744 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 7 lines 10-02 20:52:12.913 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:17.056 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:17.203 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-02 20:52:17.464 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 lines 10-02 20:52:17.567 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 20:52:24.630 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:26.571 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 1 line 10-02 20:52:26.590 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 8 lines 10-02 20:52:26.604 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:28.707 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 1 line 10-02 20:52:28.873 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:37.940 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:52:38.639 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 20:52:52.563 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:53:02.534 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:53:03.853 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:53:27.519 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 13 lines 10-02 20:54:02.405 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1693 (no limit) (com.android.vending:instant_app_installer) 10-02 20:54:02.438 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.vending:instant_app_installer' (pid=31514) in 34 ms 10-02 20:54:02.438 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.vending:instant_app_installer launch complete 10-02 20:54:02.439 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-02 20:54:04.028 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 6 lines 10-02 20:54:18.394 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-02 20:54:18.408 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 20:54:18.419 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 20:54:18.427 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 20:54:18.427 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 20:54:18.547 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-02 20:54:18.964 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 6 lines 10-02 20:54:18.974 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 20:54:21.831 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 10 lines 10-02 20:54:22.046 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-02 20:54:22.601 1105 8571 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_16 expire 4 lines 10-02 20:54:22.601 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 20:54:22.771 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 20:54:22.776 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 20:54:22.788 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 20:54:44.051 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.keychain terminated, pid=28649 10-02 20:56:50.082 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-02 20:57:51.149 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 8 lines 10-02 20:58:58.660 1105 2212 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 1 line 10-02 21:00:37.661 1105 2710 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_9 expire 2 lines 10-02 21:00:57.702 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:00:57.703 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:02:30.827 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-02 21:02:43.715 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 826 (no limit) (com.blackberry.ddt.checkin) 10-02 21:02:43.738 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.ddt.checkin' (pid=31795) in 23 ms 10-02 21:02:43.738 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.ddt.checkin launch complete 10-02 21:02:43.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:02:43.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:02:43.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:02:43.802 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:02:43.915 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 827 (no limit) (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver) 10-02 21:02:43.930 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver' (pid=31817) in 14 ms 10-02 21:02:43.930 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver launch complete 10-02 21:02:44.015 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:02:44.016 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:02:44.016 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:02:44.016 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:02:44.027 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 828 (no limit) (com.android.tct.autoregister) 10-02 21:02:44.040 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.tct.autoregister' (pid=31836) in 13 ms 10-02 21:02:44.041 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.tct.autoregister launch complete 10-02 21:02:44.164 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.packageinstaller terminated, pid=28484 10-02 21:02:44.460 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 4 lines 10-02 21:02:58.090 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 2 lines 10-02 21:03:05.888 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 3 lines 10-02 21:03:44.697 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 2 lines 10-02 21:03:44.742 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.mgoogle.android.gms terminated, pid=28078 10-02 21:03:44.755 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.musicfx terminated, pid=28631 10-02 21:03:50.231 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 21:03:50.234 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-02 21:03:50.478 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 4 lines 10-02 21:03:50.506 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 18 lines 10-02 21:03:50.630 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 21:03:50.663 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-02 21:03:50.694 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:03:50.712 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-02 21:03:50.719 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 5 lines 10-02 21:03:50.732 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 21:03:50.732 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 21:03:50.740 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 21:03:50.740 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 21:03:50.743 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 21:03:50.743 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 21:03:51.271 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 1 line 10-02 21:03:54.037 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:03:54.041 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:03:54.367 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:03:54.875 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:04:31.277 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 1 line 10-02 21:04:45.529 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:04:45.529 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:04:45.529 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:04:45.529 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:04:45.665 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:04:45.665 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:04:45.665 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:04:45.665 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:04:48.135 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:04:48.135 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:04:50.781 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 8 lines 10-02 21:04:51.067 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-02 21:05:28.418 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 1 line 10-02 21:07:14.328 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 6 lines 10-02 21:07:20.999 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 28 lines 10-02 21:08:31.281 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1035 (no limit) (com.tratao.xcurrency) 10-02 21:08:31.302 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tratao.xcurrency' (pid=32387) in 20 ms 10-02 21:08:31.302 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tratao.xcurrency launch complete 10-02 21:08:31.303 1105 2302 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 2 lines 10-02 21:08:31.492 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1694 (no limit) (com.google.android.webview:webview_service) 10-02 21:08:31.509 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.google.android.webview:webview_service' (pid=32406) in 17 ms 10-02 21:08:31.509 693 693 I zygoteman: com.google.android.webview:webview_service launch complete 10-02 21:08:31.510 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 4 lines 10-02 21:08:31.826 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 23 lines 10-02 21:08:32.069 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mobileqqi:web terminated, pid=28693 10-02 21:08:32.087 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent terminated, pid=27854 10-02 21:08:32.093 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.google.process.gapps terminated, pid=30426 10-02 21:12:20.665 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:12:21.171 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:12:47.303 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 14 lines 10-02 21:13:04.816 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:13:05.299 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:13:07.277 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-02 21:13:07.368 1105 14009 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1F expire 2 lines 10-02 21:13:08.262 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:13:10.792 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:13:10.793 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:13:17.260 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 14 lines 10-02 21:13:17.558 1105 7719 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_14 expire 7 lines 10-02 21:13:17.587 1105 2713 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_A expire 1 line 10-02 21:13:17.591 1105 1205 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_2 expire 5 lines 10-02 21:13:17.593 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-02 21:13:17.618 1105 3751 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_E expire 7 lines 10-02 21:13:17.677 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 21:13:21.671 1105 2312 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 10 lines 10-02 21:13:22.316 1105 1196 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1 expire 4 lines 10-02 21:13:24.778 1105 12492 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1A expire 4 lines 10-02 21:13:26.120 1105 12447 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_19 expire 8 lines 10-02 21:14:02.115 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1695 (no limit) (com.android.chrome) 10-02 21:14:02.140 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.chrome' (pid=1450) in 25 ms 10-02 21:14:02.140 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.chrome launch complete 10-02 21:14:02.141 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 16 lines 10-02 21:14:02.321 1105 14035 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_20 expire 7 lines 10-02 21:14:02.350 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.vending:instant_app_installer terminated, pid=31514 10-02 21:14:03.688 1105 1317 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-02 21:14:38.375 1105 13890 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1E expire 2 lines 10-02 21:14:38.377 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-02 21:14:41.725 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:14:44.730 9947 9947 I chatty : uid=10091(com.tencent.mm) identical 1 line 10-02 21:14:45.248 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:14:54.684 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 17 lines 10-02 21:14:57.197 1105 2295 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 4 lines 10-02 21:14:57.283 1105 2569 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_5 expire 3 lines 10-02 21:14:57.323 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-02 21:14:58.230 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:15:03.957 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:15:03.961 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:15:08.060 1105 11812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_18 expire 6 lines 10-02 21:15:12.631 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1036 (no limit) (com.mgoogle.android.gms) 10-02 21:15:12.648 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.mgoogle.android.gms' (pid=1807) in 17 ms 10-02 21:15:12.648 693 693 I zygoteman: com.mgoogle.android.gms launch complete 10-02 21:15:12.666 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.gedoor.monkeybook terminated, pid=28767 10-02 21:15:12.729 1105 1528 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_3 expire 4 lines 10-02 21:15:12.749 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver terminated, pid=31817 10-02 21:15:13.014 1105 3750 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_D expire 3 lines 10-02 21:15:13.047 1105 8951 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_17 expire 9 lines 10-02 21:15:13.078 1105 1350 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 8 lines 10-02 21:15:19.828 1105 7737 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_15 expire 4 lines 10-02 21:15:19.897 1105 12495 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1B expire 2 lines 10-02 21:15:23.975 4367 1868 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tct.gapp.middleman 10-02 21:15:23.984 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1037 (no limit) (com.tct.weather.bb:remote) 10-02 21:15:24.000 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tct.weather.bb:remote' (pid=1870) in 16 ms 10-02 21:15:24.000 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tct.weather.bb:remote launch complete 10-02 21:15:24.243 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.tct.autoregister terminated, pid=31836 10-02 21:15:30.856 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 17 lines 10-02 21:15:42.708 1105 2642 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:1105_5 expire 4 lines 10-02 21:15:42.709 1105 1420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 5 lines 10-02 21:15:43.596 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1038 (no limit) (com.google.android.partnersetup) 10-02 21:15:43.618 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.google.android.partnersetup' (pid=1957) in 22 ms 10-02 21:15:43.619 693 693 I zygoteman: com.google.android.partnersetup launch complete 10-02 21:15:44.583 1105 2601 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_6 expire 2 lines 10-02 21:15:44.626 1105 13780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1D expire 4 lines 10-02 21:15:56.470 1105 1425 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 14 lines 10-02 21:15:58.314 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:tools terminated, pid=28176 10-02 21:15:58.355 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:toolsmp terminated, pid=28187 10-02 21:16:10.904 1105 3735 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_C expire 4 lines 10-02 21:16:10.936 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1696 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim) 10-02 21:16:10.945 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim' (pid=2345) in 9 ms 10-02 21:16:10.946 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim launch complete 10-02 21:16:11.312 1105 1422 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-02 21:16:11.376 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1697 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:MSF) 10-02 21:16:11.384 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:MSF' (pid=2394) in 8 ms 10-02 21:16:11.386 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:MSF launch complete 10-02 21:16:11.456 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1698 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:Daemon) 10-02 21:16:11.467 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:Daemon' (pid=2427) in 10 ms 10-02 21:16:11.467 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:Daemon launch complete 10-02 21:16:11.468 1105 3761 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_10 expire 6 lines 10-02 21:16:11.480 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-02 21:16:11.529 1105 13777 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_1C expire 1 line 10-02 21:16:13.895 1105 4198 I chatty : uid=1000(system) IzatProvider expire 1 line 10-02 21:16:13.928 1105 1105 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 10-02 21:16:14.211 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:16:14.211 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:16:14.212 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:16:14.212 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:16:14.467 1105 2304 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 3 lines 10-02 21:16:15.809 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1699 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:mail) 10-02 21:16:15.817 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:mail' (pid=3053) in 8 ms 10-02 21:16:15.817 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:mail launch complete 10-02 21:16:15.818 1105 2565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_4 expire 3 lines 10-02 21:16:15.943 3053 3053 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /data/data/com.tencent.tim/app_installed_plugin/mail_plugin.apk Binary XML file line #102 10-02 21:16:16.314 1105 3758 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1105_F expire 2 lines 10-02 21:16:16.502 3053 3053 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /data/user/0/com.tencent.tim/app_installed_plugin/mail_plugin.apk Binary XML file line #102 10-02 21:16:16.861 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:16:16.861 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:16:21.316 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1700 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:qqfav) 10-02 21:16:21.327 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:qqfav' (pid=3211) in 10 ms 10-02 21:16:21.327 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:qqfav launch complete 10-02 21:16:21.621 693 693 I zygoteman: Process 7663 exited cleanly. (1) 10-02 21:16:21.622 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.taobao.taobao terminated, pid=7430 10-02 21:16:21.658 1105 3758 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=1285, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Work User ID: 0] ], android.os.BinderProxy@323104) 10-02 21:16:21.659 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=1285, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Work User ID: 0] ] (release request) 10-02 21:16:21.660 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.taobao.taobao:channel terminated, pid=7796 10-02 21:16:23.561 1105 12447 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:16:23.589 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:16:25.965 2345 2345 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:16:25.968 2345 2345 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) /init identical 99 lines 10-02 21:16:25.968 2345 2345 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:16:26.360 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1701 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:peak) 10-02 21:16:26.369 2345 2345 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:16:26.372 2345 2345 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) /init identical 99 lines 10-02 21:16:26.372 2345 2345 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:16:26.372 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:peak' (pid=3311) in 11 ms 10-02 21:16:26.372 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:peak launch complete 10-02 21:16:26.372 1105 2565 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3311:com.tencent.tim:peak/u0a133 for service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.photo.PeakService 10-02 21:16:26.483 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.tencent.tim.msf.startmsf flg=0x10 } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.core.NetConnInfoCenter 10-02 21:16:26.872 1105 3758 I ActivityManager: Killing 31795:com.blackberry.ddt.checkin/2913 (adj 906): empty #17 10-02 21:16:26.886 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.ddt.checkin terminated, pid=31795 10-02 21:16:30.673 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:16:30.674 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h38m26s930ms:-2d21h38m26s930ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:16:30.689 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:16:30.689 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h38m26s946ms:-2d21h38m26s946ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:16:30.888 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tratao.xcurrency terminated, pid=32387 10-02 21:16:30.888 1105 2694 I ActivityManager: Process com.tratao.xcurrency (pid 32387) has died: cch+6CEM 10-02 21:16:30.888 1105 2565 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1308, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND Work User ID: -10000] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f55d1ab) 10-02 21:16:30.893 1105 2694 I ActivityManager: Killing 32412:com.google.android.webview:sandboxed_process0/u0a125i386 (adj 0): isolated not needed 10-02 21:16:30.920 1105 1350 D KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Removing uids 99386-99386 10-02 21:16:31.075 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:16:31.075 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h38m27s332ms:-2d21h38m27s332ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:16:40.498 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:16:40.498 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:16:40.498 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:16:40.498 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:16:40.753 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:16:40.753 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:16:40.753 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:16:40.753 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:16:40.822 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:16:40.822 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:16:40.822 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:16:40.822 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:16:40.910 1105 3758 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: XXnet, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{289} nethandle{1241261984478} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data1 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data1, -> rmnet_data1,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1> Work User ID: -10000]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} } 10-02 21:16:40.910 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 289] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 10-02 21:16:40.911 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data1 to network 289 10-02 21:16:40.919 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 289 to [/, /] 10-02 21:16:40.942 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=460000..., matchSubscriberIds=[460000...] 10-02 21:16:40.943 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Found active matching subId 1 10-02 21:16:40.949 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Resolved to plan null 10-02 21:16:40.959 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=460000..., matchSubscriberIds=[460000...] 10-02 21:16:40.964 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Found active matching subId 1 10-02 21:16:40.969 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Resolved to plan null 10-02 21:16:41.582 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 289 to [/, /, /2409:8057:2000::8, /2409:8057:2000:4::8] 10-02 21:16:41.606 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=460000..., matchSubscriberIds=[460000...] 10-02 21:16:41.608 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Found active matching subId 1 10-02 21:16:41.612 1105 2304 D NetworkStats: Resolved to plan null 10-02 21:16:43.960 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 289] validation passed 10-02 21:16:56.575 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:16:56.575 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:16:56.575 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:16:56.575 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:17:00.652 1105 2694 I ActivityManager: Process com.tencent.tim:qqfav (pid 3211) has died: cch+2CEM 10-02 21:17:00.653 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim:qqfav terminated, pid=3211 10-02 21:17:31.418 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:17:31.686 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:17:31.731 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:17:35.808 1759 1759 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 10-02 21:17:35.808 1759 1759 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'blackberry/bbf100cnchina/bbf100:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/ABH542:user/release-keys' 10-02 21:17:35.808 1759 1759 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 10-02 21:17:35.808 1759 1759 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm' 10-02 21:17:35.808 1759 1759 F DEBUG : pid: 1759, tid: 1759, name: gcin >>> gcin <<< 10-02 21:17:35.808 1759 1759 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xb2bbe4 10-02 21:17:35.864 1759 1759 F DEBUG : r0 00b2bbe4 r1 0005773e r2 5bb36fef r3 000f4240 10-02 21:17:35.864 1759 1759 F DEBUG : r4 febc093c r5 ec26263c r6 00b2bbe4 r7 febc04f0 10-02 21:17:35.864 1759 1759 F DEBUG : r8 0aa24048 r9 febc0538 sl 0aa24020 fp ec26263c 10-02 21:17:35.864 1759 1759 F DEBUG : ip febc02b8 sp febc02c0 lr 0aa131a3 pc 0aa088c8 cpsr 200f0030 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : backtrace: 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #00 pc 000028c8 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000d19f /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000d4d3 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00010f03 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #04 pc 0000e9eb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00004065 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00003bfb /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00002431 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00079921 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init+48) 10-02 21:17:35.867 1759 1759 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000022c0 /data/data/com.hyperrate.gcin/files/gcin 10-02 21:17:35.884 693 693 I zygoteman: Process 1759 exited due to signal (11) 10-02 21:17:35.889 1105 1419 E BootReceiver: try to find package for process: gcin 10-02 21:17:35.891 1105 1419 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_07 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 10-02 21:17:36.067 1105 3758 I ActivityManager: Process com.tcl.ota.bb (pid 23698) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:36.068 1105 3758 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.service.AppUpdateService in 1000ms 10-02 21:17:36.068 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tcl.ota.bb terminated, pid=23698 10-02 21:17:40.411 1105 2565 I ActivityManager: Process com.qualcomm.telephony (pid 17244) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:40.412 1105 2565 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qualcomm.simcontacts/.SimContactsService in 1000ms 10-02 21:17:40.412 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.qualcomm.telephony terminated, pid=17244 10-02 21:17:41.414 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 829 (no limit) (com.qualcomm.telephony) 10-02 21:17:41.425 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.qualcomm.telephony' (pid=3663) in 10 ms 10-02 21:17:41.425 693 693 I zygoteman: com.qualcomm.telephony launch complete 10-02 21:17:41.425 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3663:com.qualcomm.telephony/1001 for service com.qualcomm.simcontacts/.SimContactsService 10-02 21:17:41.689 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1702 (no limit) (com.taobao.taobao) 10-02 21:17:41.699 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.taobao.taobao' (pid=3718) in 9 ms 10-02 21:17:41.699 693 693 I zygoteman: com.taobao.taobao launch complete 10-02 21:17:41.699 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3718:com.taobao.taobao/u0a124 for broadcast com.taobao.taobao/com.taobao.passivelocation.gathering.receiver.LocationChangedReceiver 10-02 21:17:42.001 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mobileqqi:MSF terminated, pid=17500 10-02 21:17:42.001 1105 2565 I ActivityManager: Process com.tencent.mobileqqi:MSF (pid 17500) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:42.001 1105 2565 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.mobileqqi/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.service.MsfService in 1000ms 10-02 21:17:42.034 1105 2694 I ActivityManager: Process com.sina.weibo.image (pid 19785) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:42.034 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.sina.weibo.image terminated, pid=19785 10-02 21:17:42.034 1105 2694 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.sina.weibo/.business.ImageViewerService in 10968ms 10-02 21:17:42.847 3718 3869 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:43.001 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: Process com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.pim.auxiliary (pid 28167) has died: cch+6CEM 10-02 21:17:43.001 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.pim.auxiliary terminated, pid=28167 10-02 21:17:43.005 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1703 (no limit) (com.tencent.mobileqqi:MSF) 10-02 21:17:43.013 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mobileqqi:MSF' (pid=3885) in 8 ms 10-02 21:17:43.013 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mobileqqi:MSF launch complete 10-02 21:17:43.015 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3885:com.tencent.mobileqqi:MSF/u0a202 for service com.tencent.mobileqqi/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.service.MsfService 10-02 21:17:43.193 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: Process com.qualcomm.qti.qdma (pid 17735) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:43.193 1105 8951 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qualcomm.qti.qdma/.app.ActiveCareService in 19809ms 10-02 21:17:43.193 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.qualcomm.qti.qdma terminated, pid=17735 10-02 21:17:43.220 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement terminated, pid=17798 10-02 21:17:43.220 1105 12492 I ActivityManager: Process com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement (pid 17798) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:43.221 1105 12492 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement/.CallEnhancementService in 29781ms 10-02 21:17:43.284 1105 2694 I ActivityManager: Process com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord (pid 24023) has died: cch+6SVC 10-02 21:17:43.284 1105 2694 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord/.tctTelecomRecordService in 39717ms 10-02 21:17:43.284 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord terminated, pid=24023 10-02 21:17:43.318 1105 2694 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome (pid 1450) has died: cch+6CEM 10-02 21:17:43.318 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.chrome terminated, pid=1450 10-02 21:17:43.341 1105 5990 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork - Calling User (UID [ 10124 ] / User ID [ 0 ] set in request's NetworkCapabilities 10-02 21:17:43.341 1105 5990 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10124/3718 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=1311, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Work User ID: 0] ] 10-02 21:17:43.341 1105 5990 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork phone has activated completely : 0 10-02 21:17:43.354 3718 3910 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:43.367 1105 13890 I ActivityManager: Process com.mgoogle.android.gms (pid 1807) has died: cch+6CEM 10-02 21:17:43.367 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.mgoogle.android.gms terminated, pid=1807 10-02 21:17:43.553 3718 3910 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgavmp.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:43.729 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:17:43.729 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h39m39s985ms:-2d21h39m39s985ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:17:43.730 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1704 (no limit) (in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr:bg) 10-02 21:17:43.735 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:17:43.735 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:17:43.744 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr:bg' (pid=3975) in 13 ms 10-02 21:17:43.744 693 693 I zygoteman: in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr:bg launch complete 10-02 21:17:43.750 1105 1105 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3975:in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr:bg/u0a160 for service in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService 10-02 21:17:43.759 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:17:43.759 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:17:43.787 1105 5990 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=com.taobao.activelocation.report.service.LOCATION_CHANGE_ACTION pkg=com.taobao.taobao (has extras) } to com.taobao.taobao/com.taobao.activelocation.report.service.ActiveReportService from pid=3718 uid=10124 pkg=com.taobao.taobao 10-02 21:17:43.798 1105 5990 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=com.taobao.passivelocation.gathering.service.LOCATION_GATHERING_ACTION pkg=com.taobao.taobao (has extras) } to com.taobao.taobao/com.taobao.passivelocation.gathering.service.LocationGatheringService from pid=3718 uid=10124 pkg=com.taobao.taobao 10-02 21:17:44.352 1105 2694 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.autonavi.minimap/10083 for service Intent { cmp=com.autonavi.minimap/com.amap.api.service.AMapService }: com.autonavi.minimap is restricted 10-02 21:17:44.355 1105 2694 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.autonavi.minimap/.LBSConnectionService (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:17:44.490 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:17:44.490 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h39m40s746ms:-2d21h39m40s746ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:17:44.490 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:17:44.491 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h39m40s747ms:-2d21h39m40s747ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:17:44.583 3663 3706 D ActivityThread: Loading provider icc: com.android.phone.IccProvider 10-02 21:17:47.374 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:17:47.374 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h39m43s630ms:-2d21h39m43s630ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:17:50.075 1105 5990 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=org.agoo.android.intent.action.REPORT pkg=com.alibaba.android.rimet cmp=com.alibaba.android.rimet/.TaobaoIntentService } U=0: not found 10-02 21:17:50.076 1105 5990 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=org.agoo.android.intent.action.REPORT pkg=com.alibaba.android.rimet cmp=com.alibaba.android.rimet/.TaobaoIntentService } U=0: not found 10-02 21:17:50.736 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:17:50.737 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:17:50.737 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:17:50.738 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:17:50.915 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 170 @60 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 15 @60 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[6.0 / 1ms], mAmbientLux=6.0 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=170, newScreenAutoBrightness=80 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[6.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=6.0 10-02 21:17:50.916 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=15, newScreenAutoBrightness=12 10-02 21:17:50.917 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 80 @60 10-02 21:17:50.917 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 12 @60 10-02 21:17:51.052 1105 5990 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x40000 cmp=com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.TIMTroopMemberCardActivity (has extras)} from uid 10133 10-02 21:17:51.066 1105 5990 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:17:51.152 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:17:51.384 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:17:52.276 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1705 (no limit) (com.taobao.taobao:channel) 10-02 21:17:52.286 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.taobao.taobao:channel' (pid=4138) in 10 ms 10-02 21:17:52.286 693 693 I zygoteman: com.taobao.taobao:channel launch complete 10-02 21:17:52.287 1105 1528 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4138:com.taobao.taobao:channel/u0a124 for service com.taobao.taobao/com.alibaba.analytics.AnalyticsService 10-02 21:17:52.873 4138 4217 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:53.004 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1706 (no limit) (com.sina.weibo.image) 10-02 21:17:53.015 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.sina.weibo.image' (pid=4240) in 11 ms 10-02 21:17:53.015 693 693 I zygoteman: com.sina.weibo.image launch complete 10-02 21:17:53.015 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4240:com.sina.weibo.image/u0a92 for service com.sina.weibo/.business.ImageViewerService 10-02 21:17:53.021 3718 3884 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmisc.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:53.434 4138 4277 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:53.642 4138 4277 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgavmp.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:17:53.983 1105 1528 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork - Calling User (UID [ 10124 ] / User ID [ 0 ] set in request's NetworkCapabilities 10-02 21:17:53.984 1105 1528 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10124/4138 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=1312, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Work User ID: 0] ] 10-02 21:17:53.984 1105 1528 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork phone has activated completely : 0 10-02 21:18:01.030 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:18:01.031 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:18:01.031 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:18:01.031 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:18:02.968 4138 4233 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.taobao.taobao-AUWpBw41sXBipREx7FLzdg==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmisc.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:18:03.006 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 830 (no limit) (com.qualcomm.qti.qdma) 10-02 21:18:03.017 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.qualcomm.qti.qdma' (pid=4362) in 10 ms 10-02 21:18:03.017 693 693 I zygoteman: com.qualcomm.qti.qdma launch complete 10-02 21:18:03.017 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4362:com.qualcomm.qti.qdma/1000 for service com.qualcomm.qti.qdma/.app.ActiveCareService 10-02 21:18:11.686 1105 2601 I ActivityManager: Process com.tencent.tim:peak (pid 3311) has died: cch+4CEM 10-02 21:18:11.686 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim:peak terminated, pid=3311 10-02 21:18:13.004 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 831 (no limit) (com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement) 10-02 21:18:13.016 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement' (pid=4423) in 11 ms 10-02 21:18:13.016 693 693 I zygoteman: com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement launch complete 10-02 21:18:13.016 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4423:com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement/1000 for service com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement/.CallEnhancementService 10-02 21:18:13.016 1105 1318 D ActivityManager: Start checking available memory. 10-02 21:18:13.071 4423 4423 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1584 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:729 com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement.BinderTelecomCallService.bindService:46 com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement.BinderTelecomCallService.-wrap0:0 com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement.BinderTelecomCallService$BinderTarget.bind:33 10-02 21:18:13.081 4423 4423 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement identical 2 lines 10-02 21:18:13.083 4423 4423 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1584 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:729 com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement.BinderTelecomCallService.bindService:46 com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement.BinderTelecomCallService.-wrap0:0 com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement.BinderTelecomCallService$BinderTarget.bind:33 10-02 21:18:13.494 1105 1317 D ActivityManager: Available memory: 1443432Kb 10-02 21:18:23.006 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 832 (no limit) (com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord) 10-02 21:18:23.018 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord' (pid=4471) in 12 ms 10-02 21:18:23.018 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord launch complete 10-02 21:18:23.018 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4471:com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord/1000 for service com.tcl.TctTelecomRecord/.tctTelecomRecordService 10-02 21:18:43.733 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:18:43.733 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:18:43.764 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:18:43.764 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:18:44.030 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 10 @180 10-02 21:18:51.031 1105 1425 I PowerManagerService: Nap time (uid 1000)... 10-02 21:18:51.031 1105 1425 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 10-02 21:18:51.056 1105 1105 I PasswordManager: [clearCachedPasswordType] Password type cache cleared 10-02 21:18:51.057 1105 1105 I PasswordManager: [setCachedPasswordType] Password type cached: 1 10-02 21:18:51.062 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 10-02 21:18:51.062 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[0] 0 10-02 21:18:51.062 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[1] 1 10-02 21:18:51.062 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[2] 20 10-02 21:18:51.062 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[3] 21 10-02 21:18:51.065 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 10-02 21:18:51.070 1105 1105 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 10-02 21:18:51.505 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-02 21:18:51.510 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 6 ms 10-02 21:18:51.535 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:18:51.537 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 0 @0 10-02 21:18:51.538 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 10-02 21:18:51.831 1105 1425 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 10-02 21:18:51.831 1105 1425 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 10-02 21:18:51.832 1105 1420 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-02 21:18:51.856 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 21:18:51.863 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 21:18:51.866 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 21:18:51.866 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 21:18:51.938 1105 1105 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.Context.reportUserBase:4849 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendGoToSleepBroadcast:683 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendNextBroadcast:630 com.android.server.power.Notifier.-wrap2:0 10-02 21:18:51.939 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.blackberrymobile.userbase.LOG_EVENT pkg=com.blackberrymobile.userbase (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:18:51.973 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:18:52.003 1105 1105 W FingerprintService: mScreenOn = false 10-02 21:18:52.222 1105 1528 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF is not allowed to delivery to com.zhiyoo.A9 / 10162 : package is restricted 10-02 21:18:52.225 1105 1318 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF is not allowed to delivery to com.android.vending / 10115 : package is restricted 10-02 21:18:52.232 1105 1528 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF is not allowed to delivery to com.tencent.tim / 10133 : package is restricted 10-02 21:18:52.232 1105 1318 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF is not allowed to delivery to com.tencent.tim / 10133 : package is restricted 10-02 21:18:52.233 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 10 lines 10-02 21:18:52.233 1105 1318 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF is not allowed to delivery to com.tencent.tim / 10133 : package is restricted 10-02 21:18:53.767 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-02 21:18:53.768 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:18:53.768 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:18:53.768 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 17 @180 10-02 21:18:53.768 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 7 @180 10-02 21:18:53.769 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 10-02 21:18:53.784 1105 2694 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.pokeDrawLock:1927 com.android.server.wm.Session.pokeDrawLock:575 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:692 10-02 21:18:53.994 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 226 ms 10-02 21:18:56.059 1105 8571 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{d68cb9f ActivityRecord{1a1f13e u0 com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.TIMTroopMemberCardActivity t4466}} appWin=Window{f17d16d u0 com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.TIMTroopMemberCardActivity} drawState=4 10-02 21:18:56.060 1105 14035 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] returned: 0 10-02 21:18:56.060 1105 14035 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] max = 10, rem = 10 10-02 21:18:56.060 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 21:18:56.100 1105 14035 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] returned: 0 10-02 21:18:56.100 1105 14035 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] max = 10, rem = 10 10-02 21:18:56.156 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 21:18:56.159 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 21:18:56.169 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 21:18:56.197 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-02 21:18:56.198 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 0 ms 10-02 21:18:56.198 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:18:56.198 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:18:56.198 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 0 @0 10-02 21:18:56.199 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 10-02 21:18:58.003 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-02 21:18:58.003 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:18:58.003 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:18:58.003 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 7 @180 10-02 21:18:58.005 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 10-02 21:18:58.015 1105 7070 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.pokeDrawLock:1927 com.android.server.wm.Session.pokeDrawLock:575 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:692 10-02 21:18:58.264 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 261 ms 10-02 21:19:34.200 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:19:34.276 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:19:34.333 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:20:15.239 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-02 21:20:15.239 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 0 ms 10-02 21:20:15.239 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:20:15.239 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:20:15.239 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 0 @0 10-02 21:20:15.240 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 10-02 21:20:15.258 1105 14035 I PasswordManager: [clearCachedPasswordType] Password type cache cleared 10-02 21:20:15.259 1105 14035 I PasswordManager: [setCachedPasswordType] Password type cached: 1 10-02 21:20:41.619 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:20:41.619 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:20:41.619 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:20:41.619 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:20:41.