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Why is GB18030 important?

joined: 2008-01-21
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1subject: Why is GB18030 important?Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-02-09quote  

Why is GB18030 important?


Will GB18030 have a code page identifier?

54936 -> 我是 936 吐舌頭 (CP936 是原來簡中 Windows 的 code page)



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新竹, 台灣
2subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-02-09quote  
明顯是供檢查用。大笑為什麼沒有 3-byte,像 UTF-8
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3subject: Why is GB18030 important?Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-12-15quote  


Why is GB18030 important?


鏈結好像壞掉了,沒關係,經過 google 的結果是這樣的:

It is now illegal to sell products in China that do not conform to the standard.


Why GB 18030 is important

The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) government requires that all language-related products introduced into the Chinese marketplace must be able to function using all the characters in GB 18030. This includes the editing and processing of all the characters, and the ability to identify and output all the characters including minority characters. Compliance is exempt for products introduced prior to March 17, 2000. Any product (including upgrades) released between March 17, 2000 and August 31, 2001 must be updated to conform to the standard. Any product released on or after September 1, 2001 must be certified by one of the government-appointed groups. Non-compliance results in the inability to sell these products in the PRC. Does your product currently fit this category? If so, what steps can you take to correct it?


chtJokes 笑話
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