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:20:41.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:20:41.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:20:41.716 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:20:43.736 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:20:43.737 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:20:43.765 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:20:43.766 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:21:19.331 1105 2212 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { flg=0x4 cmp=com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.qqmail.utilities.qmnetwork.service.QMPushService (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:21:41.260 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:21:41.260 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:21:41.260 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:21:41.260 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:21:41.371 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:21:41.371 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:21:41.371 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:21:41.371 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:21:43.732 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:21:43.732 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:21:43.784 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:21:43.784 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:21:44.907 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:21:45.133 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:21:45.174 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:22:43.342 1105 5990 W AlarmManager: Suspiciously short interval 30288 millis; expanding to 60 seconds 10-02 21:23:02.256 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-02 21:23:02.256 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:23:02.256 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:23:02.256 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 7 @180 10-02 21:23:02.259 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 10-02 21:23:02.273 1105 1528 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.pokeDrawLock:1927 com.android.server.wm.Session.pokeDrawLock:575 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:692 10-02 21:23:02.350 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 93 ms 10-02 21:23:10.513 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:23:10.513 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:23:12.741 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-02 21:23:12.741 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 1 ms 10-02 21:23:12.743 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:23:12.743 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:23:12.743 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 0 @0 10-02 21:23:12.743 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 10-02 21:23:12.769 1105 1528 I PasswordManager: [clearCachedPasswordType] Password type cache cleared 10-02 21:23:12.769 1105 1528 I PasswordManager: [setCachedPasswordType] Password type cached: 1 10-02 21:23:19.579 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-02 21:23:19.580 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:23:19.580 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:23:19.580 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 7 @180 10-02 21:23:19.581 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 10-02 21:23:19.596 1105 3751 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.pokeDrawLock:1927 com.android.server.wm.Session.pokeDrawLock:575 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:692 10-02 21:23:19.805 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 226 ms 10-02 21:23:23.896 1105 3751 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=org.agoo.android.intent.action.REPORT pkg=com.alibaba.android.rimet cmp=com.alibaba.android.rimet/.TaobaoIntentService } U=0: not found 10-02 21:23:23.932 1105 3751 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=org.agoo.android.intent.action.REPORT pkg=com.alibaba.android.rimet cmp=com.alibaba.android.rimet/.TaobaoIntentService } U=0: not found 10-02 21:23:43.737 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:23:43.737 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:23:43.766 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:23:43.766 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:23:45.595 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:23:45.705 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:23:45.743 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:24:24.727 1105 1105 D FingerprintService: handleAcquired deviceId: 283795726976; acquiredInfo: 6; vendorCode: 102 10-02 21:24:24.728 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 21:24:24.728 1105 2296 D DisplayManagerService: requestDisplayState state: 2; brightness: 0 10-02 21:24:24.728 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 10-02 21:24:24.860 1105 1105 D FingerprintService: handleAcquired deviceId: 283795726976; acquiredInfo: 0; vendorCode: 0 10-02 21:24:24.864 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=163583854, gp=0) 10-02 21:24:24.864 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibrate(mSuccessVibrationEffect) invoke; mSuccessVibrationEffect is Waveform{mTimings=[0, 1, 20, 21], mAmplitudes=[0, -1, 0, -1], mRepeat=-1} 10-02 21:24:24.866 1105 1205 I PasswordManager: [clearCachedPasswordType] Password type cache cleared 10-02 21:24:24.867 1105 1205 I PasswordManager: [setCachedPasswordType] Password type cached: 1 10-02 21:24:24.871 1105 8951 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid=10029 reason=android.policy:FINGERPRINT)... 10-02 21:24:24.871 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:24:24.874 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:24:24.874 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 80 @60 10-02 21:24:24.874 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:24:24.874 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 12 @60 10-02 21:24:24.874 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 28 @180 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[9.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=9.0 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=28, newScreenAutoBrightness=31 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[9.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=9.0 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=80, newScreenAutoBrightness=125 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[9.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=9.0 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=12, newScreenAutoBrightness=14 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 125 @60 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 14 @60 10-02 21:24:24.875 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 31 @60 10-02 21:24:24.876 1105 1425 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 10-02 21:24:24.876 1105 1420 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 10-02 21:24:24.887 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 10-02 21:24:24.889 1105 1105 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.Context.reportUserBase:4849 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendWakeUpBroadcast:659 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendNextBroadcast:628 com.android.server.power.Notifier.-wrap2:0 10-02 21:24:24.901 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.blackberrymobile.userbase.LOG_EVENT pkg=com.blackberrymobile.userbase (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:24:24.917 1105 1324 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:24.918 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 21:24:24.918 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 21:24:24.919 1105 8951 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 10-02 21:24:24.919 1105 1420 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 10-02 21:24:24.919 1105 1420 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-02 21:24:24.986 1105 1105 W FingerprintService: mScreenOn = true 10-02 21:24:25.021 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 21:24:25.024 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 21:24:25.024 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 21:24:25.029 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 21:24:25.029 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 21:24:25.042 1105 1422 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request. 10-02 21:24:25.053 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:25.076 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.eg.android.AlipayGphone/com.alipay.pushsdk.BroadcastActionReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.102 1105 1105 W AccessibilityManagerService: Skipping accessibilty service berrylink.cn/com.androlua.LuaAccessibilityService: it does not require the permission android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE 10-02 21:24:25.275 1105 2697 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.fooview.android.fooview/.fvprocess.FooDaemonReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.276 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.fooview.android.fooview/com.fooview.android.FooActionReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.277 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.MessageReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.277 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.sswo.SswoReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.279 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.taobao.accs.EventReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.283 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.aliyun.AliyunMessageReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.286 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.ugc.awemepushlib.message.ScreenReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.294 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.push.window.oppo.ScreenReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.308 1105 2697 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.taobao.taobao/com.taobao.accs.EventReceiver 10-02 21:24:25.456 1105 1205 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON is not allowed to delivery to com.tencent.tim / 10133 : package is restricted 10-02 21:24:25.456 1105 1318 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON is not allowed to delivery to com.tencent.tim / 10133 : package is restricted 10-02 21:24:25.457 1105 1318 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 8 lines 10-02 21:24:25.457 1105 1318 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON is not allowed to delivery to com.tencent.tim / 10133 : package is restricted 10-02 21:24:25.518 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.igexin.sdk.PushService (has extras) } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.igexin.sdk.PushService from pid=19837 uid=10092 pkg=com.sina.weibo 10-02 21:24:25.518 1105 1205 E ActivityManager: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.igexin.sdk.PushService (has extras) }: app is in background uid null 10-02 21:24:25.520 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.netease.newsreader.activity/com.igexin.sdk.PushService (has extras) } to com.netease.newsreader.activity/com.igexin.sdk.PushService from pid=19837 uid=10092 pkg=com.sina.weibo 10-02 21:24:25.521 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.jingdong.app.mall/com.igexin.sdk.PushService (has extras) } to com.jingdong.app.mall/com.igexin.sdk.PushService from pid=19837 uid=10092 pkg=com.sina.weibo 10-02 21:24:25.565 1105 1105 D FingerprintService: handleAcquired deviceId: 283795726976; acquiredInfo: 6; vendorCode: 103 10-02 21:24:26.798 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:26.809 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1707 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:peak) 10-02 21:24:26.821 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:peak' (pid=5035) in 12 ms 10-02 21:24:26.821 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:peak launch complete 10-02 21:24:26.822 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5035:com.tencent.tim:peak/u0a133 for service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.photo.PeakService 10-02 21:24:26.822 1105 14035 D ActivityManager: Start checking available memory. 10-02 21:24:26.829 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:26.978 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.tencent.tim.msf.startmsf flg=0x10 } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.core.NetConnInfoCenter 10-02 21:24:28.069 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:24:28.070 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:24:28.345 1105 1317 D ActivityManager: Available memory: 1408000Kb 10-02 21:24:32.202 2345 2345 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:24:32.757 2345 2345 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) /init identical 186 lines 10-02 21:24:32.757 2345 2345 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:24:35.757 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10029 10-02 21:24:35.783 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:35.820 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:36.761 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.tencent.tim appid=10133 user=0: from pid 2529 10-02 21:24:36.762 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Killing 2427:com.tencent.tim:Daemon/u0a133 (adj 500): stop com.tencent.tim 10-02 21:24:36.763 1105 14035 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonAssistService in 1000ms 10-02 21:24:36.767 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Killing 3053:com.tencent.tim:mail/u0a133 (adj 700): stop com.tencent.tim 10-02 21:24:36.769 1105 14035 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.tim/cooperation.mailplugin.MailPluginProxyService in 1000ms 10-02 21:24:36.771 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Killing 5035:com.tencent.tim:peak/u0a133 (adj 900): stop com.tencent.tim 10-02 21:24:36.774 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Killing 2345:com.tencent.tim/u0a133 (adj 0): stop com.tencent.tim 10-02 21:24:36.780 1105 14035 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.CoreService in 1000ms 10-02 21:24:36.787 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Killing 2394:com.tencent.tim:MSF/u0a133 (adj 0): stop com.tencent.tim 10-02 21:24:36.788 1105 14035 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.service.MsfService in 10992ms 10-02 21:24:36.788 1105 14035 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonMsfService in 20992ms 10-02 21:24:36.790 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Killing 3116:com.google.android.webview:sandboxed_process0/u0a133i387 (adj 0): isolated not needed 10-02 21:24:36.791 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{d342bec u0 com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity t4466} 10-02 21:24:36.796 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Force stopping service ServiceRecord{2c5236b u0 com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonMsfService} 10-02 21:24:36.796 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Force stopping service ServiceRecord{f508714 u0 com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.service.MsfService} 10-02 21:24:36.797 1105 14035 I ActivityManager: Force stopping service ServiceRecord{4cdede9 u0 com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.CoreService} 10-02 21:24:36.799 1105 12492 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonAssistService } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonAssistService from pid=0 uid=10133 pkg=com.tencent.tim 10-02 21:24:36.799 1105 12492 E ActivityManager: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonAssistService }: app is in background uid null 10-02 21:24:36.810 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim:Daemon terminated, pid=2427 10-02 21:24:36.816 1105 1350 D KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Removing uids 99387-99387 10-02 21:24:36.823 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED dat=package:com.tencent.tim flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.jingdong.app.mall/.broadcastReceiver.AppStateRecevier 10-02 21:24:36.824 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1039 (no limit) (com.mgoogle.android.gms) 10-02 21:24:36.832 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim:MSF terminated, pid=2394 10-02 21:24:36.837 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.mgoogle.android.gms' (pid=5150) in 12 ms 10-02 21:24:36.837 693 693 I zygoteman: com.mgoogle.android.gms launch complete 10-02 21:24:36.837 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5150:com.mgoogle.android.gms/u0a153 for broadcast com.mgoogle.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.PackageReceiver 10-02 21:24:36.842 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim:peak terminated, pid=5035 10-02 21:24:36.869 1105 14035 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1310, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Work User ID: -10000] ], android.os.BinderProxy@9e8f501) 10-02 21:24:36.871 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim:mail terminated, pid=3053 10-02 21:24:36.919 1105 1422 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 2345 10-02 21:24:36.920 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.tim terminated, pid=2345 10-02 21:24:37.242 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:37.264 1105 7719 W ActivityManager: cancelTaskWindowTransition: taskId=4466 not found 10-02 21:24:37.265 1105 3750 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@46d2de7 10-02 21:24:37.265 1105 3750 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@46d2de7 10-02 21:24:37.329 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:37.354 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:24:39.756 9947 9947 I chatty : uid=10091(com.tencent.mm) identical 1 line 10-02 21:24:40.195 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:24:43.227 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1708 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:tools) 10-02 21:24:43.238 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:tools' (pid=5303) in 11 ms 10-02 21:24:43.239 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:tools launch complete 10-02 21:24:43.239 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5303:com.tencent.mm:tools/u0a91 for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.MMReceivers$ToolsProcessReceiver 10-02 21:24:43.340 5303 5303 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 21:24:43.813 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1709 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:sandbox) 10-02 21:24:43.825 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:sandbox' (pid=5396) in 12 ms 10-02 21:24:43.825 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:sandbox launch complete 10-02 21:24:43.827 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5396:com.tencent.mm:sandbox/u0a91 for service com.tencent.mm/.sandbox.updater.UpdaterService 10-02 21:24:43.964 5396 5396 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 21:24:44.500 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1710 (no limit) (com.tencent.mm:toolsmp) 10-02 21:24:44.512 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.mm:toolsmp' (pid=5566) in 12 ms 10-02 21:24:44.512 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.mm:toolsmp launch complete 10-02 21:24:44.513 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5566:com.tencent.mm:toolsmp/u0a91 for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.MMReceivers$ToolsMpProcessReceiver 10-02 21:24:44.715 5566 5566 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider 10-02 21:24:44.930 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10029 10-02 21:24:44.953 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:44.975 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:1 ms 10-02 21:24:45.937 9947 9947 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:24:46.640 1105 12492 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:46.657 1105 3735 W ActivityManager: cancelTaskWindowTransition: taskId=4460 not found 10-02 21:24:46.659 1105 7719 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@8013774 10-02 21:24:46.660 1105 7719 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@8013774 10-02 21:24:46.683 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:46.694 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:24:46.694 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:24:51.212 1105 11812 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10029 10-02 21:24:51.235 1105 11812 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:51.266 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:51.294 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:24:51.294 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:24:55.947 1105 3750 I ActivityManager: Killing 30371:com.android.vending/u0a115 (adj 900): remove task 10-02 21:24:56.003 1105 3750 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{b6789b6 u0 com.android.vending/com.android.vending.AssetBrowserActivity} 10-02 21:24:56.004 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.android.vending terminated, pid=30371 10-02 21:24:56.005 1105 7719 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1306, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Work User ID: -10000] ], android.os.BinderProxy@d7a6f0d) 10-02 21:24:56.379 1105 12495 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=bbm.com.intent.action.ACTION_OPEN_CONVERSATION dat=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw flg=0x30100000 cmp=com.bbm/.ui.activities.OpenInBbmActivity (has extras)} from uid 10131 10-02 21:24:56.430 1105 12492 W ActivityManager: cancelTaskWindowTransition: taskId=4461 not found 10-02 21:24:56.448 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:56.454 1105 1318 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request. 10-02 21:24:56.455 1105 1205 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@c3c53c 10-02 21:24:56.455 1105 1205 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@c3c53c 10-02 21:24:56.473 1105 3750 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.bbm/.ui.activities.ConversationActivity (has extras)} from uid 10131 10-02 21:24:56.487 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:56.634 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:1 ms 10-02 21:24:58.343 1105 3750 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:24:58.358 1105 13890 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@b9087f7 10-02 21:24:58.358 1105 13890 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@b9087f7 10-02 21:24:58.360 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=org.codeaurora.action.stk.idle_screen flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver 10-02 21:24:58.373 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:24:58.683 1105 1318 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request. 10-02 21:24:58.827 1105 1318 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{239d219 u0 com.tencent.mm/.sandbox.updater.UpdaterService} 10-02 21:24:59.628 1105 2295 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher/.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 10-02 21:24:59.670 1105 1205 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=org.codeaurora.action.stk.idle_screen flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver 10-02 21:25:00.639 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.bbm.monitor.action.UPDATE_LOG_STRATEGY pkg=com.bbm cmp=com.bbm/com.alipay.mobile.logmonitor.ClientMonitorService (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:25:00.641 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1711 (no limit) (com.bbm:tools) 10-02 21:25:00.653 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.bbm:tools' (pid=5879) in 12 ms 10-02 21:25:00.653 693 693 I zygoteman: com.bbm:tools launch complete 10-02 21:25:00.653 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5879:com.bbm:tools/u0a131 for service com.bbm/com.alipay.mobile.common.logging.process.LogServiceInToolsProcess 10-02 21:25:00.948 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5906:com.google.android.webview:sandboxed_process0/u0i388 for webview_service com.bbm/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 10-02 21:25:01.036 5879 5934 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.bbm-ClqQC9QoLtaHJOz9dXJpoQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgmain.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:25:01.992 1105 2325 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 10-02 21:25:01.992 1105 1420 I UsbPortManager: USB port changed: port=UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power, currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data]}, canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=true, canChangeDataRole=false 10-02 21:25:02.011 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:25:02.011 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:25:02.014 1105 1205 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10187 10-02 21:25:02.018 1105 13890 W AlarmManager: Suspiciously short interval 35340 millis; expanding to 60 seconds 10-02 21:25:02.022 1105 8571 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.qualcomm.qti.biometrics.fingerprint.service/.PowerConnectionReceiver 10-02 21:25:02.024 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.MessageReceiver 10-02 21:25:02.024 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.alibaba.sdk.android.push.SystemEventReceiver 10-02 21:25:02.030 1105 1350 I BatteryStatsImpl: Resetting battery stats: level=44 status=2 dischargeLevel=44 lowAmount=199 highAmount=209 10-02 21:25:02.128 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:25:02.128 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:25:02.993 1105 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: Clear notification 10-02 21:25:02.994 1105 1420 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to mtp 10-02 21:25:03.008 1105 13890 I ActivityManager: Killing 1870:com.tct.weather.bb:remote/u0a105 (adj 906): empty #17 10-02 21:25:03.033 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tct.weather.bb:remote terminated, pid=1870 10-02 21:25:03.131 5879 5958 E DexLoadReporter: Could not create the profile directory: /data/app/com.bbm-ClqQC9QoLtaHJOz9dXJpoQ==/lib/arm/oat/libsgsecuritybody.so.cur.prof 10-02 21:25:12.617 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:25:12.619 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:25:12.619 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:25:12.621 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:25:46.062 1105 1196 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1314, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Work User ID: -10000] ], android.os.BinderProxy@9c32423) 10-02 21:25:46.062 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: Process com.tencent.mm:tools (pid 5303) has died: fore RCVR 10-02 21:25:46.064 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:tools terminated, pid=5303 10-02 21:25:46.123 1105 11812 I ActivityManager: Process com.tencent.mm:toolsmp (pid 5566) has died: fore RCVR 10-02 21:25:46.124 1105 7719 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1316, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Work User ID: -10000] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e19df7f) 10-02 21:25:46.126 693 693 I zygoteman: App com.tencent.mm:toolsmp terminated, pid=5566 10-02 21:25:46.235 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:25:46.327 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:25:46.397 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:25:48.584 1105 8571 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10104 10-02 21:25:55.616 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 10 @180 10-02 21:25:57.436 1105 11812 W AlarmManager: Suspiciously short interval 33472 millis; expanding to 60 seconds 10-02 21:26:02.618 1105 1425 I PowerManagerService: Nap time (uid 1000)... 10-02 21:26:02.618 1105 1425 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 10-02 21:26:02.663 1105 1105 I PasswordManager: [clearCachedPasswordType] Password type cache cleared 10-02 21:26:02.665 1105 1105 I PasswordManager: [setCachedPasswordType] Password type cached: 1 10-02 21:26:02.676 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 10-02 21:26:02.676 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[0] 0 10-02 21:26:02.676 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[1] 1 10-02 21:26:02.676 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[2] 20 10-02 21:26:02.676 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibePattern[3] 21 10-02 21:26:02.676 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 10-02 21:26:02.694 1105 1105 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 10-02 21:26:03.134 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-02 21:26:03.135 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 1 ms 10-02 21:26:03.201 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:26:03.201 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:26:03.212 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: configure en=false, dozing=true 10-02 21:26:03.216 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 0 @0 10-02 21:26:03.254 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 10-02 21:26:03.352 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:26:03.352 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:26:03.547 1105 1425 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 10-02 21:26:03.548 1105 1425 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 10-02 21:26:03.549 1105 1420 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-02 21:26:03.562 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onCreate() 10-02 21:26:03.579 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onBind() intent = Intent { act=android.service.dreams.DreamService flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.doze.DozeService } 10-02 21:26:03.592 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: Calling onDreamingStarted() 10-02 21:26:03.592 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStarted() 10-02 21:26:03.688 1105 1105 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.Context.reportUserBase:4849 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendGoToSleepBroadcast:683 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendNextBroadcast:630 com.android.server.power.Notifier.-wrap2:0 10-02 21:26:03.703 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.blackberrymobile.userbase.LOG_EVENT pkg=com.blackberrymobile.userbase (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:26:03.780 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:26:03.818 1105 1105 W FingerprintService: mScreenOn = false 10-02 21:26:04.172 1105 11812 V BroadcastQueue: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF is not allowed to delivery to com.zhiyoo.A9 / 10162 : package is restricted 10-02 21:26:07.705 1105 11812 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] returned: 0 10-02 21:26:07.705 1105 11812 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] max = 10, rem = 10 10-02 21:26:07.705 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 21:26:07.774 1105 2710 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] returned: 0 10-02 21:26:07.774 1105 2710 I PasswordManager: [passwordGetAttemptCount] max = 10, rem = 10 10-02 21:26:07.860 2529 2529 W KeyguardSecurityView: [shouldEnterBlackberry] returns false, rem=10, max=10 10-02 21:26:07.865 2529 2529 V KeyguardStatusView: refresh statusview showing:true 10-02 21:26:07.877 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 10-02 21:26:20.486 1105 7719 W AlarmManager: Suspiciously short interval 30231 millis; expanding to 60 seconds 10-02 21:26:29.873 1105 1317 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 10-02 21:27:10.813 1105 7719 W AlarmManager: Suspiciously short interval 30203 millis; expanding to 60 seconds 10-02 21:27:55.125 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:27:55.370 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:27:55.464 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:28:52.702 1105 1196 W AlarmManager: Suspiciously short interval 38331 millis; expanding to 60 seconds 10-02 21:29:26.108 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:29:28.013 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:29:32.230 1105 11812 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10082 10-02 21:29:32.248 1105 1196 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10124 10-02 21:29:35.742 1105 1196 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10092 10-02 21:30:01.996 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:30:02.262 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:30:02.311 1105 1196 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.289 1105 2325 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 10-02 21:30:07.289 1105 1420 I UsbPortManager: USB port changed: port=UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=true, currentMode=ufp, currentPowerRole=sink, currentDataRole=device, supportedRoleCombinations=[source:device, sink:device]}, canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=true, canChangeDataRole=false 10-02 21:30:07.507 1105 1105 D FingerprintService: handleAcquired deviceId: 283795726976; acquiredInfo: 6; vendorCode: 102 10-02 21:30:07.508 2529 2529 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 102 10-02 21:30:07.508 1105 2296 D DisplayManagerService: requestDisplayState state: 2; brightness: 0 10-02 21:30:07.508 1105 1422 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 10-02 21:30:07.553 1105 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: push notification:Connected in charging mode 10-02 21:30:07.638 1105 1105 D FingerprintService: handleAcquired deviceId: 283795726976; acquiredInfo: 0; vendorCode: 0 10-02 21:30:07.640 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=163583854, gp=0) 10-02 21:30:07.640 1105 1105 W vibrate : vibrate(mSuccessVibrationEffect) invoke; mSuccessVibrationEffect is Waveform{mTimings=[0, 1, 20, 21], mAmplitudes=[0, -1, 0, -1], mRepeat=-1} 10-02 21:30:07.642 1105 2710 I PasswordManager: [clearCachedPasswordType] Password type cache cleared 10-02 21:30:07.642 1105 2710 I PasswordManager: [setCachedPasswordType] Password type cached: 1 10-02 21:30:07.645 1105 2710 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid=10029 reason=android.policy:FINGERPRINT)... 10-02 21:30:07.665 1105 1105 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 10-02 21:30:07.665 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-02 21:30:07.666 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:07.667 1105 1105 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1493 android.content.Context.reportUserBase:4849 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendWakeUpBroadcast:659 com.android.server.power.Notifier.sendNextBroadcast:628 com.android.server.power.Notifier.-wrap2:0 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 125 @60 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 14 @60 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 31 @180 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[6.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=6.0 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=125, newScreenAutoBrightness=80 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[6.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=6.0 10-02 21:30:07.669 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=14, newScreenAutoBrightness=12 10-02 21:30:07.671 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 80 @60 10-02 21:30:07.671 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 12 @60 10-02 21:30:07.672 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.blackberrymobile.userbase.LOG_EVENT pkg=com.blackberrymobile.userbase (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:30:07.700 1105 1324 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:07.713 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=org.codeaurora.action.stk.idle_screen flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.795 1105 1425 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 130 ms 10-02 21:30:07.796 2529 2529 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 10-02 21:30:07.798 1105 1425 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 10-02 21:30:07.798 1105 1420 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 10-02 21:30:07.802 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.eg.android.AlipayGphone/com.alipay.pushsdk.BroadcastActionReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.815 1105 1105 W AccessibilityManagerService: Skipping accessibilty service berrylink.cn/com.androlua.LuaAccessibilityService: it does not require the permission android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE 10-02 21:30:07.816 1105 12447 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10076 10-02 21:30:07.835 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 10-02 21:30:07.835 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 10-02 21:30:07.835 1105 7719 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 10-02 21:30:07.836 1105 1420 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 10-02 21:30:07.836 1105 1420 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-02 21:30:07.841 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:07.853 1105 1422 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request. 10-02 21:30:07.862 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 10-02 21:30:07.862 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 10-02 21:30:07.864 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 10-02 21:30:07.864 2529 2529 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 10-02 21:30:07.871 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[14.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=14.0 10-02 21:30:07.871 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessDisplay: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=31, newScreenAutoBrightness=39 10-02 21:30:07.872 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenBrightness 39 @60 10-02 21:30:07.896 1105 1196 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.fooview.android.fooview/.fvprocess.FooDaemonReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.896 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.fooview.android.fooview/com.fooview.android.FooActionReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.901 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.MessageReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.903 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.sswo.SswoReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.904 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.taobao.accs.EventReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.904 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.aliyun.AliyunMessageReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.913 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.ugc.awemepushlib.message.ScreenReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.914 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.push.window.oppo.ScreenReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.931 1105 1196 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.taobao.taobao/com.taobao.accs.EventReceiver 10-02 21:30:07.954 1105 1105 W FingerprintService: mScreenOn = true 10-02 21:30:08.179 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:30:08.179 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:30:08.261 1105 12447 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10092 10-02 21:30:08.349 1105 1105 D FingerprintService: handleAcquired deviceId: 283795726976; acquiredInfo: 6; vendorCode: 103 10-02 21:30:08.450 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:30:08.450 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-02 21:30:08.469 1105 2325 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 10-02 21:30:08.480 1105 1105 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy... 10-02 21:30:08.484 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.eg.android.AlipayGphone/com.alipay.pushsdk.BroadcastActionReceiver 10-02 21:30:08.520 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:08.520 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m4s776ms:-2d21h52m4s776ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:08.522 1105 13890 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.qualcomm.qti.biometrics.fingerprint.service/.PowerConnectionReceiver 10-02 21:30:08.524 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.fooview.android.fooview/.fvprocess.FooDaemonReceiver 10-02 21:30:08.524 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.fooview.android.fooview/com.fooview.android.FooActionReceiver 10-02 21:30:08.525 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.MessageReceiver 10-02 21:30:08.526 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.alibaba.sdk.android.push.SystemEventReceiver 10-02 21:30:08.553 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:08.553 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m4s809ms:-2d21h52m4s809ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:08.566 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:08.566 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m4s822ms:-2d21h52m4s822ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:09.600 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.android.settings/.deviceinfo.UsbModeChooserActivity} from uid 10029 10-02 21:30:09.604 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: startActivity called from non-Activity context; forcing Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x800000 cmp=com.android.settings/.deviceinfo.UsbModeChooserActivity } 10-02 21:30:09.623 1105 13890 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:09.631 1105 8571 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@f7c1225 10-02 21:30:09.631 1105 8571 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@f7c1225 10-02 21:30:09.654 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:1 ms 10-02 21:30:09.656 1105 2325 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 10-02 21:30:10.917 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:30:10.918 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:30:10.965 1105 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: Clear notification 10-02 21:30:10.967 1105 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: push notification:USB for file transfer 10-02 21:30:10.967 1105 1420 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to mtp,adb 10-02 21:30:10.982 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:10.998 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: Finishing task with all activities already finished 10-02 21:30:10.998 1105 1205 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{c4eeaf0 u0 com.android.settings/.deviceinfo.UsbModeChooserActivity t4467 f} 10-02 21:30:10.999 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:11.008 1105 1205 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:11.034 1105 2325 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 10-02 21:30:11.068 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=org.codeaurora.action.stk.idle_screen flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver 10-02 21:30:11.138 1105 12495 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10187 10-02 21:30:20.946 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:20.947 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:30:20.947 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:20.947 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:30:29.376 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:29.377 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 80 @60 10-02 21:30:29.377 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:30:29.377 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 12 @60 10-02 21:30:29.377 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[1.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=1.0 10-02 21:30:29.378 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[1.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=1.0 10-02 21:30:29.378 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=12, newScreenAutoBrightness=9 10-02 21:30:29.378 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 9 @60 10-02 21:30:29.430 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:31.350 1105 12495 D BluetoothManagerService: enable(): mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = 10 callingPid 2529 10-02 21:30:31.350 1105 12495 D BluetoothManagerService: enable returning 10-02 21:30:31.350 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null 10-02 21:30:31.352 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_sys64: launch 833 (no limit) (com.android.bluetooth) 10-02 21:30:31.363 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.android.bluetooth' (pid=6314) in 10 ms 10-02 21:30:31.363 693 693 I zygoteman: com.android.bluetooth launch complete 10-02 21:30:31.363 1105 1421 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6314:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService 10-02 21:30:31.363 1105 1421 D ActivityManager: Start checking available memory. 10-02 21:30:31.751 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to <PII> 10-02 21:30:31.751 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: <PII> 10-02 21:30:31.771 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService 10-02 21:30:31.771 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1 10-02 21:30:31.772 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 26 receivers. 10-02 21:30:31.776 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON 10-02 21:30:31.776 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON 10-02 21:30:31.859 1105 1317 D ActivityManager: Available memory: 1656048Kb 10-02 21:30:32.292 1105 13890 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.android.vending/10115 for service Intent { act=com.android.vending.contentfilters.IContentFiltersService.BIND pkg=com.android.vending }: com.android.vending is restricted 10-02 21:30:32.959 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter address changed to <PII> 10-02 21:30:32.959 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetoothaddress: <PII> 10-02 21:30:32.960 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to <PII> 10-02 21:30:32.960 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: <PII> 10-02 21:30:32.970 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_ON 10-02 21:30:32.970 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth is in LE only mode 10-02 21:30:32.970 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Binding Bluetooth GATT service 10-02 21:30:32.970 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_ON 10-02 21:30:32.972 1105 1105 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService 10-02 21:30:32.972 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 2 10-02 21:30:32.972 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothGatt Service is Up 10-02 21:30:32.972 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: isBleAppPresent() count: 0 10-02 21:30:32.973 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Persisting Bluetooth Setting: 1 10-02 21:30:32.973 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_ON > TURNING_ON 10-02 21:30:32.973 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_ON > TURNING_ON 10-02 21:30:32.994 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1040 (no limit) (com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService) 10-02 21:30:33.010 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService' (pid=6378) in 16 ms 10-02 21:30:33.010 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService launch complete 10-02 21:30:33.011 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6378:com.blackberry.infrastructure:com.blackberry.lbs.services.PlacesService/u0a67 for service com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.services.places.PlacesService 10-02 21:30:33.029 1105 8571 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.blackberry.shortcuts.action.UPDATE_SHORTCUT flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher (pid=3821, uid=10008) requires com.blackberry.shortcuts.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT due to receiver com.android.settings/.shortcuts.ShortcutUpdateReceiver 10-02 21:30:33.159 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per64: launch 1041 (no limit) (com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent) 10-02 21:30:33.170 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent' (pid=6418) in 11 ms 10-02 21:30:33.170 693 693 I zygoteman: com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent launch complete 10-02 21:30:33.171 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6418:com.blackberry.infrastructure:hybridagent/u0a67 for content provider com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.hybridagent.HybridClientContentProvider 10-02 21:30:33.179 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: TURNING_ON > ON 10-02 21:30:33.180 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(true) to 14 receivers. 10-02 21:30:33.183 1105 1421 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: TURNING_ON > ON 10-02 21:30:33.196 1105 1105 W Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: Calling get Profile proxy 10-02 21:30:33.197 1105 1105 W Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: Done Calling get Profile proxy 10-02 21:30:33.197 1105 1105 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState: BPSI.qPS@zYc 10-02 21:30:33.298 1105 1105 I Telecom : : - Got BluetoothHeadset: com.android.server.telecom.BluetoothHeadsetProxy@793a242: BMSL.oSC@zYg 10-02 21:30:33.300 1105 1105 W Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: onServiceConnected: setting mBluetoothHeadset 10-02 21:30:33.337 1105 8951 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.blackberry.shortcuts.action.UPDATE_SHORTCUT flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.blackberry.blackberrylauncher (pid=3821, uid=10008) requires com.blackberry.shortcuts.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT due to receiver com.android.settings/.shortcuts.ShortcutUpdateReceiver 10-02 21:30:33.385 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:33.385 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m29s642ms:-2d21h52m29s642ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:33.393 1105 14009 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.fido.fido2.pollux.CableAuthenticatorService } U=0: not found 10-02 21:30:33.766 1105 8951 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState: BPSI.qPS@zYk 10-02 21:30:33.766 1105 8951 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 6, ringing number [****], ringing type 128: BPSI.qPS@zYk 10-02 21:30:33.772 1105 1105 I Telecom : BluetoothDeviceManager: Device 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF changed state to 1: BM.oR@zYo 10-02 21:30:33.783 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:33.783 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m30s40ms:-2d21h52m30s40ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:35.634 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:39.010 1105 1105 I Telecom : BluetoothDeviceManager: Device 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF changed state to 0: BM.oR@zYs 10-02 21:30:39.033 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:39.033 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m35s289ms:-2d21h52m35s289ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:39.138 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:39.138 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m35s394ms:-2d21h52m35s394ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:39.554 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:30:39.554 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h52m35s811ms:-2d21h52m35s811ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:30:41.510 1105 12447 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState: BPSI.qPS@zYw 10-02 21:30:41.510 1105 12447 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 6, ringing number [****], ringing type 128: BPSI.qPS@zYw 10-02 21:30:41.512 1105 1105 I Telecom : BluetoothDeviceManager: Device 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF changed state to 1: BM.oR@zY0 10-02 21:30:46.360 1105 3758 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10029 10-02 21:30:46.381 1105 3758 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:46.416 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:46.643 1105 1105 I Telecom : BluetoothDeviceManager: Device 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF changed state to 0: BM.oR@zZY 10-02 21:30:49.648 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=bbm.com.intent.action.ACTION_OPEN_CONVERSATION dat=bbmpim://conversation/edykiduw flg=0x30100000 cmp=com.bbm/.ui.activities.OpenInBbmActivity (has extras)} from uid 10131 10-02 21:30:49.677 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:49.683 1105 12447 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@92e9937 10-02 21:30:49.683 1105 12447 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@92e9937 10-02 21:30:49.683 1105 1318 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request. 10-02 21:30:49.698 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.bbm/.ui.activities.ConversationActivity (has extras)} from uid 10131 10-02 21:30:49.713 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:49.854 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:30:51.685 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity (has extras)} from uid 10008 10-02 21:30:51.707 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1712 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim) 10-02 21:30:51.719 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim' (pid=6564) in 11 ms 10-02 21:30:51.719 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim launch complete 10-02 21:30:51.719 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6564:com.tencent.tim/u0a133 for activity com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity 10-02 21:30:51.741 1105 8571 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:51.751 1105 12447 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@bf531c9 10-02 21:30:51.751 1105 12447 W NotificationService: Toast already cancelled. pkg=com.blackberry.tmservice callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@bf531c9 10-02 21:30:51.882 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:1 ms 10-02 21:30:51.952 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1713 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:MSF) 10-02 21:30:51.960 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:MSF' (pid=6612) in 7 ms 10-02 21:30:51.962 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:MSF launch complete 10-02 21:30:51.962 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6612:com.tencent.tim:MSF/u0a133 for service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.service.MsfService 10-02 21:30:52.036 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1714 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:Daemon) 10-02 21:30:52.047 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:Daemon' (pid=6646) in 12 ms 10-02 21:30:52.048 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:Daemon launch complete 10-02 21:30:52.048 1105 12495 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6646:com.tencent.tim:Daemon/u0a133 for service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.app.DaemonAssistService 10-02 21:30:52.068 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.tencent.tim.msf.startmsf flg=0x10 } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.core.NetConnInfoCenter 10-02 21:30:52.111 1105 12495 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 10216 pkg com.hyperrate.gcin code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 10-02 21:30:52.201 1105 1318 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request. 10-02 21:30:52.295 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.tencent.tim.msf.startmsf flg=0x10 } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.core.NetConnInfoCenter 10-02 21:30:53.706 1105 4198 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10104 10-02 21:30:53.721 1105 1105 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork - Calling User (UID [ 1000 ] / User ID [ 0 ] set in request's NetworkCapabilities 10-02 21:30:53.721 1105 1105 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/1105 NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1318, legacyType=3, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Work User ID: 0] ] 10-02 21:30:53.721 1105 1105 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork phone has activated completely : 0 10-02 21:30:53.738 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 3 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 289] isDefaultNetwork=false 10-02 21:30:54.015 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:30:54.015 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:30:54.015 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:30:54.015 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:30:54.104 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found 10-02 21:30:54.104 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found 10-02 21:30:54.104 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found 10-02 21:30:54.104 692 703 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found 10-02 21:30:55.367 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1715 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:mail) 10-02 21:30:55.374 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:mail' (pid=7018) in 7 ms 10-02 21:30:55.374 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:mail launch complete 10-02 21:30:55.375 1105 13890 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7018:com.tencent.tim:mail/u0a133 for service com.tencent.tim/cooperation.mailplugin.MailPluginProxyService 10-02 21:30:55.485 7018 7018 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /data/data/com.tencent.tim/app_installed_plugin/mail_plugin.apk Binary XML file line #102 10-02 21:30:55.634 1105 2710 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7073:com.google.android.webview:sandboxed_process0/u0i389 for webview_service com.tencent.tim/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 10-02 21:30:55.747 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.tencent.tim.msf.startmsf flg=0x10 } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.core.NetConnInfoCenter 10-02 21:30:55.823 7018 7018 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /data/user/0/com.tencent.tim/app_installed_plugin/mail_plugin.apk Binary XML file line #102 10-02 21:30:56.852 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:30:56.852 1000 1000 I wificond: Enters wifigbk_ageOutHistory 10-02 21:30:56.881 1105 13890 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x4040000 cmp=com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.TroopAssistantActivity (has extras)} from uid 10133 10-02 21:30:56.888 6564 6564 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:30:56.891 6564 6564 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 92 lines 10-02 21:30:56.891 6564 6564 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:30:56.898 1105 12495 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:56.958 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:1 ms 10-02 21:30:59.296 1105 12495 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0 10-02 21:30:59.328 1105 1422 D WindowManager: [BatteryCenter] Enforcement operations framerate:0 brightness:1.0 time:0 ms 10-02 21:31:00.739 693 693 I zygoteman: zygote_per32: launch 1716 (no limit) (com.tencent.tim:peak) 10-02 21:31:00.748 693 693 I zygoteman: PERF: Launched 'com.tencent.tim:peak' (pid=7175) in 9 ms 10-02 21:31:00.749 693 693 I zygoteman: com.tencent.tim:peak launch complete 10-02 21:31:00.749 1105 8951 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7175:com.tencent.tim:peak/u0a133 for service com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.photo.PeakService 10-02 21:31:00.752 6564 6564 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:31:00.755 6564 6564 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 90 lines 10-02 21:31:00.755 6564 6564 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-02 21:31:00.890 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.tencent.tim.msf.startmsf flg=0x10 } to com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.core.NetConnInfoCenter 10-02 21:31:06.554 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1318, legacyType=3, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Work User ID: 0] ] (release request) 10-02 21:31:06.566 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 3 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 289] isDefaultNetwork=false 10-02 21:31:08.709 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:31:08.709 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h53m4s965ms:-2d21h53m4s965ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:31:08.713 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:31:08.736 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:31:25.360 1105 8571 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10082 10-02 21:31:32.304 1105 2212 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.taobao.idlefish.intent.action.COCKROACH flg=0x4 (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:31:32.304 1105 2212 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.alibaba.android.rimet.intent.action.COCKROACH flg=0x4 (has extras) } U=0: not found 10-02 21:31:56.971 1105 8571 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10076 10-02 21:32:00.210 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:32:00.210 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h53m56s466ms:-2d21h53m56s466ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:32:00.535 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:32:00.535 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h53m56s792ms:-2d21h53m56s792ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:32:07.078 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:32:07.079 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:32:07.079 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:32:07.079 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:32:07.505 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:32:07.505 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h54m3s762ms:-2d21h54m3s762ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:32:07.668 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:32:07.668 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h54m3s925ms:-2d21h54m3s925ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:32:08.739 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:32:08.740 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 80 @60 10-02 21:32:08.740 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:32:08.741 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 9 @60 10-02 21:32:08.741 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[6.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=6.0 10-02 21:32:08.741 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[6.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=6.0 10-02 21:32:08.741 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=9, newScreenAutoBrightness=12 10-02 21:32:08.741 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 12 @60 10-02 21:32:12.707 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:32:12.819 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:32:12.862 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:32:59.177 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:32:59.177 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:32:59.217 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:32:59.217 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:32:59.236 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.236 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.252 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:32:59.252 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:32:59.281 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.281 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.367 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:32:59.783 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:32:59.783 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:32:59.785 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:32:59.785 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:32:59.787 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:32:59.823 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.823 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.826 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:32:59.826 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:32:59.884 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:32:59.884 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:32:59.884 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:32:59.886 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:32:59.912 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:32:59.912 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:32:59.925 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:32:59.925 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:32:59.929 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:32:59.943 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.943 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:32:59.944 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:32:59.951 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:32:59.951 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:32:59.951 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:32:59.951 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:32:59.951 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:32:59.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:32:59.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:32:59.952 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:32:59.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:32:59.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:32:59.953 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:32:59.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:32:59.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:32:59.953 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:32:59.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:32:59.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:32:59.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:32:59.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:32:59.955 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:32:59.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:32:59.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:32:59.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:32:59.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:32:59.957 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:32:59.992 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:32:59.993 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.000 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 10-02 21:33:00.000 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 10-02 21:33:00.002 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:00.002 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:00.011 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService BroadcastReceiver.intent action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 10-02 21:33:00.011 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver end 10-02 21:33:00.012 4367 4448 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver TIME_TICK finish 10-02 21:33:00.012 4367 4367 I Weather : onReceive. intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 10-02 21:33:00.013 4367 4367 I Weather : WeatherTctWidget onReceive(). intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 10-02 21:33:00.014 4367 7393 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 10-02 21:33:00.017 4367 7393 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 10-02 21:33:00.021 4367 7394 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 10-02 21:33:00.024 4367 7394 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 10-02 21:33:00.053 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.053 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.053 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.054 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.054 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38821) after 10000ms 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:33:00.055 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1$1.a(SourceFile:76) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.a(SourceFile:1032) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.call(SourceFile:39) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:00.056 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:00.077 979 1372 D spfSlog : SPFManager_t::interrupt[760] Pushing Virtual Sensor=qc_tsens4event 10-02 21:33:00.078 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=60 cspt=95 cval=-37.9375 cerr=-35 cint=-2.93747 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.078 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=60 cspt=0 cval=60 cerr=60 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.087 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=app_based_controller state=Run cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 251703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.999952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.087 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_saver_controller state=Ready cvir=42 cspt=0 cval=42 cerr=42 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 777 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0.00308682 > 10-02 21:33:00.087 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=gpu_controller state=Run cvir=47 cspt=90 cval=-45.746 cerr=-43 cint=-2.74602 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.000833333 kd=0 kb=0.000833333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.087 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=pmic_controller state=Run cvir=48.476 cspt=73 cval=-26.9687 cerr=-24.524 cint=-2.44468 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00208333 kd=0 kb=0.00208333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.087 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=screen_based_controller state=Ready cvir=36.7794 cspt=0 cval=36.7794 cerr=36.7794 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 105598 43233 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.419514 0.171754 > 10-02 21:33:00.088 979 1374 D spfSlog : SPFManager_t::interrupt[760] Pushing Virtual Sensor=qc_tsens5event 10-02 21:33:00.089 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:virt,36.9593,36.5056,37.8279,42,39,60,52,47,60,46,48.476,3965.32,45,7653.59 10-02 21:33:00.089 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:temp,53,49,52,59,60,59,57,59,47,49,46,48,59,47,48.476,39,43,46,42,42,38 10-02 21:33:00.089 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:batt,3965.32,1187.5,3846.44,45,110.594 10-02 21:33:00.090 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:misc,1401.6,1401.6,1401.6,1401.6,2208,2208,2208,2208,266,0.02,0,4,15.2941,NaN,0,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:pow,1500,3000,4408.89,583.529,-4708.81,0,0,NaN 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:com,3750.76,3.2349,254.897,0,400,0 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:uc,0 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=sensor_logger_ctrl state=Run cvir=1 cspt=0 cval=1 cerr=1 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 125293 126388 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.497757 0.502108 > 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_protection state=Run cvir=39 cspt=0 cval=39 cerr=39 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1376 D spfSlog : SPFManager_t::interrupt[760] Pushing Virtual Sensor=qc_tsens6event 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=surface_comfort_controller state=Run cvir=37.8279 cspt=0 cval=37.8279 cerr=37.8279 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 29446 12677 7006 722 156 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.116982 0.0503625 0.0278331 0.00286832 0.000619749 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_imax state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=ul_safety_controller state=Run cvir=56.5056 cspt=0 cval=56.5056 cerr=56.5056 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_vbat state=Ready cvir=3701.89 cspt=0 cval=3701.89 cerr=3701.89 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 480 2539 5237 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00262201 0.00190692 0.0100868 0.0208053 > 10-02 21:33:00.091 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_little_controller state=Run cvir=49 cspt=95 cval=-48.7849 cerr=-46 cint=-2.78495 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.092 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=soc_thermal_controller state=Ready cvir=58 cspt=0 cval=58 cerr=58 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.092 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=60 cspt=95 cval=-37.9414 cerr=-35 cint=-2.94138 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.093 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=60 cspt=0 cval=60 cerr=60 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.093 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=60 cspt=95 cval=-37.945 cerr=-35 cint=-2.94504 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.093 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.093 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.093 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=60 cspt=0 cval=60 cerr=60 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.094 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.094 979 1409 D spfSlog : log:virt,36.9593,36.5056,37.8279,42,39,60,52,47,60,46,48.476,3965.32,45,7653.59 10-02 21:33:00.096 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:00.096 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:00.120 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.120 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.120 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.122 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.122 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:00.161 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.161 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.168 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:00.168 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:00.222 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.222 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.222 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.223 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.223 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:00.262 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.263 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.291 979 1370 D spfSlog : SPFManager_t::interrupt[760] Pushing Virtual Sensor=qc_tsens3event 10-02 21:33:00.292 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=60 cspt=95 cval=-37.9485 cerr=-35 cint=-2.94848 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.293 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=59 cspt=0 cval=59 cerr=59 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:00.357 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.357 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.357 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.358 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.398 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.398 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.405 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:00.458 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.458 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.458 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.459 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.499 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.499 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.525 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.525 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.525 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.527 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.566 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.566 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.627 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.627 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.627 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.628 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.668 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.668 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.728 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.728 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.728 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.730 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.730 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:00.769 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.769 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.831 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:00.832 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:00.832 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:00.834 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:00.834 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:00.873 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:00.873 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:00.949 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:00.950 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:00.951 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:00.951 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:00.951 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:00.951 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:00.951 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:00.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:00.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:00.952 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:00.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:00.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:00.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:00.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:00.954 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:00.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:00.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:00.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:00.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:00.957 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:01.023 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:01.952 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:01.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:01.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:01.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:01.954 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:01.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:01.954 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:01.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:01.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:01.955 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:01.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:01.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:01.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:01.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:01.956 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:01.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:01.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:01.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:01.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:01.957 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:02.247 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:02.247 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:02.249 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:02.249 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:02.250 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:02.289 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:02.289 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:02.440 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:02.782 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:02.782 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:02.796 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:33:02.796 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:33:02.953 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:02.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:02.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:02.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:02.956 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:02.956 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:02.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:02.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:02.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:02.958 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:02.958 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:02.958 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:02.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:02.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:02.959 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:02.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:02.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:02.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:02.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:02.961 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:03.376 6612 6740 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: pa ok: 2835 10-02 21:33:03.376 6612 6740 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: netSend ssoSeq:2835 uin:*1983 cmd:181636857 2975 10-02 21:33:03.418 6612 6766 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: netRecv ssoSeq:2835 uin:*1983 cmd:181636857 3075 10-02 21:33:03.955 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:03.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:03.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:03.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:03.961 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:03.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:03.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:03.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:03.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:03.962 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:03.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:03.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:03.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:03.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:03.964 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:03.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:03.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:03.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:03.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:03.965 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:04.137 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:04.137 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:04.139 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:04.139 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:04.140 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:04.172 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:04.172 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:04.180 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:04.180 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:04.330 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:04.957 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:04.958 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:04.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:04.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:04.959 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:04.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:04.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:04.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:04.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:04.960 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:04.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:04.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:04.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:04.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:04.961 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:04.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:04.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:04.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:04.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:04.963 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.879 1105 13890 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10133 10-02 21:33:05.879 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.880 1105 14009 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10202 10-02 21:33:05.880 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.881 1105 8571 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10091 10-02 21:33:05.881 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.881 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.881 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.881 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.882 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.883 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.883 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.883 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.883 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.884 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.884 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.884 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.885 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.885 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.885 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.886 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.886 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.886 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.959 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.960 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.961 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.961 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.962 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.963 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:05.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:05.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:05.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:05.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:05.965 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:06.400 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:06.400 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:06.403 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:06.403 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:06.404 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x0045 10-02 21:33:06.404 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0045 st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: UPPER_LAYER_DISCONNECT_RSP 10-02 21:33:06.404 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 10-02 21:33:06.404 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 10-02 21:33:06.446 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:06.876 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:06.876 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:06.919 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:07.081 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:07.081 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:07.082 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x0044 10-02 21:33:07.082 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0044 st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: UPPER_LAYER_DISCONNECT_RSP 10-02 21:33:07.082 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_close: dev_handle = 0, app_id = 2 10-02 21:33:07.082 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_close: Found an existing device with the same handle dev_status = 0, dev_handle =0 10-02 21:33:07.084 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x0, disallow_switch:0 10-02 21:33:07.085 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removing device Cherng’s Mac Pro due to epoll hang-up event. 10-02 21:33:07.085 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removed device: path=/dev/input/event9 name=Cherng’s Mac Pro id=13 fd=330 classes=0x8000000b 10-02 21:33:07.086 1105 2296 I InputReader: Device removed: id=13, name='Cherng’s Mac Pro', sources=0x00002103 10-02 21:33:07.086 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removing device '/dev/input/mouse0' due to inotify event 10-02 21:33:07.086 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removing device '/dev/input/event9' due to inotify event 10-02 21:33:07.086 6314 6314 D HidService: MESSAGE_CONNECT_STATE_CHANGED newState:0, prevState:2 10-02 21:33:07.086 6314 6314 D HidService: Connection state C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C: 2->0 10-02 21:33:07.089 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 2 -> 0 10-02 21:33:07.089 2529 2740 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HID newProfileState 0 10-02 21:33:07.089 6314 6314 W BluetoothAdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: unexpected transition for profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 2 -> 0 10-02 21:33:07.089 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C: 2 -> 0 10-02 21:33:07.089 6314 6314 W BluetoothAdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: unexpected transition for profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 2 -> 0 10-02 21:33:07.093 19350 19350 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) EnqueueWork component=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService} jobId=1331018628 intent=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED dat= cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService (has extras) } 10-02 21:33:07.093 1105 1105 D CMBReceiver: action = android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:07.101 6314 6326 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.103 19350 7399 I BBLbsApi: notifyConnectionEvent BLUETOOTH EXIT 10-02 21:33:07.110 19350 7399 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) BIND_SERVICE Intent { cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.services.places.PlacesService }; result = true 10-02 21:33:07.110 19350 7399 W BBLbsApi: (profile 0) Unable to bind to PlaceManager 10-02 21:33:07.120 19350 7402 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UNBIND_SERVICE 10-02 21:33:07.121 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:07.123 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:33:07.124 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h55m3s380ms:-2d21h55m3s380ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:33:07.127 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:07.127 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:07.168 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:07.290 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:07.290 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:07.292 6314 6367 I bt_btm_sec: btm_sec_disconnected clearing pending flag handle:2 reason:19 10-02 21:33:07.292 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0 10-02 21:33:07.292 6314 6338 D bt_btif : btif_av_move_idle: Already in IDLE 10-02 21:33:07.294 6314 6314 D AvrcpBipRsp: onReceive 10-02 21:33:07.294 6314 6314 D AvrcpBipRsp: onReceive: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 10-02 21:33:07.294 6314 6314 D BluetoothMapService: onReceive 10-02 21:33:07.294 6314 6314 D BluetoothMapService: onReceive: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 10-02 21:33:07.294 6314 6314 E BluetoothMapService: Unexpected error! 10-02 21:33:07.294 6314 6314 D BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 10-02 21:33:07.295 6314 6314 D BluetoothPbapService: state: -2147483648 10-02 21:33:07.295 19350 19350 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) EnqueueWork component=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService} jobId=1331018628 intent=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED dat= cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService (has extras) } 10-02 21:33:07.297 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.300 6314 6488 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.302 6314 6488 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) Binder:6314_6 identical 1 line 10-02 21:33:07.305 6314 6488 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.305 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.305 19350 7403 I BBLbsApi: (profile 0) BT conf: name: MY-CAR, mac address: 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF 10-02 21:33:07.306 6314 6488 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.306 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.306 19350 7403 I BBLbsApi: (profile 0) BT conf: name: Cherng’s Mac Pro, mac address: C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C 10-02 21:33:07.307 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.309 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:33:07.309 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h55m3s566ms:-2d21h55m3s566ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:33:07.308 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:07.331 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:07.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:07.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:07.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:07.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:07.967 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:07.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:07.968 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:07.969 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:07.969 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:07.969 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:07.969 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:07.970 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:07.970 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:07.970 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:07.970 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:07.970 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:07.971 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:07.971 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:07.971 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:07.972 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.083 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 10-02 21:33:08.083 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:08.183 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 29 -88 -10 232 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:33:08.233 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:08.436 867 867 W healthd : type=1400 audit(0.0:104948): avc: denied { read } for name="0" dev="mmcblk0p77" ino=6553602 scontext=u:r:healthd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0 10-02 21:33:08.436 867 867 W healthd : type=1400 audit(0.0:104949): avc: denied { read } for name="0" dev="mmcblk0p77" ino=6553602 scontext=u:r:healthd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0 10-02 21:33:08.496 861 2637 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatProvider: [onLocationChanged][71] [HS] =>>>> [HC] 10-02 21:33:08.496 1105 2325 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatProvider_jni: [onLocationChanged][225] [HC] <<= [HS] 10-02 21:33:08.706 1105 1350 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:33:08.706 1105 1350 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:33:08.706 1105 1350 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000 10-02 21:33:08.708 2529 2529 D BBRY_HardwareUI: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:08.708 2529 2529 D BatteryEdge: Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL=45, BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE=100, batteryFullCounter=0 10-02 21:33:08.708 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:08.708 2529 2529 D temprature: temperatureProtect_on ---- do temperature protection 10-02 21:33:08.709 2529 2529 D ChargingWarning: plugged: true, status: 2, level: 45 10-02 21:33:08.709 2529 2529 D ShutdownWarning: plugged: true, health: 2, status: 2, level: 45, voltage: 3971, temperature: 390 10-02 21:33:08.709 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Handling battery event for level 45, (was/is)Charging: true/true 10-02 21:33:08.710 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 10-02 21:33:08.710 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:33:08.710 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:33:08.710 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage() 10-02 21:33:08.710 7799 7799 D BatteryDrainAnalyzer: Charging, clearing snapshot and watch list 10-02 21:33:08.711 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 10-02 21:33:08.711 7799 7799 D MemoryUtils: Current memory (MB): 1429Reporting threshold: 745 10-02 21:33:08.715 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:08.716 841 841 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:08.716 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 10-02 21:33:08.717 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:33:08.719 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 10-02 21:33:08.720 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:08.720 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:08.723 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.724 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.725 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.725 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.725 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.725 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.726 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.727 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.727 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.727 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.727 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.729 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.735 1105 1350 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:33:08.735 1105 1350 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:33:08.735 1105 1350 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : Unable to retrieve global setting for key: low_power_trigger_level 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : android.provider.Settings$SettingNotFoundException: low_power_trigger_level 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at android.provider.Settings$Global.getInt(Settings.java:11813) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at com.blackberry.batterycenter.Utils.getBatterySaverTriggerLevel(Utils.java:706) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at com.blackberry.batterycenter.BatteryCenterApplication.getRemindBatteryChargingLevel(BatteryCenterApplication.java:160) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at com.blackberry.batterycenter.ContextualBatteryAnalyzer$AnalyzeTask.doInBackground(ContextualBatteryAnalyzer.java:231) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at com.blackberry.batterycenter.ContextualBatteryAnalyzer$AnalyzeTask.doInBackground(ContextualBatteryAnalyzer.java:209) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:333) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:245) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:08.764 7799 7407 E Utils : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:08.765 7799 7407 D ContextualBatteryAnalyzer: Analyzing... batteryLevel 45, timeRemaining: 0 min, timeToThreshold: 0 min 10-02 21:33:08.765 7799 7407 D ContextualBatteryAnalyzer: cancelNotification - charging 10-02 21:33:08.766 7799 7407 D NotificationsDirector: cancelContextualBatteryNotification 10-02 21:33:08.783 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:08.903 1105 14009 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10202 10-02 21:33:08.904 1105 13890 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10133 10-02 21:33:08.904 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.905 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.905 1105 7719 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10091 10-02 21:33:08.906 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.906 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.907 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.907 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.907 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.907 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.907 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.908 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.908 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.908 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.909 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.909 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.909 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.909 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.910 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.911 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.911 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.911 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.962 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.963 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.964 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.965 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.966 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:08.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:08.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:08.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:08.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:08.968 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:09.742 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 10-02 21:33:09.742 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:09.892 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) SocketTimeoutException while sending request 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.android.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_read(Native Method) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.android.org.conscrypt.SslWrapper.read(SslWrapper.java:384) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket$SSLInputStream.read(ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.java:541) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.io.AbstractSessionInputBuffer.fillBuffer(AbstractSessionInputBuffer.java:108) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.io.AbstractSessionInputBuffer.readLine(AbstractSessionInputBuffer.java:196) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultResponseParser.parseHead(DefaultResponseParser.java:88) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.io.AbstractMessageParser.parse(AbstractMessageParser.java:179) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.AbstractHttpClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(AbstractHttpClientConnection.java:185) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(DefaultClientConnection.java:240) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractClientConnAdapter.receiveResponseHeader(AbstractClientConnAdapter.java:264) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.doReceiveResponse(HttpRequestExecutor.java:284) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.execute(HttpRequestExecutor.java:126) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:442) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:560) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:492) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:470) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.service.b.a(Connection.java:3112) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.command.c.d(Command.java:233) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.command.r.b(Ping.java:101) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.service.j.a(UserThread.java:562) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.service.j.n(UserThread.java:2051) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.service.j.vo(UserThread.java:4207) 10-02 21:33:09.926 19641 19676 I BBExchange: at com.blackberry.eas.service.j.run(UserThread.java:275) 10-02 21:33:09.929 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Ping request appears to time out after 100 seconds 10-02 21:33:09.929 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Heartbeat interval - Timed out - timeout was stable so resetting to minimum: [70 - 01:10] 10-02 21:33:09.929 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Operation 'Ping' event 'Ping' returned status 'Socket timed out' 10-02 21:33:09.964 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:09.965 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:09.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:09.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:09.966 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:09.966 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:09.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:09.967 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:09.968 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:09.968 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:09.968 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:09.969 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:09.969 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Process 'Wait' event for account 1538018587340 10-02 21:33:09.969 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Account 1538018587340, waiting for 10 seconds 10-02 21:33:09.969 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:09.969 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:09.970 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:09.970 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:09.970 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:09.971 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:09.971 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:09.971 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:10.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD loop_thread Enter! 10-02 21:33:10.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD loop_thread g_spi_speed=1000000,g_mode=1,g_isPinTest=0! 10-02 21:33:10.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD CHECK running! 10-02 21:33:10.296 1105 1163 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 603406(25MB) AllocSpace objects, 63(2MB) LOS objects, 36% free, 41MB/65MB, paused 162us total 134.665ms 10-02 21:33:10.378 3567 7411 E JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!! (parcel size = 152) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38823) after 10000ms 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2$1.a(SourceFile:102) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.a(SourceFile:3032) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.call(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:10.414 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:10.437 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:10.437 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:10.439 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:10.642 4241 6255 W MdnsDeviceScannerEntry: Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0 10-02 21:33:10.643 1105 7719 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:33:10.643 1105 7719 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:33:10.644 1105 7719 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:33:10.645 1105 7719 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:33:12.688 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 29 -84 -8 246 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:33:08.741 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:33:14.074 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:33:14.075 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:33:14.075 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=false, dozing=false 10-02 21:33:14.075 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 0 @60 10-02 21:33:14.972 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:14.973 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:14.974 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:14.974 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:14.974 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:14.974 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:14.975 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:14.975 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:14.975 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:14.975 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:14.975 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:14.976 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:14.977 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:14.977 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:14.977 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:14.977 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:14.978 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:14.978 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:14.978 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:14.979 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:17.977 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:17.980 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:17.981 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:17.981 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:17.982 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:17.982 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:17.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:17.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:17.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:17.983 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:17.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:17.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:17.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:17.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:17.984 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:17.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:17.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:17.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:17.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:17.986 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:18.979 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:18.981 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:18.982 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:18.982 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:18.982 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:18.982 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:18.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:18.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:18.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:18.984 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:18.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:18.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:18.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:18.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:18.986 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:18.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:18.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:18.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:18.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:18.987 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:19.972 19641 19641 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Interrupting user 10-02 21:33:19.972 19641 19641 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Interrupting operation 'Sync' for event 'Hanging Sync' 10-02 21:33:19.976 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Operation 'Sync' event 'Hanging Sync' was interrupted due to a higher priority event 10-02 21:33:19.981 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:19.982 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:19.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:19.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:19.983 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:19.983 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:19.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:19.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:19.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:19.984 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:19.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:19.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:19.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:19.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:19.986 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:19.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:19.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:19.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:19.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:19.987 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:20.027 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Process 'Default' event for account 1537702281179 10-02 21:33:20.027 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Process 'Options' event for account 1538018587340 10-02 21:33:20.029 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10067 10-02 21:33:20.029 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10067 10-02 21:33:20.030 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10067 10-02 21:33:20.031 19350 24731 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message_View num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.050 19641 19676 D certmgr:restriction:b: calling bind service 10-02 21:33:20.058 19641 19676 E certmgr:restriction:b: Service has started: true 4ms 10-02 21:33:20.064 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.064 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.065 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.065 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.066 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.066 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.067 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.067 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.068 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.068 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.069 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Process 'Hanging Sync' event for account 1537702281179 10-02 21:33:20.069 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.069 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.070 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.070 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.071 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.071 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.072 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.072 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.073 19350 19856 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Folder num rows = 7 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.073 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.074 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.074 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.074 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.075 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.075 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.076 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.076 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.077 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.077 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.078 19641 19694 I DozeAccountSyncHelper: (profile 0) addPeriodicSync: a: account:437cabf50d, au: com.blackberry.message.provider, ext: #d4a2aed8bf#, p: 3600, ss: ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.email.service.UnifiedEmailSyncService} 10-02 21:33:20.078 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.078 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.079 19641 19694 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) The last sync time is 1538484926049 for account:437cabf50d on com.blackberry.message.provider 10-02 21:33:20.079 19641 19694 I DozeAccountSyncHelper: (profile 0) Updated the last sync time to 1538484926049 for account:437cabf50d on com.blackberry.message.provider 10-02 21:33:20.079 19641 19694 I DozeJobManager: (profile 0) To add the job: (job:213985609/com.blackberry.job.account/3600000/0/1538484926049/#[email protected], type=com.blackberry.email.unified}, authority: com.blackberry.message.provider. period: -1s , flex: 0, com.blackberry.extras.job.account.SYNC_SERVICE=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.email.service.UnifiedEmailSyncService}}]#/#403a9a590d#/com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.pimbase.idle.DozeAccountSyncJobService) 10-02 21:33:20.079 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.080 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.081 19350 19856 I DozeJobProvider: (profile 0) Job added: (job:213985609/com.blackberry.job.account/3600000/0/1538484926049/#b36b495eb9#/#4fbb801b73#/com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.pimbase.idle.DozeAccountSyncJobService) 10-02 21:33:20.082 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Heartbeat interval - using: [540 - 09:00] 10-02 21:33:20.082 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) EAS=14.0, Type=EXCHANGE, Window Size=20, Sync Type=Wait 10-02 21:33:20.083 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.083 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.084 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.084 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.085 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.085 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.086 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.086 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.086 19350 19856 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.086 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.086 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.087 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.087 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.088 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.088 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.089 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.089 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.090 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.090 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.091 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.091 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.091 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.091 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.092 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.092 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.092 19350 19856 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message_View num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.093 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.093 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.094 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.094 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.095 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.095 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.096 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.096 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.096 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.096 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.097 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.097 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.098 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.098 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.099 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.099 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.100 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.100 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.100 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.100 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.101 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.101 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.102 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.102 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.103 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.103 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.104 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.104 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.105 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.105 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.106 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.106 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.106 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.106 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.107 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.107 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.108 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.108 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.109 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.109 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.110 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.110 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.111 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.111 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.111 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.111 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.112 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.112 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.113 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.113 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.114 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.114 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.115 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.115 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.116 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.116 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.117 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.117 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.117 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.117 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.118 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.118 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.119 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.119 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.120 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.120 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.121 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.121 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.121 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.121 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.122 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.122 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.123 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.123 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.124 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.124 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.124 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.125 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.125 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.125 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.126 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.126 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.127 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.127 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.128 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.128 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.129 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.129 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.130 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.130 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.130 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.130 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.131 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.131 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.132 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.132 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.133 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.133 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.134 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.134 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.135 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.135 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.136 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.136 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.136 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.136 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.137 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.137 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.138 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.138 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.139 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.139 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.139 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.139 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.140 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.140 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.141 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.141 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.142 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.142 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.143 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.143 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.143 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.144 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.144 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.144 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.145 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.145 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.146 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.146 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.147 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.147 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.147 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.147 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.149 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.149 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.149 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.149 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.151 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.151 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.151 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.151 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.153 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.153 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.154 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.154 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.154 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.154 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.155 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.155 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.156 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.156 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.157 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.157 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.158 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.158 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.159 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.159 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.160 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.160 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.160 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.160 1105 7719 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.161 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.161 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.162 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.162 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.163 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.163 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.164 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.164 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.165 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.165 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.165 19350 19856 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.166 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.166 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.167 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.167 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.168 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.168 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.169 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.169 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.169 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.169 1105 12447 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.170 1105 12492 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.170 1105 12492 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.171 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.171 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.172 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.172 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.173 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.173 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.174 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.174 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.175 19350 24731 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message_View num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.175 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.175 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.176 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.176 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.176 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.176 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.177 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.177 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.178 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.178 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.179 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.179 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.179 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.179 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.180 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.180 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.181 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.181 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.182 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.182 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.183 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.183 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.184 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.184 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.184 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.184 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.185 19350 24731 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.185 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.185 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.186 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.186 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.187 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.187 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.187 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.188 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.188 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.188 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.189 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.189 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.190 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.190 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.191 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.191 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.191 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.191 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.192 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.192 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.193 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.193 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.194 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.194 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.195 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.195 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.195 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.195 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.196 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.196 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.197 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.197 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.198 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.198 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.198 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.199 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.199 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.199 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.200 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.200 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.201 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.201 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.202 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.202 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.203 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.203 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.203 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.204 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.204 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.204 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.205 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.205 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.207 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.207 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.207 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.207 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.208 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.208 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.209 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.209 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.210 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.210 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.210 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.211 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.211 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.211 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.212 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.212 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.213 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.213 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.214 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.214 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.215 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.215 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.216 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.216 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.216 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.216 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.217 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.217 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.218 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.218 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.219 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.219 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.219 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.219 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.220 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.220 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.221 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.221 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.221 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.221 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.222 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.222 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.223 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.223 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.223 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Folders using cached options: 7 10-02 21:33:20.223 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) There were no partial folders, reverting Collections tag 10-02 21:33:20.223 19641 19694 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Sync: wait=540, partial sync, sending 0 folders: [], cached 7 folders: [(Inbox 1005,2,1207805691) (Contacts 1018,16,497532994) (Calendar 1020,19,310044731) (Sent 1021,20,1557742624) (Drafts 1014,12,1241586260) (Tasks 1019,17,873675258) (Notes 1013,11,212069430)] 10-02 21:33:20.223 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.224 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.224 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.224 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.225 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.225 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.226 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.226 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.227 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.227 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.227 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.227 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.228 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.228 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.229 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10067 10-02 21:33:20.229 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10067 10-02 21:33:20.229 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.229 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.229 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.229 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.230 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.230 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.231 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.231 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.232 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.232 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.233 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.233 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.234 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.234 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.234 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.234 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.235 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.235 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.236 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.236 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.236 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.236 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.237 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.237 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.237 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.237 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.238 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.238 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.239 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.239 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.239 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.239 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.240 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.240 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.241 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.241 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.241 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.241 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.242 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.242 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.242 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.242 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.243 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.243 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.244 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.244 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.245 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.245 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.245 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.245 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.246 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.246 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.247 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.247 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.247 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.247 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.248 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.248 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.249 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.249 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.249 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.249 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.250 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.250 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.250 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.250 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.251 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.251 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.252 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.252 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.253 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.253 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.253 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.253 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.254 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.254 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.255 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.255 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.255 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.255 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.256 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.256 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.257 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.257 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.257 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.257 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.258 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.258 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.258 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.258 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.259 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.259 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.260 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.260 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.260 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.261 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.261 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.261 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.262 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.262 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.262 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.262 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.263 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.263 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.264 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.264 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.265 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.265 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.265 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.265 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.266 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.266 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.266 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.267 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.267 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.267 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.268 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.268 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.268 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.269 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.269 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.269 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.270 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.270 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.270 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.270 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.271 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.271 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.272 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.272 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.272 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.273 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.273 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.273 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.274 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.274 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.275 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.275 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.275 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.275 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.276 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.276 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.277 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.277 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.277 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.277 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.278 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.278 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.279 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.279 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.279 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.279 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.280 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.280 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.281 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.281 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.281 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.281 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.282 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.282 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.283 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.283 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.284 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.284 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: SB context is created. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Intermediate store is set. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Trusted store is set. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Validation context is created. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Validate context is created. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: The date time in millisecond is: 1538487200063. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: Date time is set in the validate context. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Entity cert is obtained. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Entity cert size: 1825. 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.284 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Store released 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject out 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.285 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.285 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.285 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.286 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.286 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Store released 10-02 21:33:20.287 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Cert chain building is done. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: There are warnings: 0X200. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Cert-chain length is 3. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extracting cert at index 0. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extraction succeed. Cert size: 1825. Cert warnings: 0x0 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extracting cert at index 1. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extraction succeed. Cert size: 1167. Cert warnings: 0x0 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extracting cert at index 2. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extraction succeed. Cert size: 947. Cert warnings: 0x200 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Obtained cert-chain. 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.288 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.289 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.289 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.290 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.290 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** checkTrusted() ***: Found cert by subject. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Store released 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: cert chain trusted == 1 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 E *** validateByCert() ***: Cert chain contain cert in the trust store, remove TP_VALIDATE_WARN_NO_TRUSTED 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: There are no warnings: 0X0. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: validateByCert complete. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: return code is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: error message is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: cert-chain is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: cert-chain length is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: collective warnings is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: warnings-per-cert is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** createRetInfo() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.290 19641 19731 V *** validateByCert() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.339 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10067 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38825) after 10000ms 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1$1.a(SourceFile:76) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.a(SourceFile:1032) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.call(SourceFile:39) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:20.449 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:20.477 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Server version:14.0 type:QQ commands:Sync,FolderSync,FolderCreate,FolderDelete,FolderUpdate,SendMail,SmartReply,SmartForward,MeetingResponse,Settings,Ping,ItemOperations,Provision,ValidateCert 10-02 21:33:20.477 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Server caps - cached options:false, partial sync:false, empty sync:false 10-02 21:33:20.482 19641 19676 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) Connection was successful - removing rejected cert exemptions and notifications 10-02 21:33:20.483 19722 19742 D certmgr:certExemSvc:CertificateExemptionServiceBinder: removeAll() 10-02 21:33:20.483 19722 19742 D certmgr:certExemSvc:CertificateExemptionServiceImpl: removeAll() 10-02 21:33:20.484 19641 19676 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) Remove all notifications for: #8c3ed3e0bc#:ex.qq.com:eas 10-02 21:33:20.513 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Process 'Default' event for account 1538018587340 10-02 21:33:20.516 19350 24731 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Message_View num rows = 0 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.550 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Process 'Ping' event for account 1538018587340 10-02 21:33:20.554 19350 19856 I MessageProvider: (profile 0) pimQuery: Folder num rows = 6 calling pid 19641 10-02 21:33:20.555 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:20.555 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:20.556 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:20.559 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Heartbeat interval - using: [70 - 01:10] 10-02 21:33:20.560 19641 19676 I BBExchange: (profile 0) Ping: wait=70, 6 folders: [(Inbox 1025,1,1538099443) (Sent 1026,3,1538299349) (Drafts 1027,4,1538099443) (Calendar 1032,10001002,1) (Unknown50 1033,10001003,1) (Contacts 1034,2,6605739579049771008)] 10-02 21:33:20.595 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.595 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.596 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.596 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.597 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.597 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.597 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.597 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.598 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.598 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.599 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.599 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.600 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.600 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.600 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.600 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.601 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.601 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.602 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.602 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.603 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.603 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.604 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.604 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.604 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.604 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.605 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.605 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.606 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.606 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.607 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.607 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.608 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.608 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.608 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.609 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.609 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.609 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.610 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.610 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.611 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.611 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.612 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.612 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.612 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.612 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.613 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.613 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.614 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.614 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.615 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.615 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.615 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.615 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.616 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.616 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.617 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.617 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.618 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.618 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.619 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.619 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.619 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.620 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.620 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.620 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.621 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.621 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.622 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.622 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.623 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.623 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.624 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.624 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.624 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.624 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.625 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.625 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.626 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.626 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.626 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.626 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.627 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.627 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.628 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.628 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.628 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.628 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.629 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.629 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.630 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.630 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.630 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.630 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.631 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.631 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.632 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.632 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.632 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.632 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.633 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.633 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.634 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.634 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.634 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.634 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.635 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.635 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.636 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.636 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.637 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.637 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.637 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.637 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.638 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.638 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.639 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.639 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.639 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.639 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.640 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.640 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.641 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.641 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.641 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.641 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.642 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.642 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.643 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.643 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.644 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.644 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.644 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.644 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.645 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.645 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.646 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.646 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.647 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.647 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.647 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.647 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.648 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.648 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.649 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.649 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.650 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.650 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.650 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.650 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.651 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.651 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.652 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.652 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.652 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.653 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.653 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.653 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.654 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.654 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.655 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.655 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.656 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.656 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.656 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.657 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.657 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.657 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.658 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.658 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.659 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.659 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.659 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.659 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.660 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.660 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.661 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.661 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.662 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.662 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.662 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.662 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.663 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.663 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.664 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.664 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.664 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.664 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.665 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.665 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.666 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.666 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.666 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.666 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.667 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.667 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.668 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.668 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.669 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.669 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.669 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.669 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.670 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.670 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.671 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.671 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.671 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.671 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.672 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.672 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.673 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.673 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.674 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.674 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.674 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.674 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.675 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.675 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.676 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.676 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.677 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.677 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.677 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.677 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.678 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.678 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.679 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.679 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.680 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.680 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.680 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.680 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.681 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.681 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.682 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.682 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.683 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.683 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.683 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.683 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.684 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.684 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.685 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.685 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.685 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.685 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.686 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.686 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.687 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.687 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.688 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.688 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.688 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.688 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.689 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.689 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.690 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.690 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.690 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.690 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.691 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.691 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.692 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.692 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.693 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.693 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.693 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.693 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.694 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.694 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.695 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.695 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.695 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.695 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.696 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.696 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.696 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.696 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.697 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.697 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.698 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.698 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.698 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.698 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.699 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.699 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.700 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.700 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.700 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.700 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.701 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.701 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.701 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.701 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.702 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.702 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.703 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.703 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.704 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.704 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.704 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.704 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.705 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.705 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.705 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.705 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.706 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.706 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.707 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.707 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.707 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.707 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.708 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.708 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.709 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.709 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.709 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.709 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.710 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.710 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.711 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.711 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.711 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.711 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.712 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.712 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.713 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.713 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.713 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.713 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.714 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.714 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.715 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.715 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.716 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.716 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.716 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.716 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.717 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.717 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.717 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.717 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.718 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.718 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.719 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.719 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.720 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.720 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.720 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.720 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.721 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.721 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.722 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.722 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.722 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.722 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.723 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.723 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.724 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.724 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.725 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.725 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.726 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.726 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.726 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.726 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.727 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.727 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.728 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.728 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.729 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.729 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.729 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.729 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.730 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.730 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.731 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.731 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.732 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.732 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.733 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.733 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.734 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.734 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.735 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.735 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.735 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.735 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.736 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.736 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.737 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.737 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.738 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.738 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.739 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.739 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.740 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.740 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.741 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.741 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.741 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.741 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.742 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.742 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.743 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.743 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.744 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.744 1105 13890 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.745 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.745 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.746 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.746 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.746 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.746 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.747 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.747 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.748 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.748 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.748 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.748 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.749 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.749 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.750 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.750 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.750 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.750 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.751 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.751 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.752 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.752 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.752 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.752 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.753 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.753 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.754 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.754 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.754 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.754 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.755 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.755 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.756 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.756 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.756 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.756 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.757 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.757 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.758 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.758 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.758 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.758 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.759 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.759 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.759 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.759 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.760 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.760 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.761 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.761 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.762 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.762 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.762 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.762 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.763 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.763 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.764 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.764 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.764 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.764 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.765 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.765 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.766 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.766 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.766 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.766 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.767 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.767 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.768 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.768 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.768 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.768 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.769 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.769 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.770 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.770 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.770 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.770 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.771 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.771 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.772 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.772 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.773 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.773 1105 2710 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.773 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.773 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.774 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.774 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.775 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.775 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.776 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.776 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.776 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.776 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.777 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.777 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.777 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.778 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.778 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.778 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.779 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.779 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.780 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.780 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.780 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.780 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.781 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.781 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.782 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.782 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.783 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.783 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.783 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.783 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.784 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.784 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.785 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.785 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.785 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.785 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.786 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.786 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.787 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.787 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.787 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.787 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.788 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.788 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.789 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.789 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.790 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.790 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.790 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.790 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.791 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.791 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.792 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.792 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.792 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.792 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: SB context is created. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Intermediate store is set. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** createTPStore() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Trusted store is set. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Validation context is created. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Validate context is created. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: The date time in millisecond is: 1538487200594. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: Date time is set in the validate context. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** setDateTimeInContext() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Entity cert is obtained. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Entity cert size: 2231. 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Store released 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.793 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.794 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject out 10-02 21:33:20.794 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.794 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.794 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.794 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.794 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.795 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.795 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Cert obtained 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjGetCertAlloc() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Store released 10-02 21:33:20.795 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Cert chain building is done. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: There are warnings: 0X200. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Cert-chain length is 3. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extracting cert at index 0. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extraction succeed. Cert size: 2231. Cert warnings: 0x0 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extracting cert at index 1. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extraction succeed. Cert size: 1174. Cert warnings: 0x0 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extracting cert at index 2. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Extraction succeed. Cert size: 947. Cert warnings: 0x200 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** getCertChainAndWarnings() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Obtained cert-chain. 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.797 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Subject: 10-02 21:33:20.797 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.797 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.798 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 0 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.798 1105 14009 D BbryDpmService: getBooleanPolicy 1 of 2 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createStoredObject() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreFindOne() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** checkTrusted() ***: Found cert by subject. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Store released 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** pkic_StoreObjRelease() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: cert chain trusted == 1 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 E *** validateByCert() ***: Cert chain contain cert in the trust store, remove TP_VALIDATE_WARN_NO_TRUSTED 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: There are no warnings: 0X0. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: validateByCert complete. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: Function Entrance 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: return code is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: error message is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: cert-chain is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: cert-chain length is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: collective warnings is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: warnings-per-cert is set in the return info object. 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** createRetInfo() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.799 19641 19735 V *** validateByCert() ***: Function Exit 10-02 21:33:20.982 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:20.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:20.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:20.984 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:20.985 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:20.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:20.985 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:20.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:20.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:20.986 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:20.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:20.986 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:20.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:20.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:20.987 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:20.987 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:20.988 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:20.988 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:20.988 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:20.991 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:21.049 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 10-02 21:33:21.049 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 10-02 21:33:21.050 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 10-02 21:33:21.686 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 25 -86 -8 246 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:33:23.996 1105 8571 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10133 10-02 21:33:23.996 1105 14009 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10202 10-02 21:33:23.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:23.999 1105 13890 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10091 10-02 21:33:23.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.001 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:24.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.003 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:24.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.004 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:24.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.005 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.990 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:24.992 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.995 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.995 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.995 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.995 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:24.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.997 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:24.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:24.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:24.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:24.999 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:24.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.001 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.206 2529 2529 D BBRY_HardwareUI: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:25.207 2529 2529 D BatteryEdge: Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL=45, BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE=100, batteryFullCounter=0 10-02 21:33:25.207 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:25.207 2529 2529 D temprature: temperatureProtect_on ---- do temperature protection 10-02 21:33:25.207 2529 2529 D ChargingWarning: plugged: true, status: 2, level: 45 10-02 21:33:25.207 2529 2529 D ShutdownWarning: plugged: true, health: 2, status: 2, level: 45, voltage: 3972, temperature: 390 10-02 21:33:25.207 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Handling battery event for level 45, (was/is)Charging: true/true 10-02 21:33:25.208 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Level did not change, not notifying BatteryLevelChangeEventListeners 10-02 21:33:25.209 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 10-02 21:33:25.210 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:33:25.210 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:33:25.210 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage() 10-02 21:33:25.210 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 10-02 21:33:25.214 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.216 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.216 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.217 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.217 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.217 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.217 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.218 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.218 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.218 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.219 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.219 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.220 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.220 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.220 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.220 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.221 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.222 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.222 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.222 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.993 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.995 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.996 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.996 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.996 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.996 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.998 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:25.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:25.999 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:25.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:25.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:25.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:26.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:26.000 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:26.994 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:26.997 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:26.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:26.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:26.999 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:26.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:26.999 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:27.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:27.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:27.000 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:27.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:27.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:27.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:27.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:27.001 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:27.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:27.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:27.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:27.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:27.002 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:27.996 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:27.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:28.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:28.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:28.000 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:28.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:28.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:28.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:28.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:28.002 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:28.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:28.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:28.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:28.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:28.004 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:28.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:28.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:28.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:28.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:28.005 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:28.998 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:29.000 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:29.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:29.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:29.002 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:29.002 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:29.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:29.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:29.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:29.003 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:29.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:29.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:29.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:29.004 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:29.005 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:29.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:29.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:29.006 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:29.006 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:29.006 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:30.303 4241 6255 W MdnsDeviceScannerEntry: Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0 10-02 21:33:30.304 1105 8571 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:33:30.304 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=surface_comfort_controller state=Run cvir=39.7208 cspt=0 cval=39.7208 cerr=39.7208 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 29446 12677 7006 722 156 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.116968 0.0503565 0.0278297 0.00286798 0.000619675 0 0 > 10-02 21:33:30.305 1105 8571 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:33:30.305 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 10-02 21:33:30.306 1105 8571 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:33:30.306 1105 8571 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38831) after 10000ms 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2$1.a(SourceFile:102) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.a(SourceFile:3032) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.call(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:30.568 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:30.599 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:30.599 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:30.600 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:30.697 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 28 -86 -8 260 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:33:31.001 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:31.003 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:31.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:31.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:31.005 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:31.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:31.006 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:31.007 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:31.007 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:31.007 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:31.008 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:31.008 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:31.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:31.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:31.009 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:31.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:31.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:31.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:31.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:31.010 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:31.148 13823 13873 D UTAnalytics:CommitTask: pid:13823 check&commit event:65502, 10-02 21:33:31.149 13823 13875 D UTAnalytics:CommitTask: pid:13823 check&commit event:65503, 10-02 21:33:31.149 13823 13873 D UTAnalytics:CommitTask: pid:13823 next:65502, 10-02 21:33:31.149 13823 13875 D UTAnalytics:CommitTask: pid:13823 next:65503, 10-02 21:33:31.149 13823 13873 D UTAnalytics:CommitTask: pid:13823 check&commit event:65501, 10-02 21:33:31.149 13823 13873 D UTAnalytics:CommitTask: pid:13823 next:65501, 10-02 21:33:33.005 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:33.008 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:33.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:33.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:33.010 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:33.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:33.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:33.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:33.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:33.012 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:33.012 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:33.012 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:33.013 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:33.013 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:33.013 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:33.013 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:33.013 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:33.014 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:33.014 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:33.014 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:33.990 6612 6740 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: pa ok: 2836 10-02 21:33:33.990 6612 6740 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: netSend ssoSeq:2836 uin:*1983 cmd:804156190 2944 10-02 21:33:34.006 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:34.007 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:34.008 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:34.008 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:34.008 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:34.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:34.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:34.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:34.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:34.010 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:34.010 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:34.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:34.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:34.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:34.011 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:34.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:34.012 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:34.012 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:34.012 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:34.012 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:35.009 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:35.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:35.014 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:35.014 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:35.014 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:35.014 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:35.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:35.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:35.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:35.016 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:35.016 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:35.016 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:35.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:35.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:35.017 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:35.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:35.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:35.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:35.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:35.018 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.011 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.013 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.015 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.016 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.017 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.017 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.018 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.020 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.059 1105 7719 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10133 10-02 21:33:36.059 1105 11812 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10202 10-02 21:33:36.061 1105 2710 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10091 10-02 21:33:36.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.063 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.064 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.066 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:36.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:36.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:36.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:36.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:36.067 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:37.013 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:37.014 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:37.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:37.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:37.018 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:37.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:37.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:37.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:37.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:37.020 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:37.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:37.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:37.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:37.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:37.021 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:37.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:37.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:37.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:37.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:37.022 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.015 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.016 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.018 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.020 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.021 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.023 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.165 2529 2529 D BBRY_HardwareUI: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:38.165 2529 2529 D BatteryEdge: Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL=45, BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE=100, batteryFullCounter=0 10-02 21:33:38.165 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:38.165 2529 2529 D temprature: temperatureProtect_on ---- do temperature protection 10-02 21:33:38.165 2529 2529 D ChargingWarning: plugged: true, status: 2, level: 45 10-02 21:33:38.165 2529 2529 D ShutdownWarning: plugged: true, health: 2, status: 2, level: 45, voltage: 3948, temperature: 400 10-02 21:33:38.165 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Handling battery event for level 45, (was/is)Charging: true/true 10-02 21:33:38.166 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Level did not change, not notifying BatteryLevelChangeEventListeners 10-02 21:33:38.167 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 10-02 21:33:38.167 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:33:38.167 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:33:38.167 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage() 10-02 21:33:38.169 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 10-02 21:33:38.180 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.181 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.182 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.182 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.182 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.182 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.183 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.184 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.184 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.184 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.184 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.185 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.185 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.185 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.185 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.186 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:38.186 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:38.187 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:38.187 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:38.187 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:38.192 8885 8948 I tnet-jni: 6373 - [spdyPingRecvCallback] - 10-02 21:33:38.192 8885 8948 I tnet-jni: 6373 - [SpdySessionCallBack.spdyPingRecvCallback] - org.android.spdy.SpdySession@dfc0150 10-02 21:33:39.018 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:39.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:39.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:39.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:39.020 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:39.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:39.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:39.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:39.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:39.022 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:39.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:39.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:39.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:39.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:39.023 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:39.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:39.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:39.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:39.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:39.025 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:39.216 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 80 @60 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: configure en=true, dozing=false 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 3758 E GraftManager: state=falsemGraftDockMode=0 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 12 @60 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[10.0 / 1ms], mAmbientLux=10.0 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessController: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=80, newScreenAutoBrightness=170 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAmbientLux: Initializing: mAmbientLightRingBuffer=[10.0 / 0ms], mAmbientLux=10.0 10-02 21:33:39.217 1105 1425 D AutomaticBrightnessNavi: updateAutoBrightness: mScreenAutoBrightness=12, newScreenAutoBrightness=15 10-02 21:33:39.218 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateKeyboardBrightness 170 @60 10-02 21:33:39.218 1105 1425 D DisplayPowerController: animateNaviBrightness 15 @60 10-02 21:33:39.309 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:33:40.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD loop_thread Enter! 10-02 21:33:40.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD loop_thread g_spi_speed=1000000,g_mode=1,g_isPinTest=0! 10-02 21:33:40.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD CHECK running! 10-02 21:33:40.019 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:40.020 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:40.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:40.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:40.021 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:40.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:40.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:40.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:40.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:40.023 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:40.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:40.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:40.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:40.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:40.024 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:40.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:40.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:40.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:40.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:40.025 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38835) after 10000ms 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1$1.a(SourceFile:76) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.a(SourceFile:1032) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.call(SourceFile:39) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:40.604 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:40.605 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:40.605 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:40.713 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:40.713 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:40.715 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:41.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:41.021 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:41.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:41.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:41.022 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:41.022 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:41.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:41.023 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:41.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:41.024 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:41.024 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:41.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:41.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:41.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:41.025 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:41.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:41.026 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:41.026 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:41.026 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:41.026 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:42.069 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 10-02 21:33:42.069 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 10-02 21:33:42.071 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10104 10-02 21:33:43.476 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:43.476 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:43.478 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:43.478 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:43.479 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: l2c_link_hci_conn_req:set link_role= 1 10-02 21:33:43.479 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 10-02 21:33:43.479 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 10-02 21:33:43.488 6314 6367 E bt_btm : btm_process_pkt_type_change_evt handle=3 invalid 10-02 21:33:43.491 6314 6367 W bt_btm : btm_acl_created hci_handle=3 link_role=1 transport=1 10-02 21:33:43.491 6314 6367 W bt_btm : btm_acl_created hci_handle=3 link_role=1 transport=1 10-02 21:33:43.491 6314 6367 E bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change new acl connetion:count = 1 10-02 21:33:43.491 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x10 10-02 21:33:43.491 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0 10-02 21:33:43.491 6314 6338 D bt_btif_dm: remote version info [c8:e0:eb:5a:ea:9c]: 0, 0, 0 10-02 21:33:43.496 6314 6367 W bt_btm : btm_read_remote_version_complete lmp_version 6 manufacturer 15 lmp_subversion 16789 10-02 21:33:43.505 19350 19350 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) EnqueueWork component=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService} jobId=1331018628 intent=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED dat= cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService (has extras) } 10-02 21:33:43.505 6314 6488 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.515 6314 6488 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) Binder:6314_6 identical 3 lines 10-02 21:33:43.517 6314 6488 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.521 6314 6326 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.521 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.521 19350 7439 I BBLbsApi: (profile 0) BT conf: name: MY-CAR, mac address: 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF 10-02 21:33:43.522 6314 6326 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.522 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.523 19350 7439 I BBLbsApi: (profile 0) BT conf: name: Cherng’s Mac Pro, mac address: C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C 10-02 21:33:43.524 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.526 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:33:43.526 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h55m39s783ms:-2d21h55m39s783ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:33:43.526 6314 6330 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) Binder:6314_3 identical 1 line 10-02 21:33:43.529 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.549 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: CLOSED evt: PEER_CONNECT_REQ 10-02 21:33:43.549 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: TERM_W4_SEC_COMP evt: SECURITY_COMPLETE 10-02 21:33:43.549 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: W4_L2CA_CON_RSP evt: UPPER_LAYER_CONNECT_RSP 10-02 21:33:43.549 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: CONFIG evt: UPPER_LAYER_CONFIG_REQ 10-02 21:33:43.554 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: CONFIG evt: PEER_CONFIG_REQ 10-02 21:33:43.554 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: CONFIG evt: UPPER_LAYER_CONFIG_RSP 10-02 21:33:43.554 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP-Upper layer Config_Rsp,Local CID: 0x0046,Remote CID: 0x0040,PSM: 17,our MTU present:1,our MTU:640 10-02 21:33:43.555 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: CONFIG evt: PEER_CONFIG_RSP 10-02 21:33:43.555 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP-peer_Config_Rsp,Local CID: 0x0046,Remote CID: 0x0040,PSM: 17,peer MTU present: 0,peer MTU: 1691 10-02 21:33:43.599 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:43.601 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:43.601 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:43.602 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: CLOSED evt: PEER_CONNECT_REQ 10-02 21:33:43.602 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: TERM_W4_SEC_COMP evt: SECURITY_COMPLETE 10-02 21:33:43.602 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: W4_L2CA_CON_RSP evt: UPPER_LAYER_CONNECT_RSP 10-02 21:33:43.602 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: CONFIG evt: UPPER_LAYER_CONFIG_REQ 10-02 21:33:43.609 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: CONFIG evt: PEER_CONFIG_REQ 10-02 21:33:43.609 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: CONFIG evt: UPPER_LAYER_CONFIG_RSP 10-02 21:33:43.609 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP-Upper layer Config_Rsp,Local CID: 0x0047,Remote CID: 0x0042,PSM: 19,our MTU present:1,our MTU:640 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: CONFIG evt: PEER_CONFIG_RSP 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP-peer_Config_Rsp,Local CID: 0x0047,Remote CID: 0x0042,PSM: 19,peer MTU present: 0,peer MTU: 1691 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_open: Found an existing device with the same handle dev_status = 2 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_open: bd_addr = [C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:] 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_open: attr_mask = 0x8067, sub_class = 0x40, app_id = 2 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x0, disallow_switch:0 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btm : Requested New Role: 0 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : new conn_srvc id:23, app_id:2 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_cback: new conn_srvc id:23, app_id:2 count:1 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr conn_srvc id:23, app_id:2 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr ssr:1, lat:800 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6338 W bt_btif : btif_hh_upstreams_evt: BTA_HH_OPN_EVT: handle=0, status =0 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6338 W bt_btif : BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT: Found device...Getting dscp info for handle ... 0 10-02 21:33:43.613 6314 6338 I bt_btif_dm: get_cod remote_cod = 0x00002540 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6314 D HidService: MESSAGE_CONNECT_STATE_CHANGED newState:2, prevState:0 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@8f02970 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6338 W bt_btif : btif_hh_upstreams_evt: name = Cherng’s Mac Pro 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6338 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_send_hid_info: fd = 234, name = [Cherng’s Mac Pro], dscp_len = 129 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6338 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_send_hid_info: vendor_id = 0x004c, product_id = 0x4a37, version= 0x0011,ctry_code=0x00 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6338 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_send_hid_info: wrote descriptor to fd = 234, dscp_len = 129, result = 0 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6338 W bt_stack: [WARNING:btif_hh.cc(430)] Device c8:e0:eb:5a:ea:9c already added 10-02 21:33:43.614 6314 6338 W bt_btif : btif_hh_upstreams_evt: Device already added 10-02 21:33:43.615 6314 6314 D HidService: Connection state C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C: 0->2 10-02 21:33:43.617 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 0 -> 2 10-02 21:33:43.617 6314 6314 W BluetoothAdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: unexpected transition for profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 0 -> 2 10-02 21:33:43.617 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C: 0 -> 2 10-02 21:33:43.617 6314 6314 W BluetoothAdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: unexpected transition for profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 0 -> 2 10-02 21:33:43.618 2529 2740 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HID newProfileState 2 10-02 21:33:43.618 1105 1105 D CMBReceiver: action = android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED 10-02 21:33:43.619 19350 19350 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) EnqueueWork component=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService} jobId=1331018628 intent=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED dat= cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService (has extras) } 10-02 21:33:43.621 1105 1105 D ModeManagerService: infos = null 10-02 21:33:43.623 1105 2296 E EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter 10-02 21:33:43.626 1105 2296 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'Cherng’s Mac Pro'. 10-02 21:33:43.628 1105 2296 I EventHub: wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true 10-02 21:33:43.629 1105 2296 I EventHub: New device: id=14, fd=341, path='/dev/input/event9', name='Cherng’s Mac Pro', classes=0x8000000b, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, 10-02 21:33:43.638 1105 2296 I InputReader: Device added: id=14, name='Cherng’s Mac Pro', sources=0x00002103 10-02 21:33:43.641 6314 6326 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:33:43.643 19350 7443 I BBLbsApi: notifyConnectionEvent BLUETOOTH ENTER 10-02 21:33:43.648 19350 7443 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) BIND_SERVICE Intent { cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.services.places.PlacesService }; result = true 10-02 21:33:43.648 19350 7443 W BBLbsApi: (profile 0) Unable to bind to PlaceManager 10-02 21:33:43.655 19350 7444 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UNBIND_SERVICE 10-02 21:33:43.655 19350 7443 I BBLbsApi: notifyConnectionEvent BLUETOOTH DWELL 10-02 21:33:43.658 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:43.659 19350 7443 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) BIND_SERVICE Intent { cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.services.places.PlacesService }; result = true 10-02 21:33:43.659 19350 7443 W BBLbsApi: (profile 0) Unable to bind to PlaceManager 10-02 21:33:43.666 19350 7445 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UNBIND_SERVICE 10-02 21:33:43.669 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:33:43.670 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h55m39s926ms:-2d21h55m39s926ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:33:43.910 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:43.910 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:43.911 6314 6367 E bt_device_interop: interop_database_remove_ Entry not found in the list 10-02 21:33:43.911 6314 6367 W bt_btm : btm_acl_role_changed: BDA: 5aebe0c8-f1080000-48-484dbc-d29e45fe-bd26 10-02 21:33:43.911 6314 6367 W bt_btm : btm_acl_role_changed: New role: 0 10-02 21:33:43.911 6314 6367 E bt_btm : tBTM_SEC_DEV:0x506de280 rs_disc_pending=1 10-02 21:33:43.911 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_dm_check_av:0 10-02 21:33:43.911 6314 6338 W bt_btif : btif_dm_cback : unhandled event (14) 10-02 21:33:43.984 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:44.025 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:44.028 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:44.029 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:44.029 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:44.030 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:44.030 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:44.031 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:44.031 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:44.031 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:44.031 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:44.031 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:44.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:44.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:44.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:44.033 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:44.033 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:44.033 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:44.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:44.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:44.034 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:44.624 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:44.624 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:44.667 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:44.746 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:44.746 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:44.750 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:44.787 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:44.787 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:44.788 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:44.824 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:44.824 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:44.825 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:44.864 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:44.892 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:44.892 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:44.897 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:33:44.897 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:33:44.912 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 10-02 21:33:44.912 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:44.921 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:33:44.931 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:44.932 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:44.932 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:44.933 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:44.935 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:33:44.972 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:44.972 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:44.975 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:44.975 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.027 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:45.029 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:45.030 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:45.030 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:45.030 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:45.030 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:45.031 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:45.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:45.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:45.032 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:45.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:45.033 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:45.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:45.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:45.034 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:45.035 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:45.035 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:45.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:45.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:45.036 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:45.069 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:45.069 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:45.069 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:45.071 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:45.109 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.109 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.110 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:45.110 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:45.183 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:45.183 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:45.183 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:45.185 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:45.219 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.219 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.223 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:45.224 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:45.274 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:45.274 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:45.274 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:45.275 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:45.310 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.310 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.316 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:45.316 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:45.426 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:45.427 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:45.429 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:45.430 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:45.430 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:45.470 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:45.470 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:45.513 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:45.513 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:45.513 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:45.514 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:45.515 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:45.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:45.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:45.613 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.654 6564 6564 I chatty : uid=10133(com.tencent.tim) identical 2 lines 10-02 21:33:45.654 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:45.704 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:46.136 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.136 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.138 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:46.138 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:46.140 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:46.175 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.175 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.179 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:46.179 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:46.262 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.262 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.262 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:46.263 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:46.303 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:46.303 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:46.303 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.303 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.453 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:46.618 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.618 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.620 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:46.620 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:46.621 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:46.654 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.654 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.661 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:46.661 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:46.669 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:33:46.669 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:33:46.701 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.701 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.701 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:46.702 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:46.732 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.732 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:46.742 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:46.742 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:46.784 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.784 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.784 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:46.785 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:46.826 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:46.826 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:46.867 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.867 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.867 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:46.869 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:46.908 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:46.908 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:46.998 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:46.998 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:46.998 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.000 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.039 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.039 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.041 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.041 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.041 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.043 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.082 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.082 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.234 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:47.443 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.443 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.445 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:47.445 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.446 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.482 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.482 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.485 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.485 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.549 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.549 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.549 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.550 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.557 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:33:47.557 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:33:47.582 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:33:47.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.595 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.595 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.595 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:33:47.664 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.664 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.664 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.666 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.705 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.705 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.705 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.705 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.770 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.770 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.770 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.772 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.810 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.810 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:33:47.811 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.811 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.900 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.900 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.900 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.902 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.902 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:47.942 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:47.942 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:47.969 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:47.969 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:47.969 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:47.970 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:47.971 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:48.010 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.010 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.032 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:48.033 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:48.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:48.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:48.034 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:48.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:48.035 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:48.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:48.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:48.036 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:48.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:48.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:48.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:48.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:48.037 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:48.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:48.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:48.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:48.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:48.038 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:48.094 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:48.094 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:48.094 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:48.095 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:48.135 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.135 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.229 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:48.229 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:48.229 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:48.229 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:48.269 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.269 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.420 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:48.507 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:48.507 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:48.509 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:48.509 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:48.510 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:48.549 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.549 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.606 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:48.606 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:48.606 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:48.608 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:48.646 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.646 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.705 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:48.705 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:48.705 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:48.707 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:48.707 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:48.747 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.748 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.804 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:48.804 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:48.804 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:48.805 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:48.805 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:48.845 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:48.845 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:48.995 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:49.034 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:49.035 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:49.035 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:49.035 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:49.036 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:49.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:49.036 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:49.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:49.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:49.037 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:49.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:49.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:49.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:49.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:49.038 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:49.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:49.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:49.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:49.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:49.039 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:49.189 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.189 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.192 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:49.192 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.193 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.232 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.232 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.271 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.311 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.311 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.353 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.353 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.353 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.355 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.394 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.394 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.460 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.460 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.460 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.462 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.501 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.501 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.555 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.555 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:49.595 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.595 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.642 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.642 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.642 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.643 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.643 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:49.682 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.682 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.833 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:49.903 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.903 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.905 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:49.905 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.906 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:49.946 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:49.946 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:49.981 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:49.981 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:49.981 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:49.983 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.022 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.022 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.085 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.085 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.085 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.087 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.126 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.126 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.136 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.136 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.136 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.137 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.177 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.177 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.327 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:50.373 4241 6255 W MdnsDeviceScannerEntry: Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0 10-02 21:33:50.374 1105 7719 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:33:50.374 1105 7719 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:33:50.375 1105 7719 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:33:50.376 1105 7719 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:33:50.380 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.380 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.384 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:50.384 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.385 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.424 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.424 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.453 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.453 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.453 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.454 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.493 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.493 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.579 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.579 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.579 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.580 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.580 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:50.619 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.619 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.660 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.660 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.660 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.662 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.662 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:50.702 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.702 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.725 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38837) after 10000ms 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2$1.a(SourceFile:102) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.a(SourceFile:3032) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.call(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:33:50.726 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:33:50.751 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:50.751 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:50.753 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:33:50.777 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:50.833 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:50.852 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:50.930 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:50.930 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:50.931 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:50.931 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:50.933 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:50.972 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:50.972 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:50.976 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:51.023 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:51.023 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:51.023 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:51.024 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:51.037 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:51.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:51.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:51.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:51.039 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:51.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:51.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:51.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:51.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:51.041 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:51.041 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:51.041 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:51.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:51.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:51.042 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:51.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:51.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:51.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:51.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:51.044 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:51.064 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:51.064 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:51.082 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:51.214 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:51.968 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:51.968 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:51.970 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:51.970 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:51.972 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:52.011 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:52.011 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:52.011 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:52.038 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:52.039 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:52.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:52.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:52.040 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:52.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:52.041 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:52.041 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:52.041 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:52.042 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:52.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:52.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:52.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:52.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:52.043 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:52.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:52.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:52.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:52.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:52.045 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:52.049 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:52.049 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:52.049 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:52.050 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:52.089 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:52.089 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:52.108 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:52.160 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:52.160 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:52.160 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:52.162 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:52.199 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:52.201 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:52.201 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:52.284 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:52.284 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:52.284 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:52.286 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:52.321 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:52.325 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:52.325 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:52.391 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:52.392 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:52.392 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:52.393 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:52.393 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:52.433 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:52.433 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:52.466 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:52.467 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:52.467 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:52.468 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:52.468 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:52.508 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:52.508 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:52.580 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:52.639 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:52.658 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:53.040 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:53.041 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:53.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:53.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:53.042 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:53.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:53.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:53.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:53.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:53.043 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:53.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:53.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:53.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:53.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:53.044 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:53.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:53.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:53.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:53.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:53.046 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:53.769 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:53.769 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:53.771 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:53.771 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:53.772 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:53.811 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:53.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:53.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:53.861 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:53.861 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:53.861 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:53.862 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:53.902 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:53.902 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:53.913 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.042 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:54.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:54.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:54.043 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:54.044 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:54.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:54.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:54.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:54.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:54.045 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:54.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:54.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:54.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:54.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:54.046 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:54.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:54.047 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:54.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:54.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:54.048 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:54.052 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:54.061 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.061 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.063 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:54.063 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.064 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.103 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.104 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.104 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.142 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.143 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.143 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.144 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.183 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.183 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.196 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.219 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.219 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.219 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.220 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.259 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.259 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.259 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.290 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.290 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.290 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.291 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.324 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.331 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.331 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.368 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.368 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.368 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.370 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.409 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.409 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.413 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.453 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.453 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.453 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.454 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.494 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.494 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.498 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:33:54.522 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.522 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.522 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.523 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.523 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:54.563 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.563 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.680 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:54.680 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:54.685 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:54.686 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:54.686 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:54.720 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:54.725 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:54.725 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:54.780 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:54.876 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:55.016 882 887 D ddtc : ddt_diagnosticsEnabled() 10-02 21:33:55.016 882 887 I ddtc : transact(TRANSACTION_diagnosticsEnabled) 10-02 21:33:55.019 882 882 E tokenserviced: Token ddt.tkn not found 10-02 21:33:55.020 882 887 I ddtc : BpDiagnosticService::diagnosticsEnabled exception code = -1 10-02 21:33:55.044 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:55.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:55.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:55.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:55.045 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:55.045 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:55.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:55.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:55.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:55.047 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:55.047 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:55.047 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:55.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:55.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:55.048 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:55.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:55.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:55.049 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:55.049 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:55.049 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:55.163 6612 6740 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: pa ok: 2837 10-02 21:33:55.163 6612 6740 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: netSend ssoSeq:2837 uin:*1983 cmd:637542369 3953 10-02 21:33:55.232 6612 6766 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: netRecv ssoSeq:2837 uin:*1983 cmd:637542369 3997 10-02 21:33:55.234 6564 6743 I UndealCount.QZoneUnreadServletLogic: recv Qzone Unread Push: Feed实时更新未读 10-02 21:33:55.236 6564 6743 E UndealCount.QZoneUnreadServletLogic: creditlevel:3 message: 10-02 21:33:55.494 6564 7459 I System : JCA_Provider: ServiceList.addFirstService(): bbjcaDefault: false; myUid: 10133; ownerStatus: 0; top provider: AndroidOpenSSL; provider: AndroidOpenSSL 10-02 21:33:55.494 6564 7459 I System : JCA_Provider: ServiceList.addFirstService(): method / alg: Signature : MD5WithRSA : AndroidOpenSSL: Signature.MD5WithRSA -> com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSignature$MD5RSA 10-02 21:33:55.494 6564 7459 I System : aliases: [MD5WithRSAEncryption, MD5/RSA, 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4, OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.4, 1.2.840.113549.2.5with1.2.840.113549.1.1.1] 10-02 21:33:55.494 6564 7459 I System : attributes: {SupportedKeyFormats=PKCS#8|X.509, SupportedKeyClasses=com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLKeyHolder|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey|java.security.interfaces.ECPrivateKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey} 10-02 21:33:55.721 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:55.721 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:55.723 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:55.723 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:55.724 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:55.764 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:55.764 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:55.765 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:55.804 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:55.804 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:55.804 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:55.805 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:55.845 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:55.845 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:55.868 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:55.995 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:56.046 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:56.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:56.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:56.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:56.049 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:56.049 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:56.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:56.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:56.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:56.050 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:56.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:56.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:56.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:56.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:56.052 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:56.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:56.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:56.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:56.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:56.054 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:56.221 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.221 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.224 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:56.224 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.225 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.262 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.264 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.264 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.281 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.281 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.281 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.282 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.318 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.322 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.322 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.379 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.379 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.379 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.381 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.420 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.420 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.420 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.497 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.497 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.497 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.499 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.500 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader identical 1 line 10-02 21:33:56.516 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.539 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.555 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.555 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.594 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.630 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.630 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.650 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.661 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.661 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.661 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.662 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.702 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.702 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.702 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.784 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.784 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.784 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.786 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.825 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:33:56.825 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.825 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.875 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.875 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.875 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.877 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.877 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:56.917 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:56.917 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:56.990 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:56.990 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:56.990 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:56.992 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:56.992 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:57.031 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:57.031 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:57.047 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:57.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:57.048 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:57.049 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:57.049 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:57.049 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:57.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:57.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:57.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:57.051 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:57.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:57.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:57.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:57.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:57.052 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:57.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:57.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:57.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:57.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:57.054 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:57.181 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:57.744 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 26 -89 -8 248 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:33:57.783 6612 6795 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-02 21:33:58.049 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:58.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:58.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:58.050 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:58.051 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:58.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:58.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:58.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:58.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:58.052 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:58.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:58.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:58.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:58.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:58.054 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:58.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:58.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:58.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:58.055 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:58.055 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:58.201 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:58.202 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:58.203 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:58.203 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:58.204 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:58.244 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:58.244 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:58.314 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:58.314 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:58.314 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:58.315 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:58.355 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:58.355 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:58.505 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:58.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:58.589 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:58.592 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:58.592 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:58.593 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:58.633 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:58.633 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:58.680 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:58.680 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:58.680 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:58.681 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:58.721 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:58.721 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:58.872 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:33:59.051 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:59.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:59.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:59.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:59.052 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:59.052 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:59.053 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:59.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:59.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:59.054 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:59.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:59.055 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:59.055 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:59.055 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:59.055 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:59.055 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:33:59.056 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:33:59.056 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:33:59.056 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:33:59.057 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:33:59.167 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.167 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.169 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:33:59.169 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.170 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.210 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.210 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.215 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.215 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.215 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.216 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.256 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.256 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.389 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.389 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.391 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.392 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.431 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.431 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.505 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.505 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.505 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.508 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.546 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.585 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.585 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.646 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.646 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.646 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.648 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.687 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.687 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.699 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.699 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.699 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.700 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.700 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:59.739 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.739 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.786 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:33:59.787 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:33:59.787 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:33:59.788 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:33:59.788 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:33:59.828 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:33:59.828 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:33:59.978 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:00.000 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 10-02 21:34:00.000 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 10-02 21:34:00.009 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService BroadcastReceiver.intent action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 10-02 21:34:00.010 4367 4367 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver end 10-02 21:34:00.011 4367 4448 I Weather : UpdateService mBroadcastReceiver TIME_TICK finish 10-02 21:34:00.011 4367 4367 I Weather : onReceive. intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 10-02 21:34:00.012 4367 4367 I Weather : WeatherTctWidget onReceive(). intent action : android.intent.action.MINIWIDGET_UPDATE_TIME 10-02 21:34:00.014 4367 7461 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 10-02 21:34:00.017 4367 7461 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 10-02 21:34:00.021 4367 7462 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet is not null.locationKey : 2332593, index : 0 10-02 21:34:00.023 4367 7462 I Weather : WidgetUpdateAsyncTask queryWeather() weatherSet.restoreWeather true 10-02 21:34:00.305 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_protection state=Run cvir=40 cspt=0 cval=40 cerr=40 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.312 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=app_based_controller state=Run cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=0 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 251763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.999952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.312 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=50 cspt=0 cval=50 cerr=50 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.313 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=surface_comfort_controller state=Run cvir=38.014 cspt=0 cval=38.014 cerr=38.014 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 29446 12677 7006 722 156 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.116954 0.0503505 0.0278264 0.00286764 0.000619601 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.313 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.313 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=screen_based_controller state=Ready cvir=36.7794 cspt=0 cval=36.7794 cerr=36.7794 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 105598 43233 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.419414 0.171713 > 10-02 21:34:00.313 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_little_controller state=Run cvir=49 cspt=95 cval=-48.7984 cerr=-46 cint=-2.79839 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.314 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=pmic_controller state=Run cvir=48.876 cspt=73.6667 cval=-27.3381 cerr=-24.7907 cint=-2.54743 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00208333 kd=0 kb=0.00208333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.314 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_vbat state=Ready cvir=3701.89 cspt=0 cval=3701.89 cerr=3701.89 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 480 2539 5237 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00262139 0.00190646 0.0100844 0.0208003 > 10-02 21:34:00.314 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=ul_safety_controller state=Run cvir=56.678 cspt=0 cval=56.678 cerr=56.678 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.315 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=gpu_controller state=Run cvir=47 cspt=90 cval=-45.7587 cerr=-43 cint=-2.75872 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.000833333 kd=0 kb=0.000833333 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=17 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.315 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=battery_saver_controller state=Ready cvir=42 cspt=0 cval=42 cerr=42 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 777 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0.00308609 > 10-02 21:34:00.315 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=soc_thermal_controller state=Ready cvir=58 cspt=0 cval=58 cerr=58 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.316 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=slump_protection_imax state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.316 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=51 cspt=95 cval=-47.5142 cerr=-44 cint=-3.5142 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.317 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:virt,37.0909,36.678,38.014,42,40,50,49,47,50,47,48.876,3963.86,45,7699.28 10-02 21:34:00.317 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:temp,49,49,49,49,49,49,49,50,47,49,47,48,50,47,48.876,40,43,47,42,42,38 10-02 21:34:00.317 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:batt,3963.86,1136.23,3849.62,45,110.35 10-02 21:34:00.318 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:misc,1401.6,1401.6,1401.6,1401.6,1958.4,1958.4,1958.4,1958.4,266,0.03,0,4,15.2941,NaN,0,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 10-02 21:34:00.318 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:pow,1500,3000,4409.03,583.491,-4503.85,0,0,NaN 10-02 21:34:00.318 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:com,3749.37,4.85235,254.803,0,400,0 10-02 21:34:00.318 979 1407 D spfSlog : log:uc,0 10-02 21:34:00.318 979 1407 D spfSlog : <after > <ctrl node> name=sensor_logger_ctrl state=Run cvir=2 cspt=0 cval=2 cerr=2 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 125353 126388 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0.497877 0.501988 > 10-02 21:34:00.533 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:00.533 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:00.535 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:00.535 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:00.536 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:00.576 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:00.576 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:00.654 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:00.654 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:00.654 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:00.655 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:00.681 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:00.721 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:00.721 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:00.761 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38841) after 10000ms 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1$1.a(SourceFile:76) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.a(SourceFile:1032) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$1.call(SourceFile:39) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:34:00.762 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:34:00.771 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:00.772 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:00.772 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:00.773 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:00.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:00.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:00.818 979 1376 D spfSlog : SPFManager_t::interrupt[760] Pushing Virtual Sensor=qc_tsens6event 10-02 21:34:00.819 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=60 cspt=95 cval=-37.9196 cerr=-35 cint=-2.91956 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.819 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=60 cspt=0 cval=60 cerr=60 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:00.881 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:34:00.881 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:34:00.882 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:34:00.963 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:01.054 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:01.055 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:01.056 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:01.056 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:01.056 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:01.056 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:01.057 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:01.057 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:01.057 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:01.058 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:01.058 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:01.058 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:01.059 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:01.059 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:01.059 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:01.059 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:01.059 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:01.060 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:01.060 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:01.060 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:01.571 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:01.571 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:01.574 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:01.574 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:01.575 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.615 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:01.615 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:01.644 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:01.644 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:01.644 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:01.645 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.670 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.709 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:01.709 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:01.761 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:01.761 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:01.761 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:01.763 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.802 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:01.802 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:01.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:01.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:01.813 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:01.813 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.853 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:01.853 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:01.875 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:01.875 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:01.900 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:01.900 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:01.900 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:01.901 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.929 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:01.930 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:01.941 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:01.941 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:01.947 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:01.961 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:01.977 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:01.977 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:01.980 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:01.980 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:01.980 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:01.981 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:01.981 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:02.020 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:02.020 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:02.043 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:02.043 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:02.059 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:02.073 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:02.073 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:02.073 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:02.074 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:02.074 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:02.074 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:02.113 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:02.113 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:02.194 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:02.194 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:02.264 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:02.310 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:02.310 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:02.328 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:02.341 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:02.387 1105 13890 I WifiService: acquireWifiLock uid=10145 lockMode=3 10-02 21:34:02.388 1105 13890 I WifiService: releaseWifiLock uid=10145 10-02 21:34:03.058 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:03.059 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:03.059 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:03.060 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:03.060 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:03.060 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:03.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:03.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:03.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:03.061 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:03.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:03.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:03.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:03.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:03.062 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:03.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:03.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:03.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:03.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:03.064 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:03.218 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:03.218 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:03.221 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:03.221 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:03.222 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:03.262 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:03.262 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:03.305 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:03.305 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:03.305 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:03.307 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:03.346 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:03.346 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:03.375 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:03.375 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:03.375 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:03.377 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:03.416 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:03.416 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:03.485 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:03.485 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:03.485 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:03.486 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:03.526 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:03.526 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:03.676 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:03.932 1105 1350 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:34:03.932 1105 1350 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:34:03.932 1105 1350 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000 10-02 21:34:03.937 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:03.938 1105 1350 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for wifi 10-02 21:34:03.938 841 841 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:03.938 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 10-02 21:34:03.939 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 10-02 21:34:03.940 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:03.940 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:03.981 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:04.060 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:04.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:04.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:04.061 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:04.062 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:04.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:04.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:04.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:04.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:04.063 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:04.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:04.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:04.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:04.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:04.065 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:04.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:04.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:04.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:04.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:04.067 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:04.160 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:04.160 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:04.163 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:04.202 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:04.276 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:04.276 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:04.277 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:04.317 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:04.913 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 26 -89 -8 206 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:34:04.939 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 10-02 21:34:04.939 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:05.062 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:05.063 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:05.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:05.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:05.064 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:05.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:05.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:05.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:05.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:05.065 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:05.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:05.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:05.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:05.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:05.067 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:05.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:05.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:05.068 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:05.068 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:05.068 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:05.090 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:06.064 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:06.065 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:06.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:06.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:06.066 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:06.066 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:06.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:06.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:06.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:06.067 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:06.067 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:06.068 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:06.069 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:06.069 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:06.069 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:06.069 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:06.069 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:06.070 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:06.070 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:06.070 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:06.204 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:06.204 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:06.206 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:06.206 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:06.207 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:06.247 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:06.247 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:06.269 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:06.270 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:06.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:06.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:06.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:06.272 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:06.311 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:06.311 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:06.391 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:06.391 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:06.410 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:06.424 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:06.461 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:07.434 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:07.434 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:07.436 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:07.437 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:07.438 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:07.477 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:07.477 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:07.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:07.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:07.554 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:07.555 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:07.595 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:07.595 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:07.698 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:07.698 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:07.700 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:07.701 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:07.701 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:07.742 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:07.742 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:07.816 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:07.816 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:07.816 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:07.820 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:07.820 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:07.858 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:07.858 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:07.924 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:07.924 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:08.008 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:08.041 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:08.041 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:08.058 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:08.074 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:08.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.089 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.089 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.089 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.090 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.090 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.090 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.091 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.091 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.091 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.091 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.092 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.092 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.092 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.092 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.093 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.093 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.093 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.093 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.094 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.118 1105 2710 I WifiService: acquireWifiLock uid=10145 lockMode=3 10-02 21:34:08.119 1105 2710 I WifiService: releaseWifiLock uid=10145 10-02 21:34:08.165 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.165 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.167 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:08.167 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.168 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.208 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.208 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.258 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.258 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.258 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.259 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.299 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.299 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.326 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.326 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.326 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.328 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.367 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.367 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.460 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.460 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.460 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.461 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.494 861 2637 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatProvider: [onLocationChanged][71] [HS] =>>>> [HC] 10-02 21:34:08.495 1105 2325 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatProvider_jni: [onLocationChanged][225] [HC] <<= [HS] 10-02 21:34:08.501 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.501 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.524 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.524 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.524 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.525 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.565 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.565 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.593 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:08.593 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:08.634 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.634 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.634 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.636 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.639 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:08.639 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:08.668 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:08.675 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.675 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.681 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:08.681 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.681 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.681 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.683 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.707 2529 2529 D BBRY_HardwareUI: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:34:08.707 2529 2529 D BatteryEdge: Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL=45, BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE=100, batteryFullCounter=0 10-02 21:34:08.707 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-02 21:34:08.707 2529 2529 D temprature: temperatureProtect_on ---- do temperature protection 10-02 21:34:08.707 2529 2529 D ChargingWarning: plugged: true, status: 2, level: 45 10-02 21:34:08.707 2529 2529 D ShutdownWarning: plugged: true, health: 2, status: 2, level: 45, voltage: 3960, temperature: 400 10-02 21:34:08.708 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Handling battery event for level 45, (was/is)Charging: true/true 10-02 21:34:08.710 2529 2529 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 10-02 21:34:08.711 7799 7799 D BatteryCenterMonitoringService: Level did not change, not notifying BatteryLevelChangeEventListeners 10-02 21:34:08.712 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 10-02 21:34:08.712 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:34:08.712 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged() 10-02 21:34:08.712 6314 6377 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage() 10-02 21:34:08.722 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.722 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.723 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.724 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.725 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.725 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.725 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.725 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.726 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.727 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.727 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.728 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.728 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:08.729 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:08.729 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:08.729 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:08.730 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:08.772 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.772 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.772 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.773 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.797 979 1374 D spfSlog : SPFManager_t::interrupt[760] Pushing Virtual Sensor=qc_tsens5event 10-02 21:34:08.798 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=cpu_big_controller state=Run cvir=60 cspt=95 cval=-37.9246 cerr=-35 cint=-2.92459 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=back sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0.00104167 kd=0 kb=0.00104167 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-3 sh=22 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:08.799 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=msm_protection state=Run cvir=60 cspt=0 cval=60 cerr=60 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=60 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 0 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 0 0 > 10-02 21:34:08.799 979 1409 D spfSlog : <after> <ctrl node> name=vdd_restriction_controller state=Ready cvir=0 cspt=0 cval=0 cerr=0 cint=0 cder=0 sync=Y inWL=Y clevel=-1 WI=none sampling=30 pid_params=< kp=1 ki=0 kd=0 kb=0 kt=0 b=1 n=1 sl=-1e+21 sh=1e+21 > TIM@level=< 0 > TIM@level/DeviceUptime=< 0 > 10-02 21:34:08.807 979 1409 D spfSlog : log:virt,37.0578,36.3522,38.4505,43,40,60,52,48,60,47,49.162,3960.19,45,7716.34 10-02 21:34:08.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.812 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.821 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.821 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.821 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.822 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.823 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:08.862 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.862 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:08.918 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:08.918 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:08.918 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:08.919 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:08.919 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:08.959 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:08.959 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:09.048 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:09.048 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:09.109 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:09.161 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:09.161 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:09.177 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:09.191 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:10.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD loop_thread Enter! 10-02 21:34:10.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD loop_thread g_spi_speed=1000000,g_mode=1,g_isPinTest=0! 10-02 21:34:10.003 1021 1453 D FingerGoodix: [loop_thread ]ESD CHECK running! 10-02 21:34:10.070 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:10.071 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:10.071 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:10.071 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:10.072 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:10.072 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:10.072 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:10.073 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:10.073 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:10.073 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:10.073 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:10.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:10.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:10.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:10.075 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:10.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:10.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:10.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:10.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:10.076 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:10.342 4241 6255 W MdnsDeviceScannerEntry: Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0 10-02 21:34:10.343 1105 13890 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:34:10.343 1105 13890 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:34:10.344 1105 13890 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=10111 10-02 21:34:10.345 1105 13890 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to plenty.analisis.io/ (port 443) from / (port 38843) after 10000ms 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:130) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:129) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:356) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:357) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:616) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.g.a.a(SourceFile:73) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:245) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.c.a(SourceFile:165) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:257) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:135) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.g.a(SourceFile:114) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.b.a.intercept(SourceFile:42) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.a.intercept(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.j.intercept(SourceFile:126) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.a.a.intercept(SourceFile:213) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:147) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.internal.c.g.a(SourceFile:121) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.g(SourceFile:200) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at okhttp3.z.b(SourceFile:77) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.google.firebase.perf.network.FirebasePerfOkHttpClient.execute(Unknown Source:17) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.execute(SourceFile:180) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.execute(SourceFile:91) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2$1.a(SourceFile:102) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a.a(SourceFile:174) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.a(SourceFile:3032) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at com.kmklabs.plentycore.d.a$2.call(SourceFile:93) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 10-02 21:34:10.892 16579 16716 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-02 21:34:10.927 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:34:10.927 692 707 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:34:10.928 692 710 D Netd : Didn't find work network for 10131 10-02 21:34:11.056 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 26 -87 -8 252 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:34:11.071 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:11.072 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:11.072 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:11.072 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:11.073 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:11.073 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:11.073 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:11.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:11.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:11.074 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:11.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:11.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:11.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:11.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:11.075 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:11.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:11.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:11.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:11.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:11.076 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:11.255 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:11.255 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:11.258 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:11.258 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:11.259 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:11.298 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:11.298 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:11.324 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:11.324 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:11.324 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:11.325 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:11.365 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:11.365 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:11.493 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:11.493 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:11.495 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:11.496 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:11.536 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:11.536 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:11.566 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:11.566 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:11.615 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:11.615 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:11.615 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:11.616 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:11.623 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:11.623 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:11.646 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:11.656 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:11.656 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:11.660 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:11.806 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:11.989 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:11.989 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:11.991 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:11.991 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:11.992 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:12.031 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:12.031 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:12.088 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:12.088 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:12.088 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:12.089 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:12.129 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:12.129 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:12.180 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:12.180 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:12.180 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:12.181 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:12.181 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:12.221 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:12.221 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:12.278 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:12.278 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:12.278 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:12.280 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:12.280 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:12.319 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:12.319 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:12.407 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:12.407 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:12.469 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:12.517 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:12.517 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:12.533 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:12.547 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:12.597 1105 12492 I WifiService: acquireWifiLock uid=10145 lockMode=3 10-02 21:34:12.598 1105 12492 I WifiService: releaseWifiLock uid=10145 10-02 21:34:12.920 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:12.920 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:12.922 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:12.922 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:12.923 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:12.963 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:12.963 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:13.013 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:13.013 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:13.013 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:13.015 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:13.054 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:13.054 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:13.074 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:13.075 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:13.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:13.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:13.077 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:13.077 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:13.077 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:13.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:13.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:13.078 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:13.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:13.079 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:13.079 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:13.079 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:13.080 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:13.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:13.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:13.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:13.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:13.082 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:13.204 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:13.478 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:13.478 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:13.480 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:13.480 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:13.481 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:13.521 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:13.521 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:13.612 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:13.612 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:13.612 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:13.613 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:13.613 1105 2296 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader identical 1 line 10-02 21:34:13.614 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:13.653 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:13.653 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:13.697 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:13.697 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:13.697 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:13.738 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:13.738 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:13.888 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:13.921 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:13.922 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:13.923 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:13.923 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:13.924 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:13.924 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:13.945 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 10-02 21:34:13.946 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 10-02 21:34:13.987 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:14.031 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:14.031 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:14.068 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:14.068 1105 2296 D WindowManager: spaceKeyAnswerCallEnable 10-02 21:34:14.076 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:14.077 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:14.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:14.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:14.078 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:14.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:14.079 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:14.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:14.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:14.080 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:14.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:14.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:14.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:14.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:14.081 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:14.082 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:14.082 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:14.083 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:14.083 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:14.083 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:14.108 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:14.946 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 10-02 21:34:14.946 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:15.078 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:15.079 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:15.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:15.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:15.080 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:15.080 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:15.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:15.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:15.081 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:15.081 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:15.082 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:15.082 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:15.082 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:15.082 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:15.083 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:15.083 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:15.083 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:15.084 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:15.084 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:15.084 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:15.096 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:16.227 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:16.227 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:16.229 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:16.229 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:16.230 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:16.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:16.270 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:16.294 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:16.294 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:16.341 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:16.341 2529 2529 D StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped: false 10-02 21:34:16.358 2529 2529 I StatusBar: shouldPeek isIncall: false 10-02 21:34:16.372 2529 2529 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1 10-02 21:34:16.420 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:16.422 1105 2710 I WifiService: acquireWifiLock uid=10145 lockMode=3 10-02 21:34:16.423 1105 12492 I WifiService: releaseWifiLock uid=10145 10-02 21:34:17.024 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 5 10-02 21:34:17.091 6564 6564 W SpellChecker: Trying to spellcheck invalid region, from 0 to 4 10-02 21:34:17.199 2529 2740 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 2147483647 2147483647 -120 -1 -1 28 -88 -11 266 2147483647 0 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte level=5 10-02 21:34:17.336 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:34:17.336 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:34:17.348 2529 2529 D NotificationCategoryMerger: updateIcon2 index:5, key:Others, count:2 10-02 21:34:17.348 2529 2529 D Icon.Others: KEY:Others, visibility:true 10-02 21:34:17.948 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:17.949 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:17.950 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:17.951 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:17.952 1105 2296 D WindowManager: STK_UserActivity=0 10-02 21:34:17.983 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:34:17.983 6564 6564 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 10-02 21:34:17.991 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:17.991 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 10-02 21:34:18.083 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:18.084 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:18.084 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:18.084 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:18.085 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:18.085 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:18.085 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:18.086 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:18.086 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:18.086 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:18.086 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:18.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:18.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:18.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:18.087 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:18.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:18.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:18.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:18.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:18.089 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:18.142 841 6357 E [email protected]_lock: Release wakelock is released 10-02 21:34:18.522 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:18.522 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 10-02 21:34:18.525 841 6365 D [email protected]_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 10-02 21:34:18.525 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:18.526 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x0047 10-02 21:34:18.526 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0047 st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: UPPER_LAYER_DISCONNECT_RSP 10-02 21:34:18.526 841 841 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 10-02 21:34:18.526 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 10-02 21:34:18.567 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:19.001 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:19.001 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:19.042 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:19.051 6612 6766 D MSF.C.NetConnTag: netRecv ssoSeq:-1678017779 uin:*1983 cmd:-316037937 -1678017403 10-02 21:34:19.055 6564 6743 D Q.msg.TroopMsgProxy: insertToList MessageRecord=friendUin:9874senderuin:5467,istroop:1,msgType:-1000,time:1538487259,shmsgseq:410936 10-02 21:34:19.076 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:19.076 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:19.077 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x0046 10-02 21:34:19.077 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - LCID: 0x0046 st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: UPPER_LAYER_DISCONNECT_RSP 10-02 21:34:19.077 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_close: dev_handle = 0, app_id = 2 10-02 21:34:19.077 6314 6367 W bt_btif : bta_hh_co_close: Found an existing device with the same handle dev_status = 0, dev_handle =0 10-02 21:34:19.083 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:19.085 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:19.085 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:19.086 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:19.086 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:19.086 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:19.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:19.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:19.087 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:19.087 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:19.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:19.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:19.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:19.088 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:19.089 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:19.089 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: isVoWifiIcon = false 10-02 21:34:19.089 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; mVolteHDIconId = 2131232152; mSubId = 1 10-02 21:34:19.090 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: mVolteHDVisible = true; imsRadioTech = 14; mPhoneId = 0 10-02 21:34:19.090 2529 2529 I SignalClusterView: showVolteBasedRadio = false 10-02 21:34:19.090 2529 2529 D SignalClusterView: mWifiVisible is true 10-02 21:34:19.090 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x0, disallow_switch:0 10-02 21:34:19.092 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removing device Cherng’s Mac Pro due to epoll hang-up event. 10-02 21:34:19.092 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removed device: path=/dev/input/event9 name=Cherng’s Mac Pro id=14 fd=341 classes=0x8000000b 10-02 21:34:19.092 1105 2296 I InputReader: Device removed: id=14, name='Cherng’s Mac Pro', sources=0x00002103 10-02 21:34:19.093 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removing device '/dev/input/mouse0' due to inotify event 10-02 21:34:19.093 6314 6314 D HidService: MESSAGE_CONNECT_STATE_CHANGED newState:0, prevState:2 10-02 21:34:19.093 1105 2296 I EventHub: Removing device '/dev/input/event9' due to inotify event 10-02 21:34:19.093 6314 6314 D HidService: Connection state C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C: 2->0 10-02 21:34:19.099 2529 2740 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HID newProfileState 0 10-02 21:34:19.104 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 2 -> 0 10-02 21:34:19.104 6314 6314 W BluetoothAdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: unexpected transition for profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 2 -> 0 10-02 21:34:19.104 6314 6314 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C: 2 -> 0 10-02 21:34:19.104 6314 6314 W BluetoothAdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: unexpected transition for profile=4, device=C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C, 2 -> 0 10-02 21:34:19.108 19350 19350 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) EnqueueWork component=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService} jobId=1331018628 intent=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED dat= cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService (has extras) } 10-02 21:34:19.108 1105 1105 D CMBReceiver: action = android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED 10-02 21:34:19.118 6314 6326 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.120 19350 7472 I BBLbsApi: notifyConnectionEvent BLUETOOTH EXIT 10-02 21:34:19.121 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:19.125 19350 7472 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) BIND_SERVICE Intent { cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.services.places.PlacesService }; result = true 10-02 21:34:19.125 19350 7472 W BBLbsApi: (profile 0) Unable to bind to PlaceManager 10-02 21:34:19.132 19350 7474 I ProfileManager: (profile 0) UNBIND_SERVICE 10-02 21:34:19.135 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:34:19.136 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h56m15s392ms:-2d21h56m15s392ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:34:19.241 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 10-02 21:34:19.241 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 10-02 21:34:19.243 6314 6367 I bt_btm_sec: btm_sec_disconnected clearing pending flag handle:3 reason:19 10-02 21:34:19.243 6314 6367 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0 10-02 21:34:19.243 6314 6338 D bt_btif : btif_av_move_idle: Already in IDLE 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 D AvrcpBipRsp: onReceive 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 D AvrcpBipRsp: onReceive: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 D BluetoothMapService: onReceive 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 D BluetoothMapService: onReceive: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 E BluetoothMapService: Unexpected error! 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 D BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 10-02 21:34:19.245 6314 6314 D BluetoothPbapService: state: -2147483648 10-02 21:34:19.246 19350 19350 I UnifiedEmail: (profile 0) EnqueueWork component=ComponentInfo{com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService} jobId=1331018628 intent=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED dat= cmp=com.blackberry.infrastructure/com.blackberry.lbs.proximityservice.connection.ConnectionService (has extras) } 10-02 21:34:19.247 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.251 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.254 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.255 19350 7476 I BBLbsApi: (profile 0) BT conf: name: MY-CAR, mac address: 34:C7:31:64:D0:FF 10-02 21:34:19.255 6314 6441 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.255 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.256 19350 7476 I BBLbsApi: (profile 0) BT conf: name: Cherng’s Mac Pro, mac address: C8:E0:EB:5A:EA:9C 10-02 21:34:19.259 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.259 1105 1105 W ActivityManager: Unable to launch app com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/10148 for service Intent { cmp=com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService }: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme is restricted 10-02 21:34:19.259 1105 1105 D JobSchedulerService: Error executing JobStatus{3d92446 #u0a148/1 com.ss.android.ugc.aweme/com.ss.android.message.PushJobService u=0 s=10148 TIME=-2d21h56m15s515ms:-2d21h56m15s515ms PERIODIC PERSISTED READY} 10-02 21:34:19.261 6314 6330 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) Binder:6314_3 identical 2 lines 10-02 21:34:19.262 6314 6330 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@2cedda6 10-02 21:34:19.282 841 6365 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 10-02 21:34:19.463 3567 7367 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 10-02 21:34:19.464 3567 7367 E GCM : Connection closed with errorCode 20 10-02 21:34:19.464 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(288, false) by 10111 10-02 21:34:19.465 1105 27899 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: Forcing reevaluation for UID 10111 10-02 21:34:19.466 3567 7367 E WakeLock: GCM_CONN_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 10-02 21:34:19.468 1105 7477 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: PROBE_DNS www.google.com 2ms OK 10-02 21:34:19.530 1105 7477 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: PROBE_HTTPS https://www.google.com/generate_204 time=60ms ret=204 request={User-Agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36]} headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Alt-Svc=[quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="44,43,39,35"], Content-Length=[0], Date=[Tue, 02 Oct 2018 13:34:19 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1538487259530], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1538487259514]} 10-02 21:34:19.530 1105 7477 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: PROBE_HTTPS https://www.google.com/generate_204 time=62ms ret=204 10-02 21:34:19.531 1105 27899 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:34:19.531 1105 27899 D NetworkMonitor: MaybeNotifyState exit clear notification 288 10-02 21:34:19.532 1105 2312 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288] validation passed 10-02 21:34:19.532 1105 2307 D WorkWifiStoreData: setWorkConfigurations: Setting 0 work config(s) 10-02 21:34:19.532 1105 2307 D WorkWifiStoreData: setWorkConfigurations: WorkWifiStore: Total DO: 0 Total PO: 0 10-02 21:34:19.533 1105 2307 I WifiConfigStore: write: WorkWifiStore: mPoStore is null, not writing to PO work store 10-02 21:34:19.534 1105 2307 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10076 10-02 21:34:19.535 1105 2307 D WifiPermissionsUtil: Denied: no location permission 10-02 21:34:19.535 1105 2307 D WifiPermissionsUtil: Denied: The current config is not for an open network. 10-02 21:34:19.535 1105 2307 I WifiService: getDhcpInfo uid=10076 10-02 21:34:19.537 27894 7412 D ExternalSecurityService: detectDnsAndPhishing, return ->0 10-02 21:34:19.553 1105 7478 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: PROBE_DNS connectivitycheck.gstatic.com 87ms OK 10-02 21:34:19.594 27894 27894 D ExternalSecurityService: detectDnsAndPhishingResponse, N->1 retCode->17 10-02 21:34:19.594 1105 13890 D WifiStateMachine: detectDnsAndPhishingResponse = 17 bssid = XX:XX:XX:48:8e:3d 10-02 21:34:19.602 2647 2736 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyRatConnectionStatusChanged(rat = 1, CONNECTED) 10-02 21:34:19.603 1105 12492 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:34:19.603 1105 7719 I WifiService: getWifiApEnabledState uid=1000 10-02 21:34:19.603 1105 1318 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.tcl.ota.bb/com.tcl.ota.receiver.DownloadReceiver 10-02 21:34:19.604 1082 1082 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported here. 10-02 21:34:19.604 1082 1082 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported here. 10-02 21:34:19.604 6314 6314 D BluetoothVendorService: setWifiState to: true 10-02 21:34:19.605 6314 6314 I BluetoothVendorJni: setWifiStateNative 10-02 21:34:19.605 6314 6314 I bt_btif_vendor: setWifiState :1 10-02 21:34:19.605 3701 3701 V TmUpdateLibService: onStartCommand 10-02 21:34:19.606 1105 13890 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=10111 10-02 21:34:19.609 1105 1105 D CMBReceiver: action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 10-02 21:34:19.609 1105 1105 I WifiService: getWifiEnabledState uid=1000 10-02 21:34:19.609 1105 1105 I WifiService: getConnectionInfo uid=1000 10-02 21:34:19.609 1105 1105 D ModeManagerService: infos = null 10-02 21:34:19.637 1105 7478 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: PROBE_HTTP http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 time=83ms ret=204 request={User-Agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36]} headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Content-Length=[0], Date=[Tue, 02 Oct 2018 13:34:20 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1538487259636], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1538487259591]} 10-02 21:34:19.637 1105 7478 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 288]: PROBE_HTTP http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 time=84ms ret=204 10-02 21:34:20.077 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 10-02 21:34:20.077 841 6370 I [email protected]_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 1 edited: 1
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
這是我的 Sony Xperia L2,cpu 是很低階的 MTK。 log 出現頻率是你的 1/10 不到。gcin 的*倉頡如果開啟詞庫自動選字,是會比較吃 cpu,因為詞庫的資料量還不小。
10-03 07:54:20.629 1700 1810 E MFI-RDS : ( rds_mal_conn_init, 837) [RDS][rds_mal_conn_init] mdfx_conn_init_legacy gets NULLLLLLL!!!!! edited: 2
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